Code of Virginia
Chapter 9.1 - Utility Consumer Services Cooperatives and Utility Aggregation Cooperatives
§ 56-231.17. Articles of incorporation

A. The articles of incorporation mentioned in § 56-231.16 shall be entitled and endorsed "Articles of Incorporation of the........ Electric Cooperative" or "Articles of Incorporation of the........ Utility Consumer Services Cooperative" (the blank space being filled in with the distinguishing part of the name of the cooperative) and shall state:
1. The name of the cooperative, which name need not contain the word "corporation" or "incorporated" but shall be such as to distinguish it from any other cooperative.
2. To the extent it conducts regulated electric distribution operations, a reasonable designation of the territory in which such operations are principally to be conducted.
3. The location of its principal office and post office address thereof.
4. The maximum number of directors, which shall be not less than five.
5. The names and post office addresses of the directors who are to manage the affairs of the cooperative for the first year of its existence, or until their successors are chosen.
6. The period, if any, limited for the duration of the cooperative.
7. The terms and conditions upon which persons shall be admitted to membership in the cooperative, and in the case of a cooperative incorporating with capital stock, a statement of the maximum and minimum amount of the capital stock of the cooperative and its division into shares.
8. In the case of a cooperative incorporating on or after July 1, 1999, the registered office and registered agent of the cooperative.
B. The articles of incorporation may also contain any provision not inconsistent with law or the provisions of Chapters 9 (§ 13.1-601 et seq.) and 10 (§ 13.1-801 et seq.) of Title 13.1 which the incorporators may choose to insert for the regulation of the business and the conduct of the affairs of the cooperative; and any provision as to the plan of financial organization, or relating to the internal regulation or government of the cooperative, its directors and members; provided, however, that subsections D through G of § 13.1-620 and subdivision 1 of § 13.1-825 shall not apply to any affiliate or subsidiary of a cooperative.
1999, c. 874.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 9.1 - Utility Consumer Services Cooperatives and Utility Aggregation Cooperatives

§ 56-231.15. Definitions

§ 56-231.16. Organization; purpose

§ 56-231.17. Articles of incorporation

§ 56-231.18. Name of other corporations not to include term "electric cooperative" or "utility consumer services cooperative."

§ 56-231.19. Filing articles of incorporation; effect thereof; other provisions of law applicable

§ 56-231.20. Repealed

§ 56-231.21. Dissolution and termination of cooperatives

§ 56-231.22. Charter amendments

§ 56-231.23. General powers granted

§ 56-231.24. Power to dispose of property

§ 56-231.25. Power to issue obligations

§ 56-231.26. Covenants in connection with obligations

§ 56-231.27. Power to purchase its own obligations

§ 56-231.28. Board of directors of cooperatives

§ 56-231.29. Powers of board of directors

§ 56-231.30. Rights and liabilities of members

§ 56-231.31. Payment of certain patronage capital to spouse or next of kin of deceased person

§ 56-231.31:1. Donation of certain patronage capital to the cooperative

§ 56-231.32. Service to members

§ 56-231.33. Adequate service; rates

§ 56-231.34. Regulation by Commission

§ 56-231.34:1. Separation of regulated and unregulated businesses

§ 56-231.34:2. Right of action; violation of rules or regulations

§ 56-231.35. Charter fees, etc.

§ 56-231.36. Construction of article; conflicting laws

§ 56-231.37. How article cited

§ 56-231.38. Definitions

§ 56-231.39. Organization and purpose

§ 56-231.40. Names

§ 56-231.41. Articles of incorporation

§ 56-231.42. Bylaws

§ 56-231.43. Powers

§ 56-231.44. Board of directors

§ 56-231.45. Officers

§ 56-231.46. Members

§ 56-231.47. Adoption of article

§ 56-231.48. Applicability of other laws

§ 56-231.49. Restructuring costs

§ 56-231.50. Regulation by State Corporation Commission

§ 56-231.50:1. Separation of regulated and unregulated businesses

§ 56-231.50:2. Right of action; violation of rules or regulations

§ 56-231.51. Construction of article and conflicting laws

§ 56-231.52. Citation to article