Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 56-44. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 1996, cc. 114 and 157.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

§ 56-1. Definitions

§ 56-1.1. Designation as public service corporation

§ 56-1.2. Persons, localities, and school boards not designated as public utility, public service corporation, etc.

§ 56-1.2:1. Retail sale of electricity in connection with the provision of electric vehicle charging service

§ 56-1.3. Regulation of Voice-over-Internet protocol service

§ 56-2. Public service corporations, etc., governed by provisions of this title

§ 56-3. Expenses prior to organization

§ 56-4. Repealed

§ 56-5. Triple damages for injury to property of public service corporation

§ 56-5.1. Repealed

§ 56-6. Remedies of persons aggrieved by public service corporation's violation of law

§ 56-7. Common law, etc., remedies not altered or abridged

§ 56-8. Repeal of charter

§ 56-8.1. Free services to members of General Assembly and others prohibited

§ 56-8.2. Appeals in rate cases

§ 56-9. Sale of public service corporation under deed of trust; how purchaser may form new corporation

§ 56-10. Effect of such sale; date for meeting of stockholders

§ 56-11. Debts and claims against corporation so sold

§ 56-12. Works and property sold under court decree subject to provisions of three preceding sections

§ 56-13. Effect of dissolution of public service corporation

§ 56-14. Streets, etc., of city or town not to be occupied without its consent; compensation

§ 56-15. (Effective until October 1, 2021) Permits to place poles, wires, etc., in roads and streets in certain counties; charge therefor

§ 56-15. Permits to place poles, wires, etc., in roads and streets in certain counties; charge therefor

§ 56-16. Wagonways to be constructed across roads, railroads, canals, and other works; enforcement

§ 56-16.1. Telephone, telegraph or electric power lines crossing railroads

§ 56-16.2. Public utility lines crossing railroads

§ 56-17. Right of one public service corporation to cross the works of another; cost

§ 56-18. Submission of plans for such crossing

§ 56-19. Contest by company whose works are crossed

§ 56-20. Payment for damage occasioned by crossing works of public service corporations

§ 56-21. When work on crossing works of public service corporation to proceed; no injunction to be awarded

§ 56-22. Change of course of railroad, etc., to avoid crossings

§ 56-23. Crossing of highway by public service corporation

§ 56-24. Effect of crossing on highway

§ 56-25. Manner of construction of crossing

§ 56-26. Cost of crossing

§ 56-27. Applications required for crossings

§ 56-28. Contest by county or Commissioner of Highways

§ 56-29. Change of course of highway to avoid crossings

§ 56-30. Payment of damages occasioned by crossing highway

§ 56-31. When work of crossing highway to proceed

§ 56-32. Limitation on crossing rights if altering, closing or obstructing highway or stream involved

§ 56-33. Duty of corporation whose wires cross other works

§ 56-34. General Assembly may require connections between public service corporations

§ 56-35. Regulation of public service companies

§ 56-36. Inspection of books and documents; special reports; rules and regulations to prevent unjust discrimination

§ 56-37. Regulation of services performed under municipal or county franchise

§ 56-38. Adjustment of claims and controversies

§ 56-39. Repealed

§ 56-40. Reduction of rates and charges

§ 56-41. Repealed

§ 56-41.1. Rates and charges for use of poles by telephone cooperatives, mutual telephone associations and small investor-owned telephone utilities

§ 56-42. Repealed

§ 56-43. Examination of public service company; notice; fines and penalties

§ 56-44. Repealed

§ 56-46.1. Commission to consider environmental, economic and improvements in service reliability factors in approving construction of electrical utility facilities; approval required for construction of certain electrical transmission lines; notice...

§ 56-46.2. Construction of electrical transmission lines

§ 56-46.3. Foreign utility companies; penalties