The governing body of any county, city, or town may by ordinance provide for the issuance of permits for motor vehicles parking on public streets, to set the rates for the permits, and to set the term of validity of the permits. In setting the rates, the governing body may differentiate between motor vehicles registered in the political subdivision issuing the permit and other motor vehicles.
1972, c. 819, § 46.1-252.01; 1989, c. 727.
Structure Code of Virginia
Chapter 12 - Abandoned, Immobilized, Unattended and Trespassing Vehicles; Parking
§ 46.2-1200.1. Abandoning motor vehicles prohibited; penalty
§ 46.2-1200.2. Vehicles registered to active duty military personnel
§ 46.2-1200.3. Limitation on removal and sale of abandoned vehicles
§ 46.2-1202. Search for owner and secured party; notice
§ 46.2-1202.1. Vehicle Removal Certificates
§ 46.2-1202.2. Notice of intent to auction and sale of vehicle; posting requirements
§ 46.2-1203. Sale of vehicle at public auction by locality; disposition of proceeds
§ 46.2-1205. Disposition of inoperable abandoned vehicles
§ 46.2-1207. Certification of disposal; reimbursement of locality by Commissioner
§ 46.2-1209. Unattended or immobile vehicles, generally
§ 46.2-1210. Motor vehicles immobilized by weather conditions, accidents, or emergencies
§ 46.2-1211. Removal of motor vehicles obstructing movement; storage; payment of costs
§ 46.2-1214. Sale of personal property found in unattended or abandoned vehicles
§ 46.2-1217. Local governing body may regulate certain towing
§ 46.2-1217.1. Towing of certain large vehicles; civil penalty
§ 46.2-1218. Reports by persons in charge of garages, parking places, etc.; unclaimed vehicles
§ 46.2-1219. Regulation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on certain parking lots
§ 46.2-1222. Regulation of parking on secondary highways by certain counties
§ 46.2-1222.2. Local ordinances prohibiting parking of certain vehicles
§ 46.2-1224. County ordinances prohibiting certain parking in streets and highways
§ 46.2-1224.1. Local ordinances regulating certain parking; penalty
§ 46.2-1225. Enforcement provisions in city or county parking ordinances
§ 46.2-1226. Enforcement of regulations governing parking in Capitol Square
§ 46.2-1227. Enforcement of state regulations governing parking on primary and secondary highways
§ 46.2-1228. Enforcement of parking regulations of boards of visitors of educational institutions
§ 46.2-1230. Authority of counties, cities, and towns to issue parking permits
§ 46.2-1231.1. Immunity from liability for certain towing
§ 46.2-1232. Localities may regulate removal or immobilization of trespassing vehicles
§ 46.2-1233. Localities may regulate towing fees
§ 46.2-1233.1. Limitation on charges for towing and storage of certain vehicles
§ 46.2-1233.3. Improper towing; penalty
§ 46.2-1235. Authority of Chesterfield County law-enforcement officers to issue parking tickets
§ 46.2-1239. Parking in certain locations; penalty
§ 46.2-1239.1. (Contingent expiration date - See Editor's note) Potomac River Bridge Towing Compact