Code of Virginia
Chapter 22 - Virginia Fuels Tax Act
§ 58.1-2217. Taxes levied; rate

A. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) There is hereby levied an excise tax on gasoline and gasohol as follows:
1. On and after July 1, 2020, but before July 1, 2021, the rate shall be 21.2 cents per gallon;
2. On and after July 1, 2021, but before July 1, 2022, the rate shall be 26.2 cents per gallon; and
3. On and after July 1, 2022, the rate shall be adjusted annually based on the greater of (i) the change in the United States Average Consumer Price Index for all items, all urban consumers (CPI-U), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the U.S. Department of Labor for the previous year or (ii) zero.
A. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) There is hereby levied an excise tax on gasoline and gasohol at a rate of 16.2 cents per gallon.
B. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) There is hereby levied an excise tax on diesel fuel as follows:
1. On and after July 1, 2020, but before July 1, 2021, the rate shall be 20.2 cents per gallon;
2. On and after July 1, 2021, but before July 1, 2022, the rate shall be 27 cents per gallon; and
3. On and after July 1, 2022, the rate shall be adjusted annually based on the greater of (i) the change in the United States Average Consumer Price Index for all items, all urban consumers (CPI-U), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the U.S. Department of Labor for the previous year or (ii) zero.
B. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2020, cc. 1230 and 1275) There is hereby levied an excise tax on diesel fuel at a rate of 20.2 cents per gallon.
C. Blended fuel that contains gasoline shall be taxed at the rate levied on gasoline. Blended fuel that contains diesel fuel shall be taxed at the rate levied on diesel fuel.
D. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of five cents per gallon on aviation gasoline. Any person, whether or not licensed under this chapter, who uses, acquires for use, sells or delivers for use in highway vehicles any aviation gasoline shall be liable for the tax at the rate levied on gasoline and gasohol, along with any penalties and interest that may accrue.
E. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of five cents per gallon on aviation jet fuel purchased or acquired for use by a user of aviation fuel other than an aviation consumer. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of five cents per gallon upon the first 100,000 gallons of aviation jet fuel, excluding bonded aviation jet fuel, purchased or acquired for use by any aviation consumer in any fiscal year. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of one-half cent per gallon on all aviation jet fuel, excluding bonded aviation jet fuel, purchased or acquired for use by an aviation consumer in excess of 100,000 gallons in any fiscal year. Any person, whether or not licensed under this chapter, who uses, acquires for use, sells or delivers for use in highway vehicles any aviation jet fuel taxable under this chapter shall be liable for the tax imposed at the rate levied on diesel fuel, along with any penalties and interest that may accrue.
F. In accordance with § 62.1-44.34:13, a storage tank fee is imposed on each gallon of gasoline, aviation gasoline, diesel fuel (including dyed diesel fuel), blended fuel, and heating oil sold and delivered or used in the Commonwealth.
2000, cc. 729, 758; 2007, c. 896; 2013, c. 766; 2019, c. 854; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 58.1 - Taxation

Chapter 22 - Virginia Fuels Tax Act

§ 58.1-2200. Title; nature of tax

§ 58.1-2201. Definitions

§ 58.1-2202. Regulations; forms

§ 58.1-2203. Exchange of information; penalties

§ 58.1-2204. Persons required to be licensed

§ 58.1-2205. Types of importers; qualification for license as an importer

§ 58.1-2206. Persons who may obtain a license

§ 58.1-2207. Restrictions on qualification for license as a distributor

§ 58.1-2208. License application procedure

§ 58.1-2209. Supplier election to collect tax on out-of-state removals

§ 58.1-2210. Permissive supplier election to collect tax on out-of-state removals

§ 58.1-2211. Bond or certificate of deposit requirements

§ 58.1-2212. Grounds for denial of license

§ 58.1-2213. Issuance of license

§ 58.1-2214. Notice of discontinuance, sale or transfer of business

§ 58.1-2215. License cancellation

§ 58.1-2216. Records and lists of license applicants and licensees

§ 58.1-2217. Taxes levied; rate

§ 58.1-2217.1. Repealed

§ 58.1-2218. Point of imposition of motor fuels tax

§ 58.1-2219. Liability for tax on removals from a terminal

§ 58.1-2220. Liability for tax on imports

§ 58.1-2221. Repealed

§ 58.1-2222. Liability for tax on blended fuel

§ 58.1-2223. Liability for tax on fuel transferred within terminal transfer system

