Code of Virginia
Chapter 24 - Surface Water Management Areas
§ 62.1-248. Permits

A. Any permit issued by the Board shall include a flow requirement appropriate for the protection of beneficial instream uses. In determining the level of flow in need of protection, the Board shall consider, among other things, recreational and aesthetic factors and the potential for substantial and long-term adverse impact on fish and wildlife found in that particular surface water management area. Should this determination indicate a need to restrict water withdrawal, the Board shall consider, among other things, the availability of alternative water supplies, the feasibility of water storage or other mitigation measures, and the socioeconomic impacts of such restrictions on the potentially affected water users and on the citizens of the Commonwealth in general.
In its permit decision, the Board shall attempt to balance offstream and instream water uses so that the welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth is maximized without imposing unreasonable burdens on any individual water user or water-using group. The decision to implement this balance may consist of approval of withdrawal without restriction, approval subject to conditions designed to protect instream uses from unacceptable adverse effects, or disapproval of the withdrawal.
Permit conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) maximum amounts which may be withdrawn, (ii) times of the day or year during which withdrawals may occur, and (iii) requirements for voluntary and mandatory conservation measures.
B. In considering whether to issue, modify, revoke, or deny a permit under this section, the Board shall consider:
1. The number of persons using a stream and the object, extent and necessity of their respective withdrawals or uses;
2. The nature and size of the stream;
3. The types of businesses or activities to which the various uses are related;
4. The importance and necessity of the uses claimed by permit applicants, or of the water uses of the area and the extent of any injury or detriment caused or expected to be caused to instream or offstream water uses;
5. The effects on beneficial uses; and
6. Any other relevant factors.
C. Permits shall be transferable among users, subject to approval by the Board.
D. In developing regulations governing the issuance of permits, the Board shall prioritize among types of users. Domestic and existing uses shall be given the highest priority in the issuance of permits for other beneficial uses. Included among existing uses shall be any projected use which has been relied upon in the development of an industrial project and for which a permit has been obtained by January 1, 1989, pursuant to § 404 of the Clean Water Act.
1989, c. 721.