Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 56-25. Manner of construction of crossing

Such crossing shall be supported by such permanent and proper structures and fixtures, and shall be controlled by such customary and approved appliances, methods, and regulations as will best secure the safe passage and transportation of persons and property at and along the state highway or county road along the line of the public service corporation, and will not be injurious to the highway or road to be crossed. If an underpass or overhead or grade crossing be provided for the state highway or county road, it shall be constructed with proper approaches and proper drainage of the approaches and underpass or overhead or grade crossing, so that the road therein may be safe, convenient and dry.
Code 1919, § 3885; 1920, p. 411.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

§ 56-1. Definitions

§ 56-1.1. Designation as public service corporation

§ 56-1.2. Persons, localities, and school boards not designated as public utility, public service corporation, etc.

§ 56-1.2:1. Retail sale of electricity in connection with the provision of electric vehicle charging service

§ 56-1.3. Regulation of Voice-over-Internet protocol service

§ 56-2. Public service corporations, etc., governed by provisions of this title

§ 56-3. Expenses prior to organization

§ 56-4. Repealed

§ 56-5. Triple damages for injury to property of public service corporation

§ 56-5.1. Repealed

§ 56-6. Remedies of persons aggrieved by public service corporation's violation of law

§ 56-7. Common law, etc., remedies not altered or abridged

§ 56-8. Repeal of charter

§ 56-8.1. Free services to members of General Assembly and others prohibited

§ 56-8.2. Appeals in rate cases

§ 56-9. Sale of public service corporation under deed of trust; how purchaser may form new corporation

§ 56-10. Effect of such sale; date for meeting of stockholders

§ 56-11. Debts and claims against corporation so sold

§ 56-12. Works and property sold under court decree subject to provisions of three preceding sections

§ 56-13. Effect of dissolution of public service corporation

§ 56-14. Streets, etc., of city or town not to be occupied without its consent; compensation

§ 56-15. (Effective until October 1, 2021) Permits to place poles, wires, etc., in roads and streets in certain counties; charge therefor

§ 56-15. Permits to place poles, wires, etc., in roads and streets in certain counties; charge therefor

§ 56-16. Wagonways to be constructed across roads, railroads, canals, and other works; enforcement

§ 56-16.1. Telephone, telegraph or electric power lines crossing railroads

§ 56-16.2. Public utility lines crossing railroads

§ 56-17. Right of one public service corporation to cross the works of another; cost

§ 56-18. Submission of plans for such crossing

§ 56-19. Contest by company whose works are crossed

§ 56-20. Payment for damage occasioned by crossing works of public service corporations

§ 56-21. When work on crossing works of public service corporation to proceed; no injunction to be awarded

§ 56-22. Change of course of railroad, etc., to avoid crossings

§ 56-23. Crossing of highway by public service corporation

§ 56-24. Effect of crossing on highway

§ 56-25. Manner of construction of crossing

§ 56-26. Cost of crossing

§ 56-27. Applications required for crossings

§ 56-28. Contest by county or Commissioner of Highways

§ 56-29. Change of course of highway to avoid crossings

§ 56-30. Payment of damages occasioned by crossing highway

§ 56-31. When work of crossing highway to proceed

§ 56-32. Limitation on crossing rights if altering, closing or obstructing highway or stream involved

§ 56-33. Duty of corporation whose wires cross other works

§ 56-34. General Assembly may require connections between public service corporations

§ 56-35. Regulation of public service companies

§ 56-36. Inspection of books and documents; special reports; rules and regulations to prevent unjust discrimination

§ 56-37. Regulation of services performed under municipal or county franchise

§ 56-38. Adjustment of claims and controversies

§ 56-39. Repealed

§ 56-40. Reduction of rates and charges

§ 56-41. Repealed

§ 56-41.1. Rates and charges for use of poles by telephone cooperatives, mutual telephone associations and small investor-owned telephone utilities

§ 56-42. Repealed

§ 56-43. Examination of public service company; notice; fines and penalties

§ 56-44. Repealed

§ 56-46.1. Commission to consider environmental, economic and improvements in service reliability factors in approving construction of electrical utility facilities; approval required for construction of certain electrical transmission lines; notice...

§ 56-46.2. Construction of electrical transmission lines

§ 56-46.3. Foreign utility companies; penalties