§ 58.1-2224. Tax on unaccounted for motor fuel losses; liability

§ 58.1-2225. Backup tax; liability

§ 58.1-2226. Exemptions from tax

§ 58.1-2227. Sales of aviation jet fuel to licensed aviation consumers

§ 58.1-2228. Exempt access cards; exempt access codes

§ 58.1-2229. Removals by out-of-state bulk user

§ 58.1-2230. When tax return and payment are due

§ 58.1-2231. Remittance of tax to supplier

§ 58.1-2232. Notice of cancellation or reissuance of licenses; effect of notice

§ 58.1-2233. Deductions; percentage discount

§ 58.1-2234. Monthly reconciling returns

§ 58.1-2235. Information required on return filed by supplier

§ 58.1-2236. Deductions and discounts allowed a supplier when filing a return

§ 58.1-2237. Duties of supplier as trustee

§ 58.1-2238. Returns and discounts of importers

§ 58.1-2239. Returns and discounts of aviation consumers

§ 58.1-2240. Informational returns of terminal operators

§ 58.1-2241. Informational returns of motor fuel transporters

§ 58.1-2242. Return of distributors and certain other licensees; exports

§ 58.1-2243. Use of name and account number on return

§ 58.1-2244. Persons required to be licensed

§ 58.1-2245. License application procedure

§ 58.1-2246. Bond or certificate of deposit requirements

§ 58.1-2247. Issuance, denial or cancellation of license

§ 58.1-2248. Notice of discontinuance, sale or transfer of business

§ 58.1-2249. Tax on alternative fuel

§ 58.1-2250. Exemptions from tax

§ 58.1-2251. Liability for tax; filing returns; payment of tax

§ 58.1-2252. Remittance of tax to provider of alternative fuel

§ 58.1-2253. Notice to providers of alternative fuel of cancellation or reissuance of certain licenses; effect of notice

§ 58.1-2254. Exempt sale deduction

§ 58.1-2255. Returns and payments by bulk users and retailers of alternative fuel; storage

§ 58.1-2256. Deductions and discounts for providers of alternative fuel filing returns

§ 58.1-2257. Duties of provider of alternative fuel as trustee

§ 58.1-2258. Use of name and account number on return

§ 58.1-2259. Fuel uses eligible for refund of taxes paid for motor fuels

§ 58.1-2260. Refund of taxes erroneously or illegally collected

§ 58.1-2261. Refund procedure; investigations

§ 58.1-2262. Payment of refund

§ 58.1-2263. Shipping documents; transportation of motor fuel loaded at a terminal rack or bulk plant rack; civil penalty

§ 58.1-2264. Repealed

§ 58.1-2265. Improper sale or use of untaxed fuel; civil penalty

§ 58.1-2266. Late filing or payment; civil penalty

§ 58.1-2267. Refusal to allow inspection or taking of fuel sample; civil penalty

§ 58.1-2268. Engaging in business without a license; civil penalty

§ 58.1-2268.1. Preventing a person from obtaining a license; civil penalty

§ 58.1-2269. False or fraudulent return; civil penalty

§ 58.1-2270. Failure to keep or retain records; civil penalty

§ 58.1-2271. Payment of civil penalties; disposition; waiver

§ 58.1-2272. Prohibited acts; criminal penalties

§ 58.1-2273. Willful commission of prohibited acts; criminal penalties

§ 58.1-2274. Unlawful importing, transportation, delivery, storage, acquiring or sale of fuel; sale to enforce assessment

§ 58.1-2275. Record-keeping requirements

§ 58.1-2276. Inspection of records

§ 58.1-2277. Administrative authority

§ 58.1-2278. Equipment requirements

§ 58.1-2279. Marking requirements for dyed diesel fuel storage facilities

§ 58.1-2280. Estimates of fuel subject to tax; assessments; notice of assessment

§ 58.1-2281. Application to Commissioner for correction

§ 58.1-2282. Appeal of Commissioner's decisions

§ 58.1-2283. Jeopardy assessment

§ 58.1-2284. Memorandum of lien for collection of taxes

§ 58.1-2285. Period of limitations

§ 58.1-2286. Waiver of time limitation on assessment of taxes

§ 58.1-2287. Suits to recover taxes

§ 58.1-2288. Liability of corporate or partnership officer; penalty

§ 58.1-2289. Disposition of tax revenue generally

§ 58.1-2290. Repealed

§ 58.1-2290.1. Repealed