Code of Virginia
Chapter 24 - Surface Water Management Areas
§ 62.1-243. Withdrawals for which surface water withdrawal permit not required

A. No surface water withdrawal permit shall be required for (i) any nonconsumptive use, (ii) any water withdrawal of less than 300,000 gallons in any single month, (iii) any water withdrawal from a farm pond collecting diffuse surface water and not situated on a perennial stream as defined in the United States Geological Survey 7.5-minute series topographic maps, (iv) any withdrawal in any area which has not been declared a surface water management area, or (v) any withdrawal from a wastewater treatment system permitted by the State Water Control Board or the Department of Energy.
B. No political subdivision or investor-owned water company permitted by the Department of Health shall be required to obtain a surface water withdrawal permit for:
1. Any withdrawal in existence on July 1, 1989; however, a permit shall be required in a declared surface water management area before the daily rate of any such existing withdrawal is increased beyond the maximum daily withdrawal made before July 1, 1989.
2. Any withdrawal not in existence on July 1, 1989, if the person proposing to make the withdrawal has received a § 401 certification from the State Water Control Board pursuant to the requirements of the Clean Water Act to install any necessary withdrawal structures and make such withdrawal; however, a permit shall be required in any surface water management area before any such withdrawal is increased beyond the amount authorized by the said certification.
3. Any withdrawal in existence on July 1, 1989, from an instream impoundment of water used for public water supply purposes; however, during periods when permit conditions in a surface water management area are in force under regulations adopted by the Board pursuant to § 62.1-249, and when the rate of flow of natural surface water into the impoundment is equal to or less than the average flow of natural surface water at that location, the Board may require the release of water from the impoundment at a rate not exceeding the existing rate of flow of natural surface water into the impoundment.
Withdrawals by a political subdivision or investor-owned water company permitted by the Department of Health shall be affected by subdivision 3 of subsection B only at the option of that political subdivision or investor-owned water company.
To qualify for any exemption in subsection B of this section, the political subdivision making the withdrawal, or the political subdivision served by an authority making the withdrawal, shall have instituted a water conservation program approved by the Board which includes: (i) use of water saving plumbing fixtures in new and renovated plumbing as provided under the Uniform Statewide Building Code; (ii) a water loss reduction program; (iii) a water use education program; and (iv) ordinances prohibiting waste of water generally and providing for mandatory water use restrictions, with penalties, during water shortage emergencies. The Board shall review all such water conservation programs to ensure compliance with (i) through (iv) of this paragraph.
C. No existing beneficial consumptive user shall be required to obtain a surface water withdrawal permit for:
1. Any withdrawal in existence on July 1, 1989; however, a permit shall be required in a declared surface water management area before the daily rate of any such existing withdrawal is increased beyond the maximum daily withdrawal made before July 1, 1989.
2. Any withdrawal not in existence on July 1, 1989, if the person proposing to make the withdrawal has received a § 401 certification from the State Water Control Board pursuant to the requirements of the Clean Water Act to install any necessary withdrawal structures and make such withdrawal; however, a permit shall be required in any surface water management area before any such withdrawal is increased beyond the amount authorized by the said certification.
To qualify for either exemption in subsection C of this section, the beneficial consumptive user shall have instituted a water management program approved by the Board which includes: (i) use of water-saving plumbing; (ii) a water loss reduction program; (iii) a water use education program; and (iv) mandatory reductions during water shortage emergencies. However, these reductions shall be on an equitable basis with other uses exempted under subsection B of this section. The Board shall review all such water management programs to ensure compliance with (i) through (iv) of this paragraph.
D. The Board shall issue certificates for any withdrawals exempted pursuant to subsections B and C of this section. Such certificates shall include conservation or management programs as conditions thereof.
1989, c. 721; 1993, c. 213; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 532.