Repealed by Acts 2009, cc. 864 and 871, cl. 5.
Structure Code of Virginia
Chapter 10 - Motor Vehicle and Equipment Safety
§ 46.2-1001. Removal of unsafe vehicles; penalty
§ 46.2-1001.1. Special equipment required for converted electric vehicles
§ 46.2-1002. Illegal possession or sale of certain unapproved equipment
§ 46.2-1003. Illegal use of defective and unsafe equipment
§ 46.2-1004. Trademark or name and instructions required
§ 46.2-1005. Procedure for approval of equipment
§ 46.2-1005.1. Auxiliary lights on motorcycles
§ 46.2-1006. Approval of brake and head light testing methods and equipment
§ 46.2-1007. Retesting of devices and revocation of approval certificates
§ 46.2-1008. Fees for approval certificates
§ 46.2-1010. Equipment required
§ 46.2-1011. Headlights on motor vehicles
§ 46.2-1014.1. Supplemental high mount stop light
§ 46.2-1016. Lights on other vehicles; reflectors
§ 46.2-1017. Dimension or marker lights and reflectors, generally
§ 46.2-1018. Marker lights on vehicles or loads exceeding thirty-five feet
§ 46.2-1020. Other permissible lights
§ 46.2-1021. Additional lights permitted on certain commercial vehicles
§ 46.2-1021.1. Additional lights permitted on certain privately owned cars
§ 46.2-1023. Flashing red or red and white warning lights
§ 46.2-1024. Flashing or steady-burning red or red and white warning light units
§ 46.2-1025. Flashing amber, purple, or green warning lights
§ 46.2-1026. Flashing high-intensity amber warning lights
§ 46.2-1027. Warning lights on certain demonstrator vehicles
§ 46.2-1028.1. Illuminated identification systems on certain emergency vehicles
§ 46.2-1028.2. Auxiliary lights on public utility vehicles
§ 46.2-1029. Auxiliary lights on law-enforcement vehicles
§ 46.2-1029.1. Flashing of headlights on certain vehicles
§ 46.2-1029.2. Certain vehicles may be equipped with secondary warning lights
§ 46.2-1031. Requirements as to single-beam head lights
§ 46.2-1032. Requirements as to multiple-beam headlights
§ 46.2-1033. Indicator light required
§ 46.2-1034. When dimming headlights required
§ 46.2-1035. Dimming headlights on parked vehicles
§ 46.2-1036. Acetylene lights on antique motor vehicles
§ 46.2-1037. Lights on parked vehicles
§ 46.2-1038. When turn signals required; exceptions
§ 46.2-1039. Requirements of turn signals; regulations
§ 46.2-1041. Restrictions as to solid rubber tires
§ 46.2-1042. Standard for vehicle tire; sale of certain tires prohibited; penalty
§ 46.2-1044. Cleats, etc., on tires; chains; tires with studs
§ 46.2-1045. Sale of tires having cleats, etc., prohibited; studded tires excepted
§ 46.2-1046. Traction engines and tractors
§ 46.2-1047. Muffler cutout, etc., illegal
§ 46.2-1048. Pollution control systems or devices
§ 46.2-1049. Exhaust system in good working order
§ 46.2-1050. Mufflers on motorcycles
§ 46.2-1051. Local ordinances; vehicle exhaust
§ 46.2-1052. Tinting films, signs, decals, and stickers on windshields, etc.; penalties
§ 46.2-1053. Equipping certain motor vehicles with sun-shading or tinting films or applications
§ 46.2-1054. Suspension of objects or alteration of vehicle so as to obstruct driver's view
§ 46.2-1055. Windshield wipers
§ 46.2-1055.1. Windshield defroster or defogger
§ 46.2-1056. When safety glass required
§ 46.2-1058. Replacement of glass in vehicle
§ 46.2-1060. Illegal sirens, whistles, etc.; unlawful use of warning devices; exceptions
§ 46.2-1061. Sirens or exhaust whistles on emergency vehicles
§ 46.2-1062. Approval of warning devices
§ 46.2-1063. Alteration of suspension system; bumper height limits; raising body above frame rail
§ 46.2-1064. Modification of front-end suspension by use of lift blocks
§ 46.2-1067. Within what distances brakes should stop vehicle
§ 46.2-1068. Emergency or parking brakes
§ 46.2-1069. Brakes on motorcycles
§ 46.2-1070. Brakes on trailers
§ 46.2-1071. Requirements for parking
§ 46.2-1073. Engine or serial number illegible, removed, or obliterated
§ 46.2-1075. Possession of vehicles with serial numbers removed or altered
§ 46.2-1075.1. Tampering with gross vehicle weight ratings; penalty
§ 46.2-1076. Lettering on certain vehicles
§ 46.2-1077.01. Display of certain visual material in motor vehicles prohibited; penalty
§ 46.2-1077.1. Mobile infrared transmitters; demerit points not to be awarded
§ 46.2-1079. Radar detectors; demerit points not to be awarded
§ 46.2-1080. Speedometer in good working order
§ 46.2-1081. Slow-moving vehicle emblems
§ 46.2-1083. Rear fenders, flaps, or guards required for certain motor vehicles
§ 46.2-1084. Vehicle to have securely affixed seat for driver; location of such seat
§ 46.2-1086. Devices for emission of smoke screens, gas projectors or flame throwers; prohibited
§ 46.2-1087. Forfeiture of vehicles equipped with smoke projectors, etc.
