Code of Virginia
Chapter 11 - Savings Institutions
§ 6.2-1205. Merger, consolidation or transfer of assets of insolvent or financially unstable savings institution; notice and hearing; final order; priorities; examinations of resulting institutions

A. As used in this section:
"Bank" or "savings institution" means institutions incorporated or established under the laws of (i) the Commonwealth, (ii) the United States, or (iii) any other state, which institutions' deposits are insured as required by this title for the issuance of a certificate of authority to do business.
"Insolvent" means that the current book value of liabilities is in excess of the current book value of assets.
B. If the Commission finds that (i) a state savings institution is insolvent, or, in its opinion, the financial stability of a state savings institution is threatened, (ii) the merger or consolidation of such state savings institution into another savings institution or into a bank is desirable for the protection of the stockholders, members or depositors of such association, and that such merger or consolidation is in the public interest, and (iii) an emergency exists, and if the board of directors of such state savings institution approves a plan of merger or consolidation of such savings institution into another savings institution or bank, compliance with the requirements of § 13.1-718 or 13.1-895 shall be dispensed with as to such state savings institution. In such event, the approval by the Commission of such plan of merger or consolidation shall be the equivalent of approval by the holders of more than two-thirds of the outstanding shares of such state savings institution for all purposes of Article 12 (§ 13.1-715.1 et seq.) of Chapter 9 of Title 13.1 or the approval of two-thirds of the members for all purposes of Article 11 (§ 13.1-893.1 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of Title 13.1.
C. If the Commission finds that (i) a state savings institution is insolvent, or in its opinion, the financial stability of a state savings institution is threatened, (ii) the acquisition of the assets and liabilities of such savings institution by another savings institution or by a bank is in the best interests of the stockholders, members or depositors of such state savings institution, and that such acquisition of the assets and liabilities is in the public interest, and (iii) an emergency exists, it may, with the consent of the board of directors of both institutions as to the terms and conditions of such transfer, including the assumption of all or certain liabilities, enter an order transferring some or all of the assets and liabilities of such state savings institution to such other savings institution or bank. In such event, compliance with the provisions of § 13.1-723, 13.1-724, 13.1-899, or 13.1-900 shall not be required, and § 13.1-730 shall not be applicable to such transfer.
D. In the case either of such a merger, consolidation or a transfer of assets and liabilities, the Commission shall provide that prompt notice of its findings, and plan of merger, consolidation or transfer of assets and liabilities, be sent to the stockholders or members of record of such insolvent savings institution or savings institution threatened with financial instability for the purpose of providing such shareholders or members an opportunity to challenge the findings of the Commission and the plan of merger, consolidation or transfer of assets and liabilities. The relevant books and records of such state savings institution shall remain intact and be made available to such shareholders or members for a period of 30 days after such notice is sent. The Commission's findings and plan of merger, consolidation or transfer of assets and liabilities shall become final if a hearing before the Commission is not requested by any such shareholder or member in a written request delivered to the Commission within 15 days after the notice specified by this section is sent. Any such request for a hearing shall contain a statement of the specific grounds for such shareholder's or member's challenge to the Commissioner's findings and plan of merger, or consolidation or transfer of assets and liabilities.
E. If, after a hearing as provided in subsection D, the Commission finds that good cause has been shown for the reversal or modification of its initial findings, or for rescission or modification of its initial plan for merger, consolidation or transfer of assets and liabilities, the Commission shall enter its final order accordingly. If, after such hearing, the Commission affirms its original findings and plan for merger, or consolidation or transfer of assets and liabilities, its order shall be final.
F. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any institution resulting from a merger, consolidation or a transfer of assets and liabilities under the provisions of this section shall have the right to retain and operate all offices of the institution so merged, consolidated or acquired that were in operation at the time of such merger, or consolidation or acquisition. This section shall not be construed to allow the establishment of additional branches by any institution resulting from such merger, consolidation or transfer than would otherwise be allowed by the laws of the Commonwealth.
G. The Commission shall authorize transactions under this section in the following order of priority:
1. Between financial institutions of the same type located within the Commonwealth;
2. Between financial institutions of different types located within the Commonwealth;
3. Between financial institutions of the same type including depository institutions located outside the Commonwealth; and
4. Between financial institutions of different types including depository institutions located outside the Commonwealth.
H. In considering transactions involving financial institutions located outside the Commonwealth, the Commission shall give priority to plans of merger, consolidation or asset acquisition involving financial institutions located in states adjoining the Commonwealth or located in the District of Columbia.
I. Any institution resulting from a transaction authorized by this section whose main office is located outside of the Commonwealth shall, as a condition of being able to do business in the Commonwealth, allow the Commission to examine such institution from time to time as the Commission deems necessary. In conducting such examinations, the Commission shall have all of the powers provided by this title relating to the examination of financial institutions.
J. The provisions of Article 5 (§ 6.2-1148 et seq.) of this chapter shall not apply to mergers, consolidations, and acquisitions authorized by the provisions of this section.
1983, c. 450, § 6.1-195.70:2; 1985, c. 425, § 6.1-194.88; 1991, c. 230, § 6.1-194.150; 1994, c. 353; 2005, c. 765; 2010, c. 794.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 6.2 - Financial Institutions and Services

