Code of Virginia
Chapter 10 - Heat, Light, Power, Water and Other Utility Companies Generally
§ 56-235.11. Retail rates of affiliated water utilities

A. As used in this section, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Affiliate" of a specific water utility or a water utility "affiliated" with a specific water utility means a water utility that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the water utility specified.
"Control," including the terms "controlling," "controlled by," and "under common control with," means direct or indirect possession of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a water utility through the ownership of an equity interest. Control shall be presumed to exist with respect to another water utility if any water utility directly or indirectly owns, controls, or holds with the power to vote 50 percent or more of the equity interest of the other water utility.
"Rates" includes rates, tolls, charges, or schedules.
"Subsidiary" of a specified water utility means an affiliate directly or indirectly controlled by that water utility through one or more intermediaries.
"Water utility" means an investor-owned public utility authorized to furnish water or water and sewer service within a certificated service territory in the Commonwealth except any such investor-owned public utility for which the Commission has approved, after July 1, 2009, and prior to July 1, 2017, a consolidated rate structure consisting of three or more rate groups for the same class of service and in one or more subsequent orders has approved additional consolidation of such rate groups.
"Water utility network" means a water utility and all other water utilities that the water utility is an affiliate of, is affiliated with, controls, is controlled by, is under common control with, or is a subsidiary of. "Water utility network" also means, with respect to a water utility that is authorized to furnish water or water and sewer service within multiple certificated service territories in the Commonwealth, all of the certificated service territories that the water utility is certificated to serve.
B. In any proceeding commenced on and after July 1, 2017, to establish or approve the rates of a water utility that is in a water utility network, the Commission shall ensure that the rates of each water utility in the water utility network are not unjustly discriminatory by ensuring that equal fixed and volumetric rates are charged for each customer class of each water utility that is in the water utility network.
C. Upon the commencement of a proceeding described in subsection B, the Commission shall make each water utility that is a member of the applicable water utility network a party to the proceeding and may review each member water utility's rates. In such proceeding:
1. The Commission shall review the rates of each member of the applicable water utility network and order gradual adjustments to such water utility's rates over an appropriate period in order to implement the provisions of subsection B; and
2. The Commission is authorized to aggregate the revenues and costs of the water utilities that are members of the applicable water utility network.
2017, c. 822.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 10 - Heat, Light, Power, Water and Other Utility Companies Generally

§ 56-232. Public utility and schedules defined

§ 56-232.1. Regulation of service by certain gas pipeline companies to municipalities

§ 56-232.2. Regulation of compressed natural gas service

§ 56-232.2:1. Regulation of electric vehicle charging service

§ 56-232.3. Regulation of service by certain gas distribution companies to federal, state and local governmental facilities

§ 56-233. Service defined

§ 56-233.1. Public utilities purchasing practices

§ 56-234. Duty to furnish adequate service at reasonable and uniform rates

§ 56-234.1. Liability to customer for violation of duty to determine and charge lowest rate applicable

§ 56-234.2. Review of rates

§ 56-234.3. Approval of expenditures for and monitoring of new generation facilities and projected operation programs of electric utilities

§ 56-234.4. Authority to investigate utility operations to determine efficiency

§ 56-234.5. Required disclosure by certain officers and directors of certain utilities

§ 56-235. When Commission may fix rates, schedules, etc.; conformance with chapter

§ 56-235.1. Conservation of energy and capital resources

§ 56-235.1:1. Rates for stand-by electric service at renewable cogeneration facilities

§ 56-235.1:2. Costs of using small, women-owned, or minority-owned businesses

§ 56-235.2. All rates, tolls, etc., to be just and reasonable to jurisdictional customers; findings and conclusions to be set forth; alternative forms of regulation for electric companies

§ 56-235.3. Procedures for investigation of rate applications

§ 56-235.4. Prohibition of multiple rate increases within any twelve-month period; exception

§ 56-235.5. Telephone regulatory alternatives

§ 56-235.5:1. Local exchange telephone service competition policy

§ 56-235.6. Optional performance-based regulation of certain utilities

§ 56-235.7. Jurisdiction of Commission when federal governmental facility ceases to be retail customer of electric utility

§ 56-235.8. Retail supply choice for natural gas customers

§ 56-235.9. Recovery of funds used for capital projects prior to a rate case for strategic natural gas facilities

§ 56-235.10. Recovery of eligible safety activity costs; administration; procedure