§ 46.2-1088. Air conditioning units
§ 46.2-1088.2. Warning devices required on certain vehicles
§ 46.2-1088.4. Devices used to supply nitrous oxide to the engines of motor vehicles
§ 46.2-1088.5. Reflectors or reflectorized material required on rear end of certain trailers
§ 46.2-1088.6. Motor vehicle recording devices
§ 46.2-1089. Paint and lettering on school bus
§ 46.2-1089.1. Signs and markings on school buses using alternative fuels
§ 46.2-1090. Warning devices on school buses; other buses; use thereof; penalties
§ 46.2-1090.1. Warning lights on school buses
§ 46.2-1091. Safety belts to be worn by certain bus drivers
§ 46.2-1093. Requirements for safety lap belts, shoulder harnesses and combinations thereof
§ 46.2-1096. Exceptions for certain children
§ 46.2-1097. Child restraint devices; special fund created
§ 46.2-1098. Penalties; violations not negligence per se
§ 46.2-1099. Further exemptions
§ 46.2-1100. Use of standard seat belts permitted for certain children
§ 46.2-1101. Limitations applicable throughout Commonwealth; alteration by local authorities
§ 46.2-1103. Greater size, weight, and load limits permitted by interstate commerce regulations
§ 46.2-1104. Reduction of limits by Commissioner of Highways and local authorities; penalties
§ 46.2-1105. Width of vehicles generally; exceptions
§ 46.2-1108. Bus widths to comply with federal law
§ 46.2-1109. Widths of commercial vehicles
§ 46.2-1110. Height of vehicles; damage to overhead obstruction; penalty
§ 46.2-1111. Extension of loads beyond line of fender or body
§ 46.2-1113. Length exceptions for certain passenger buses and motor homes
§ 46.2-1114. Length of watercraft transporters; operation on certain highways
§ 46.2-1114.1. Length of automobile transporters; operation on certain highways
§ 46.2-1115. Lengths of manufactured homes or house trailers
§ 46.2-1116. Vehicles having more than one trailer, etc., attached thereto; exceptions
§ 46.2-1117.1. Commercial delivery of towaway trailers
§ 46.2-1119. Tow dolly and converter gear
§ 46.2-1120. Extension of loads beyond front of vehicles
§ 46.2-1121. (Effective until July 1, 2023) Flag or light at end of load
§ 46.2-1121. (Effective July 1, 2023) Flag or light at end of load
§ 46.2-1123. Weight of vehicles and loads
§ 46.2-1124. Maximum single axle weight, generally; maximum weight per inch of tire width
§ 46.2-1125. Maximum tandem axle weight, generally
§ 46.2-1126. Maximum gross weight, generally
§ 46.2-1127. Weight limits for vehicles using interstate highways
§ 46.2-1127.1. Weight limit exception for certain emergency vehicles using the interstate highways
§ 46.2-1128. Extensions of weight limits; fees
§ 46.2-1131. Penalty for violation of weight limits
§ 46.2-1132. Service of process in weight violation cases
§ 46.2-1133. Special processing provisions for overweight violations
§ 46.2-1134. Special overweight seizure provisions; penalty
§ 46.2-1136. Procedures for issuing and serving process in overweight vehicle cases
§ 46.2-1138.1. City ordinances fixing weight limits on certain roads
§ 46.2-1138.2. Town ordinances concerning weight limits on certain roads
§ 46.2-1139. Permits for excessive size and weight generally; penalty
§ 46.2-1139.1. Delegation of permitting authority
§ 46.2-1140. Authority to use certain streets and highways in cities and towns
§ 46.2-1140.1. Annual overweight permits; fees
§ 46.2-1141. Overweight permits for containerized freight and fluid milk
§ 46.2-1142. Overweight permits for concrete haulers
§ 46.2-1143.1. Overweight permits for haulers of excavated material
§ 46.2-1144. Overweight permits for solid waste haulers
§ 46.2-1144.1. Overweight permits for tank wagons
§ 46.2-1144.2. Overweight permits for haulers of farm animal feed
§ 46.2-1145. Overweight permits for certain trucks operated by Arlington County
§ 46.2-1146. Excess height and length permits for haulers of certain imported goods
§ 46.2-1147. Permits for excessive size and weight for articulated buses
