Code of Virginia
Chapter 12 - Permits for Certain Mining Operations; Reclamation of Land
§ 45.2-1223. Penalty for violation of chapter, etc.

Any violation of any provision of this chapter or of any order of the Director is a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $1,000 or a maximum of one year in jail, or both.
1968, c. 734, § 45.1-188; 1974, c. 312; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 12 - Permits for Certain Mining Operations; Reclamation of Land

§ 45.2-1200. Definitions

§ 45.2-1201. Construction of chapter

§ 45.2-1202. Authority of Director; enforcement of chapter by injunction

§ 45.2-1203. Exemption for restricted mining

§ 45.2-1204. Permit Fee Fund

§ 45.2-1205. Permit required; fee; renewal fee; application; furnishing copy of map, etc., to landowner; approval by Department

§ 45.2-1206. Operations plan; reclamation; policy of Director

§ 45.2-1207. Special Reclamation Fund

§ 45.2-1208. Bond of operator

§ 45.2-1209. Review of operations plan and reclamation provision by Director; issuance of permit

§ 45.2-1210. Application for permit; adjoining landowners; local official

§ 45.2-1211. Succession of one operator by another at uncompleted project

§ 45.2-1212. Additional bond to be posted annually; release of previous bond; report of reclamation work

§ 45.2-1213. Notice of noncompliance served on operator

§ 45.2-1214. Collection of debts

§ 45.2-1215. Commonwealth to have lien for reclamation work

§ 45.2-1216. Perfection of lien; waiver of lien

§ 45.2-1217. Recordation and indexing of lien; notice

§ 45.2-1218. Priority of lien

§ 45.2-1219. Hearing to determine amount of lien

§ 45.2-1220. Satisfaction of lien

§ 45.2-1221. Additional bond to cover amended estimate of land to be disturbed

§ 45.2-1222. Interference with reclamation unlawful; other mining operations on land

§ 45.2-1223. Penalty for violation of chapter, etc.

§ 45.2-1224. Assistance of federal, state, and local agencies

§ 45.2-1225. Injunction prohibiting mining operation

§ 45.2-1226. Appeals from decisions of the Department

§ 45.2-1227. Local standards and regulations; waiver of application of chapter; review for strict compliance with chapter

§ 45.2-1228. Orphaned Lands Reclamation Fund

§ 45.2-1229. Survey; priorities for reclamation

§ 45.2-1230. Agreements with owners or lessees; reclamation by Director

§ 45.2-1231. Contracts for reclamation

§ 45.2-1232. Acceptance of federal funds, gifts, etc.

§ 45.2-1233. Definition

§ 45.2-1234. Minerals Reclamation Fund

§ 45.2-1235. Membership in Fund; payments required

§ 45.2-1236. Release of bonds and other securities

§ 45.2-1237. Return of member payments

§ 45.2-1238. Revocation of permits; reclamation work

§ 45.2-1239. Collection of debt where cost of reclamation exceeds member's forfeited payments, etc.

§ 45.2-1240. Decreases in size of Fund

§ 45.2-1241. Order of return of payments

§ 45.2-1242. Discontinuance of Fund

§ 45.2-1243. Construction of article; Fund used solely for reclamation