§ 56-235.11. Retail rates of affiliated water utilities

§ 56-235.12. Economic development programs

§ 56-236. Public utilities required to file schedules of rates and charges; rules and regulations; when detariffing of telephone services to be permitted

§ 56-236.1. Rates to be charged churches

§ 56-236.2. Suspension of service to sewerage system

§ 56-237. How changes in rates effected; notice required; changes to be indicated on schedules

§ 56-237.1. Notification of intent to seek rate change in schedules required to be filed under § 56-236

§ 56-237.2. Public hearings on protests or objections to rate changes

§ 56-238. Suspension of proposed rates, etc.; investigation; effectiveness of rates pending investigation and subject to bond; fixing reasonable rates, etc.

§ 56-239. Appeal from action of Commission

§ 56-240. Proposed rates, etc., or changes thereof, not suspended effective subject to later change by Commission; refund or credit; appeal; investor-owned public utilities required to show increase complies with § 56-235.2

§ 56-241. Rates of telephone companies

§ 56-241.1. Flat and measured telephone rates; certain rates prohibited

§ 56-241.2. Approval of rates for resale of telephone service

§ 56-242. Temporary reduction of rates

§ 56-243. Duration of such temporary reduction

§ 56-244. Increase to make up for losses due to excessive temporary reduction

§ 56-245. Temporary increase in rates

§ 56-245.1. Meters to be kept in good working condition; defective meters

§ 56-245.1:1. Customers to be notified about nuclear emergency evacuation plans

§ 56-245.1:2. Customers to be notified of renewable power options

§ 56-245.2. Definitions

§ 56-245.3. Commission to promulgate regulations and standards

§ 56-246. Tests and equipment therefor

§ 56-247. Commission may change regulations, measurements, practices, services, or acts

§ 56-247.1. Commission to require public utilities to follow certain procedures

§ 56-248. Commission to prescribe standard units of products or service

§ 56-248.1. Commission to monitor fuel prices and utility fuel purchases; fuel price index

§ 56-249. Reports by utilities

§ 56-249.1. Commission may require transfer of gas, water or electricity by one utility to another; compensation

§ 56-249.2. Certain records to be maintained

§ 56-249.3. Certain electric utilities to file reports in relation to fuel transactions, fuel purchases, fuel adjustment clauses, etc.

§ 56-249.4. How reports shall be filed; reports open to public; rules and regulations

§ 56-249.5. Repealed

§ 56-249.6. Recovery of fuel and purchased power costs

§ 56-249.7. Certain directors and officers of utility to file shareholder information

§ 56-250. Commission may authorize action by public utility in time of emergency or shortage; plans

§ 56-251. Repealed

§ 56-253. Existing remedies retained

§ 56-254. Sale or lease of plants to cities or towns

§ 56-255. Extension of electric service to territory not being served

§ 56-256. Powers of corporations generally; rights, powers, privileges and immunities, etc.

§ 56-256.1. Height of electric power distribution lines over agricultural land

§ 56-257. Manner of installing underground utility lines

§ 56-257.1. Means of locating nonmetallic underground conduits

§ 56-257.2. Gas pipeline safety

§ 56-257.2:1. Projects presenting material risk to public safety; licensed professional engineers; regulations

§ 56-257.3. Repealed

§ 56-257.4. Report by the State Corporation Commission on investigation of natural gas utilities incident

§ 56-257.5. Manner of installing underground utility lines through agricultural operation

§ 56-258. Who to permit laying of pipelines in roads

§ 56-259.1. Instruments conveying easements to public service corporations

§ 56-259. Rights-of-way, etc., may be contracted for; location of easements of public service corporations

§ 56-260. Compensation for damages

§ 56-260.1. Contract provisions exempting company from liability unlawful

§ 56-261. Duties of companies furnishing water or sewerage facilities

§ 56-261.1. Duties of water and sewerage companies in certain counties

§ 56-261.2. Hydrant connections and water supply for fire protection in certain counties

§ 56-262. Proceeding upon failure of public service corporation to perform duties

§ 56-263. Commission may order increase in service

§ 56-264. Quo warranto in case of failure to comply with order of Commission

§ 56-264.1. Collection of rates, fees and charges

§ 56-264.2. Governing board of multistate entities operating certain sewage treatment facilities; arbitration of issues; condemnation of facilities

§ 56-264.3. Cost allocation and rate design

§ 56-265. Certain sections not to limit Commission's powers