Code of Virginia
Chapter 10 - Heat, Light, Power, Water and Other Utility Companies Generally
§ 56-251. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 1974, c. 478.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 10 - Heat, Light, Power, Water and Other Utility Companies Generally

§ 56-232. Public utility and schedules defined

§ 56-232.1. Regulation of service by certain gas pipeline companies to municipalities

§ 56-232.2. Regulation of compressed natural gas service

§ 56-232.2:1. Regulation of electric vehicle charging service

§ 56-232.3. Regulation of service by certain gas distribution companies to federal, state and local governmental facilities

§ 56-233. Service defined

§ 56-233.1. Public utilities purchasing practices

§ 56-234. Duty to furnish adequate service at reasonable and uniform rates

§ 56-234.1. Liability to customer for violation of duty to determine and charge lowest rate applicable

§ 56-234.2. Review of rates

§ 56-234.3. Approval of expenditures for and monitoring of new generation facilities and projected operation programs of electric utilities

§ 56-234.4. Authority to investigate utility operations to determine efficiency

§ 56-234.5. Required disclosure by certain officers and directors of certain utilities

§ 56-235. When Commission may fix rates, schedules, etc.; conformance with chapter

§ 56-235.1. Conservation of energy and capital resources

§ 56-235.1:1. Rates for stand-by electric service at renewable cogeneration facilities

§ 56-235.1:2. Costs of using small, women-owned, or minority-owned businesses

§ 56-235.2. All rates, tolls, etc., to be just and reasonable to jurisdictional customers; findings and conclusions to be set forth; alternative forms of regulation for electric companies

§ 56-235.3. Procedures for investigation of rate applications

§ 56-235.4. Prohibition of multiple rate increases within any twelve-month period; exception

§ 56-235.5. Telephone regulatory alternatives

§ 56-235.5:1. Local exchange telephone service competition policy

§ 56-235.6. Optional performance-based regulation of certain utilities

§ 56-235.7. Jurisdiction of Commission when federal governmental facility ceases to be retail customer of electric utility

§ 56-235.8. Retail supply choice for natural gas customers

§ 56-235.9. Recovery of funds used for capital projects prior to a rate case for strategic natural gas facilities

§ 56-235.10. Recovery of eligible safety activity costs; administration; procedure

§ 56-235.11. Retail rates of affiliated water utilities

§ 56-235.12. Economic development programs

§ 56-236. Public utilities required to file schedules of rates and charges; rules and regulations; when detariffing of telephone services to be permitted

§ 56-236.1. Rates to be charged churches

§ 56-236.2. Suspension of service to sewerage system

§ 56-237. How changes in rates effected; notice required; changes to be indicated on schedules

§ 56-237.1. Notification of intent to seek rate change in schedules required to be filed under § 56-236

§ 56-237.2. Public hearings on protests or objections to rate changes

§ 56-238. Suspension of proposed rates, etc.; investigation; effectiveness of rates pending investigation and subject to bond; fixing reasonable rates, etc.

§ 56-239. Appeal from action of Commission

§ 56-240. Proposed rates, etc., or changes thereof, not suspended effective subject to later change by Commission; refund or credit; appeal; investor-owned public utilities required to show increase complies with § 56-235.2

§ 56-241. Rates of telephone companies

§ 56-241.1. Flat and measured telephone rates; certain rates prohibited

§ 56-241.2. Approval of rates for resale of telephone service

§ 56-242. Temporary reduction of rates

§ 56-243. Duration of such temporary reduction

§ 56-244. Increase to make up for losses due to excessive temporary reduction

§ 56-245. Temporary increase in rates

§ 56-245.1. Meters to be kept in good working condition; defective meters

§ 56-245.1:1. Customers to be notified about nuclear emergency evacuation plans

§ 56-245.1:2. Customers to be notified of renewable power options

§ 56-245.2. Definitions

§ 56-245.3. Commission to promulgate regulations and standards

§ 56-246. Tests and equipment therefor

§ 56-247. Commission may change regulations, measurements, practices, services, or acts

§ 56-247.1. Commission to require public utilities to follow certain procedures

§ 56-248. Commission to prescribe standard units of products or service

§ 56-248.1. Commission to monitor fuel prices and utility fuel purchases; fuel price index

§ 56-249. Reports by utilities

§ 56-249.1. Commission may require transfer of gas, water or electricity by one utility to another; compensation

§ 56-249.2. Certain records to be maintained

§ 56-249.3. Certain electric utilities to file reports in relation to fuel transactions, fuel purchases, fuel adjustment clauses, etc.

§ 56-249.4. How reports shall be filed; reports open to public; rules and regulations

§ 56-249.5. Repealed

§ 56-249.6. Recovery of fuel and purchased power costs

§ 56-249.7. Certain directors and officers of utility to file shareholder information

§ 56-250. Commission may authorize action by public utility in time of emergency or shortage; plans

§ 56-251. Repealed

§ 56-253. Existing remedies retained

§ 56-254. Sale or lease of plants to cities or towns

§ 56-255. Extension of electric service to territory not being served

§ 56-256. Powers of corporations generally; rights, powers, privileges and immunities, etc.

§ 56-256.1. Height of electric power distribution lines over agricultural land

§ 56-257. Manner of installing underground utility lines

§ 56-257.1. Means of locating nonmetallic underground conduits

§ 56-257.2. Gas pipeline safety

§ 56-257.2:1. Projects presenting material risk to public safety; licensed professional engineers; regulations

§ 56-257.3. Repealed

§ 56-257.4. Report by the State Corporation Commission on investigation of natural gas utilities incident

§ 56-257.5. Manner of installing underground utility lines through agricultural operation

§ 56-258. Who to permit laying of pipelines in roads

§ 56-259.1. Instruments conveying easements to public service corporations

§ 56-259. Rights-of-way, etc., may be contracted for; location of easements of public service corporations

§ 56-260. Compensation for damages

§ 56-260.1. Contract provisions exempting company from liability unlawful

§ 56-261. Duties of companies furnishing water or sewerage facilities

§ 56-261.1. Duties of water and sewerage companies in certain counties

§ 56-261.2. Hydrant connections and water supply for fire protection in certain counties

§ 56-262. Proceeding upon failure of public service corporation to perform duties

§ 56-263. Commission may order increase in service

§ 56-264. Quo warranto in case of failure to comply with order of Commission

§ 56-264.1. Collection of rates, fees and charges

§ 56-264.2. Governing board of multistate entities operating certain sewage treatment facilities; arbitration of issues; condemnation of facilities

§ 56-264.3. Cost allocation and rate design

§ 56-265. Certain sections not to limit Commission's powers