Chapter 11 - Savings Institutions

§ 6.2-1100. Definitions

§ 6.2-1101. Construction and application of chapter

§ 6.2-1102. Associations operating share accumulation loan plans; continued operation

§ 6.2-1103. Prohibitions on conduct of savings institution business; exceptions; penalty

§ 6.2-1104. False statements and similar actions prohibited; penalty

§ 6.2-1105. Use of savings institution name, logo, or symbol for marketing purposes; penalty

§ 6.2-1106. Prohibitions on the use of certain terms; exceptions; penalty

§ 6.2-1107. Defamation of savings institutions and certain federal agencies prohibited; penalty

§ 6.2-1108. Membership in Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation authorized; insurance required as a condition to receiving deposits; representations that accounts are insured; misleading advertisements

§ 6.2-1109. Representations that accounts are insured; misleading advertisements

§ 6.2-1110. Membership in facilitating organizations or instrumentalities

§ 6.2-1111. Authority to purchase, convey or manage property in which state savings institution has a security interest; time limitation

§ 6.2-1112. Applicability of Virginia Uniform Commercial Code to commercial paper and depository activities of savings institutions

§ 6.2-1113. Discoverability or admissibility of compliance review committee documents

§ 6.2-1114. Application of Virginia Stock Corporation Act and Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act

§ 6.2-1115. Formation of state savings institutions

§ 6.2-1116. Corporation name

§ 6.2-1117. Par value of shares; payment of shares; reacquisitions of shares or acceptance thereof as security; how subscriptions to stock to be paid; disposition of money received before institution opens; stock option plans

§ 6.2-1118. Certificate of authority to do business

§ 6.2-1119. Commissions and other fees for sale of stock not permitted

§ 6.2-1120. Minimum capital requirement

§ 6.2-1121. Board of directors

§ 6.2-1122. Meetings of board of directors

§ 6.2-1123. Notice of meetings of members; determining members entitled to notice or to vote

§ 6.2-1124. Voting rights; proxies

§ 6.2-1125. Access to books and records; communication with members

§ 6.2-1126. Audit of savings institution; report

§ 6.2-1127. Bonds of officers and employees

§ 6.2-1128. Loans to executive officers or directors

§ 6.2-1129. Overdrafts by savings institution officers, directors or employees

§ 6.2-1130. Reserves; surplus and undivided profits

§ 6.2-1131. Liability of members of mutual savings institutions

§ 6.2-1132. Mutual capital certificates

§ 6.2-1133. Offices and other facilities of state and foreign savings institutions; approval of branch offices required

§ 6.2-1134. Facilities associated with branch office

§ 6.2-1135. Change of branch office location

§ 6.2-1136. Remote service units

§ 6.2-1137. Off premises financial services

§ 6.2-1138. Suspension of business during actual or threatened emergency

§ 6.2-1139. Conversion from mutual savings institution to stock institution

§ 6.2-1140. Reorganization of mutual association into mutual holding company; approval by Commissioner; powers; issuance of stock

§ 6.2-1141. Conversion of state savings institution into federal financial institution

§ 6.2-1142. Conversion of federal financial institution into state savings institution or state bank

§ 6.2-1143. Conversion from state savings bank to state association; conversion from state association to state savings bank

§ 6.2-1144. Conversion from stock savings institution to bank

§ 6.2-1145. Merger or consolidation of savings institutions

§ 6.2-1146. State association or association holding company acquiring bank; association acquired by bank or bank holding company; merger or consolidation of association and bank

