Code of Virginia
Chapter 12 - Permits for Certain Mining Operations; Reclamation of Land
§ 45.2-1204. Permit Fee Fund

There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Permit Fee Fund, referred to in this section as "the Fund." The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. All permit fees and renewal fees collected pursuant to § 45.2-1205 shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the Fund. Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of the administration of this chapter. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the State Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request signed by the Director.
2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 12 - Permits for Certain Mining Operations; Reclamation of Land

§ 45.2-1200. Definitions

§ 45.2-1201. Construction of chapter

§ 45.2-1202. Authority of Director; enforcement of chapter by injunction

§ 45.2-1203. Exemption for restricted mining

§ 45.2-1204. Permit Fee Fund

§ 45.2-1205. Permit required; fee; renewal fee; application; furnishing copy of map, etc., to landowner; approval by Department

§ 45.2-1206. Operations plan; reclamation; policy of Director

§ 45.2-1207. Special Reclamation Fund

§ 45.2-1208. Bond of operator

§ 45.2-1209. Review of operations plan and reclamation provision by Director; issuance of permit

§ 45.2-1210. Application for permit; adjoining landowners; local official

§ 45.2-1211. Succession of one operator by another at uncompleted project

§ 45.2-1212. Additional bond to be posted annually; release of previous bond; report of reclamation work

§ 45.2-1213. Notice of noncompliance served on operator

§ 45.2-1214. Collection of debts

§ 45.2-1215. Commonwealth to have lien for reclamation work

§ 45.2-1216. Perfection of lien; waiver of lien

§ 45.2-1217. Recordation and indexing of lien; notice

§ 45.2-1218. Priority of lien

§ 45.2-1219. Hearing to determine amount of lien

§ 45.2-1220. Satisfaction of lien

§ 45.2-1221. Additional bond to cover amended estimate of land to be disturbed

§ 45.2-1222. Interference with reclamation unlawful; other mining operations on land

§ 45.2-1223. Penalty for violation of chapter, etc.

§ 45.2-1224. Assistance of federal, state, and local agencies

§ 45.2-1225. Injunction prohibiting mining operation

§ 45.2-1226. Appeals from decisions of the Department

§ 45.2-1227. Local standards and regulations; waiver of application of chapter; review for strict compliance with chapter

§ 45.2-1228. Orphaned Lands Reclamation Fund

§ 45.2-1229. Survey; priorities for reclamation

§ 45.2-1230. Agreements with owners or lessees; reclamation by Director

§ 45.2-1231. Contracts for reclamation

§ 45.2-1232. Acceptance of federal funds, gifts, etc.

§ 45.2-1233. Definition

§ 45.2-1234. Minerals Reclamation Fund

§ 45.2-1235. Membership in Fund; payments required

§ 45.2-1236. Release of bonds and other securities

§ 45.2-1237. Return of member payments

§ 45.2-1238. Revocation of permits; reclamation work

§ 45.2-1239. Collection of debt where cost of reclamation exceeds member's forfeited payments, etc.

§ 45.2-1240. Decreases in size of Fund

§ 45.2-1241. Order of return of payments

§ 45.2-1242. Discontinuance of Fund

§ 45.2-1243. Construction of article; Fund used solely for reclamation