§ 46.2-1148. Overweight permit for hauling Virginia-grown farm produce
§ 46.2-1148.1. Overweight permit for hauling forest products
§ 46.2-1149.1. Excess tandem axle weight permits for cotton module haulers
§ 46.2-1149.2. Permit authorizing transportation of tree-length logs
§ 46.2-1149.3. Payment of fees into special fund
§ 46.2-1149.4. Overweight permits for specialized mobile equipment
§ 46.2-1149.6. Permits for truck cranes
§ 46.2-1149.7. Specialized construction equipment; permits; engineering analysis; costs
§ 46.2-1149.8. Excess width permits for vehicles transporting watercraft
§ 46.2-1150. Towing certain unlicensed or uninspected vehicles
§ 46.2-1151. Weight limit exception as to vehicles designed for towing disabled vehicles
§ 46.2-1151.1. Weight limit exception for covered heavy duty tow and recovery vehicles
§ 46.2-1152. Certain tow trucks need not be weighed
§ 46.2-1153. Permissible lengths of combination vehicles being towed in emergencies
§ 46.2-1154. Length of vehicles; exceptions in case of breakdown
§ 46.2-1155. Fastening load of logs, barrels, etc.
§ 46.2-1157. Inspection of motor vehicles required
§ 46.2-1158. Frequency of inspection; scope of inspection
§ 46.2-1158.01. Exceptions to motor vehicle inspection requirement
§ 46.2-1158.02. Penalty for failure to have motor vehicle inspection
§ 46.2-1159. Logtrailers defined; exempt from inspection under certain conditions
§ 46.2-1160. Towed vehicle defined; exempt from inspection requirement
§ 46.2-1161.1. Inspections of trailers and semitrailers equipped with heating or cooking appliances
§ 46.2-1162. Inspection of certain trailers
§ 46.2-1165. Regulations for inspection of vehicles; posting
§ 46.2-1166. Minimum standards required for inspection stations; appointments
§ 46.2-1167. Charges for inspection and reinspection; exemption
§ 46.2-1168. Additional registration fee
§ 46.2-1169. Inspection defined; making of repairs or adjustments
§ 46.2-1170. Advertising, etc., of official inspection station when not authorized
§ 46.2-1171. Penalties for violation of article
§ 46.2-1172. Unauthorized taking, possession, or use of inspection stickers, etc.; penalty
§ 46.2-1173. Imitation or counterfeit inspection stickers
§ 46.2-1175.1. Inspection of certain refuse collection and highway maintenance vehicles
§ 46.2-1177. Emissions inspection program
§ 46.2-1177.1. Inspection program coordinator; agreement for services
§ 46.2-1178. Administration and scope of emissions inspection program
§ 46.2-1179. Board to adopt emissions standards
§ 46.2-1179.1. Board to adopt clean alternative fuel fleet standards for motor vehicles; penalty
§ 46.2-1180. Board to adopt regulations; exemption of certain motor vehicles
§ 46.2-1181. Emissions inspection; cost of repairs; waivers
§ 46.2-1182. Emissions inspection fees; exemption
§ 46.2-1182.1. Additional registration fee; exemption
§ 46.2-1182.2. Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program Fund established; use of moneys
§ 46.2-1183. Emissions inspection required prior to registration of certain vehicles; records
§ 46.2-1184. Fleet emissions inspection stations
§ 46.2-1186. False certificate
§ 46.2-1187.2. Compelling compliance with regulations and order of Board; penalty
§ 46.2-1187.3. Vehicles used for investigations
§ 46.2-1188. Motorcycle rider safety training courses
§ 46.2-1189. Authority of the Department of Motor Vehicles
§ 46.2-1190. Regional motorcycle rider safety training centers; requirements
§ 46.2-1190.1. Curricula requirements
§ 46.2-1190.2. Facilities and equipment; requirements and approval
§ 46.2-1190.3. Instructor qualifications
§ 46.2-1190.4. Administrative and reporting requirements
§ 46.2-1190.5. Penalties and remedies for violations of article
§ 46.2-1190.6. Other grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking licenses
§ 46.2-1190.7. Civil penalties
§ 46.2-1191. Motorcycle Rider Safety Training Program Fund
§ 46.2-1192. Issuance and renewal of licenses by Department; payments to regional training centers