§ 6.2-1147. Acquisition of control of state stock institution requires Commission approval

§ 6.2-1148. Definitions

§ 6.2-1149. Foreign savings institutions; certificate of authority

§ 6.2-1150. When operation of foreign savings institution in the Commonwealth is prohibited

§ 6.2-1151. Applicability of Virginia Stock and Nonstock Corporation Acts

§ 6.2-1152. Law applicable to contracts of foreign savings institutions

§ 6.2-1153. Examination and supervision of foreign savings institutions

§ 6.2-1154. Revocation of certificate of authority of foreign savings institution

§ 6.2-1155. Unapproved foreign savings institutions

§ 6.2-1156. Activities that are not considered "doing business."

§ 6.2-1157. Acquisitions by out-of-state savings institution holding company

§ 6.2-1158. Acquisitions by out-of-state savings institution

§ 6.2-1159. Investigation of application; prescribed investigation period; shortening, lengthening or waiving of period; hearing; appeals

§ 6.2-1160. Notice of intent to acquire out-of-state savings institution

§ 6.2-1161. Applicable laws and regulations; enforcement by Commission

§ 6.2-1162. Periodic reports; interstate agreements

§ 6.2-1163. Application of article to bank or bank holding company

§ 6.2-1164. Acquisitions of state savings bank or holding companies by out-of-state financial institutions

§ 6.2-1165. Nonseverability

§ 6.2-1166. Accounts of state savings institutions

§ 6.2-1167. Rules governing withdrawal

§ 6.2-1168. Redemption

§ 6.2-1169. Accounts of savings institutions as legal investments and as security

§ 6.2-1170. Deposits of federal taxes and U.S. Treasury tax and loan accounts

§ 6.2-1171. Accounts under federal Self-Employed Individuals Tax Retirement Act and federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-406, 88 Stat. 829)

§ 6.2-1172. Accounts issued in name of minor

§ 6.2-1173. Powers of attorney on accounts

§ 6.2-1174. Accounts of deceased or incompetent persons

§ 6.2-1175. Repealed

§ 6.2-1176. Accounts of fiduciaries

§ 6.2-1177. Savings institution need not inquire as to fiduciary funds deposited in fiduciary's personal account

§ 6.2-1178. Accounts held by various trustees for same beneficiary

§ 6.2-1179. Real estate loans; required investment

§ 6.2-1180. Appraisals; loan-to-value ratios

§ 6.2-1181. Initial repayments on real estate loans

§ 6.2-1182. Adjustable real estate loans

§ 6.2-1183. Special provisions for home loans

§ 6.2-1184. Dealing with successors in interest

§ 6.2-1185. Trustees on loans secured by deed of trust

§ 6.2-1186. General investment authority of state savings institutions

§ 6.2-1187. Investment authority of state savings banks

§ 6.2-1188. Effect of repeal or amendment of statute or regulation on existing loan or investment

§ 6.2-1189. Limitation on liability of savings institutions making loans for certain purposes

§ 6.2-1190. Perfection of certain security interests

§ 6.2-1191. General supervisory powers of Commission

§ 6.2-1192. Regulations

§ 6.2-1193. Statements to be furnished by Commission to directors of savings institutions

§ 6.2-1194. State savings institutions to furnish financial statements and reports

§ 6.2-1195. Examination of state savings institutions and affiliates by Commissioner; report of examination

§ 6.2-1196. Access to books and evidence of debt; examination of directors, officers, and employees under oath

§ 6.2-1197. False statements; penalty

§ 6.2-1198. Audits

§ 6.2-1199. Powers of Commission in case of nonobservance of law, noncompliance with orders, insufficient reserves or insolvency; appointment of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver

§ 6.2-1200. Removal of director or officer; appeal; penalty for acting after removal

§ 6.2-1201. Special examinations

§ 6.2-1202. Fees for supervision and regulation; investigations

§ 6.2-1203. Examination of persons believed to be doing business without authority; doing business without authority; penalty

§ 6.2-1204. Compliance by savings institution holding companies with federal regulations constitutes compliance with Commission regulations

§ 6.2-1205. Merger, consolidation or transfer of assets of insolvent or financially unstable savings institution; notice and hearing; final order; priorities; examinations of resulting institutions