An insurer may satisfy its obligation to make the rate filings required in § 38.2-2003 by becoming a member of or a subscriber to a rate service organization that makes such filings and that is licensed pursuant to § 38.2-1914, and by authorizing the Commission to accept the filings on its behalf. Filings made by rate service organizations shall meet the requirements of § 38.2-2003. No insurer shall be required to become a member of or a subscriber to any rate service organization.
Code 1950, §§ 38-253.27, 38-253.73; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-242; 1972, c. 836; 1973, c. 504; 1986, c. 562.
Structure Code of Virginia
Chapter 20 - Regulation of Rates for Certain Types of Insurance
§ 38.2-2000. Purposes of chapter
§ 38.2-2001. Insurance to which chapter applies
§ 38.2-2002. Joint underwriting and joint reinsurance
§ 38.2-2002.1. Residual market mechanism; reinsurance pool
§ 38.2-2003. Rate filings by insurer; supporting information
§ 38.2-2004. Filings by rate service organization
§ 38.2-2005. Provisions governing making of rates
§ 38.2-2006. Approval by Commission prerequisite to use of filing
§ 38.2-2008. Review of rates by Commission
§ 38.2-2010. Suspension or modification of requirement for filing
§ 38.2-2011. Interchange of rating data and information
§ 38.2-2013. Excess rate for specific risk
§ 38.2-2014. Contract or policy to accord with filings
§ 38.2-2016. Information regarding rates to be furnished insured
§ 38.2-2017. No rule prohibiting or regulating payment of dividends, etc., to be adopted
§ 38.2-2018. Person aggrieved by application of rating system to be heard; appeal to Commission
§ 38.2-2020. Rate service organization may procure actuarial, technical or other services
§ 38.2-2021. Examination of policies or other evidences of insurance
§ 38.2-2022. Advisory organizations defined
§ 38.2-2023. What to be filed with Commission by advisory organization
§ 38.2-2024. Unfair acts or practices of advisory organization
§ 38.2-2027. Withholding information; giving false or misleading information