A. Beginning January 1, 2021, each individual agent shall submit biennially to the Commission a renewal application in a form and manner prescribed by the Commission, along with a nonrefundable renewal application processing fee prescribed by the Commission, for the renewal of the license. Licenses shall be renewed biennially based on the agent's month and year of birth. The license for an agent born in an even-numbered year shall expire at the end of the agent's birth month in even-numbered years. The license for an agent born in an odd-numbered year shall expire at the end of the agent's birth month in odd-numbered years. Any license for which the renewal application and nonrefundable renewal application processing fee have been received by the Commission and all other applicable licensing and renewal provisions in this chapter have been met shall, unless the license has been terminated, suspended, or revoked, be renewed for a two-year period. Any license for which the renewal application and nonrefundable renewal application processing fee have not been received by the Commission in the manner prescribed by the Commission shall automatically be terminated.
B. Each individual agent who is not exempt under § 38.2-1871 shall submit to the Virginia Insurance Continuing Education Board or its administrator proof of compliance with the continuing education requirements set forth in Article 7 (§ 38.2-1866 et seq.) on a biennial basis in conjunction with the agent's license renewal. The agent's license shall not be renewed if the agent has failed to satisfy the applicable continuing education requirements.
C. On or before May 1, 2021, and biennially thereafter, each business entity shall submit to the Commission a renewal application, along with a nonrefundable renewal application processing fee prescribed by the Commission, for the renewal of the license. Any license for which the renewal application and nonrefundable renewal application processing fee have been received by the Commission and all other applicable licensing and renewal provisions in this chapter have been met shall, unless the license has been terminated, suspended, or revoked, be renewed for a two-year period. Any license for which the renewal application and nonrefundable renewal application processing fee have not been received by the Commission shall automatically be terminated.
D. The nonrefundable renewal application processing fee shall be paid in a manner and in an amount prescribed by the Commission. The prescribed nonrefundable renewal application processing fee shall not be less than $10 nor more than $20 per line of authority. All fees shall be collected by the Commission and paid directly into the state treasury and credited to the fund for the maintenance of the Bureau of Insurance as provided in subsection B of § 38.2-400.
E. An individual agent whose license terminates due to failure to renew may, within 12 months from the renewal date, reinstate the same license without the necessity of passing a prelicensing written examination by:
1. Submitting a renewal application;
2. Submitting a nonrefundable reinstatement processing fee equivalent to double the nonrefundable renewal application processing fee; and
3. Satisfying the relevant continuing education requirements.
F. A licensed agent who is unable to comply with the license renewal requirements due to military service or another extenuating circumstance such as a long-term illness or incapacity may request a waiver of those requirements. Requests for waivers of renewal requirements shall be made in a form and manner prescribed by the Commission. Agents seeking a waiver of renewal requirements shall submit all documentation specified by the Commission so as to be received by the Commission no later than the last day of the renewal period. After the renewal period, agents who have failed to complete the renewal waiver requirements may request a waiver from the reinstatement requirements set forth in subdivisions E 1 and 2 within the 12-month reinstatement period. The Commission shall approve or disapprove the waiver request within 30 calendar days of receipt thereof and shall provide written notice of its decision to the applicant for waiver within five calendar days of rendering its decision. Any waiver granted pursuant to this section shall be valid only for the renewal period or reinstatement period for which the waiver request was made.
2019, c. 675.
Structure Code of Virginia
§ 38.2-1800.1. Proof of residency
§ 38.2-1802. Acting as agent for unlicensed insurer prohibited; penalties
§ 38.2-1805. Acceptance by insurance agents of premiums in arrears; how advance premiums recorded
§ 38.2-1806. Interest with respect to credit extended or money lent for premiums on certain policies
§ 38.2-1808. All agreements to be expressed in contract
§ 38.2-1812. Payment and sharing of commissions
§ 38.2-1812.1. Placement of insurance for public bodies
§ 38.2-1812.2. Administrative charges in excess of premium prohibited; exceptions
§ 38.2-1813. Reporting and accounting for premiums
§ 38.2-1814.1. License required of resident title insurance agent
§ 38.2-1815. License required of resident life and annuities agent
§ 38.2-1815.1. License required of resident health agent
§ 38.2-1817. Examination for license; fee required; when fee forfeited
§ 38.2-1818. Individual moving from another state or Canadian province
§ 38.2-1819. Application for license; fee required; fingerprints
§ 38.2-1820. Issuance of license
§ 38.2-1821. Revocation, etc., of license revokes appointment
§ 38.2-1821.1. Exceptions to licensing
§ 38.2-1823. Penalty for acting for insurer, joint underwriting association, etc., when not licensed
§ 38.2-1824. Kinds of agents' licenses and appointments issued
§ 38.2-1825. Duration and termination of licenses and appointments
§ 38.2-1826. Requirement to report to Commission
§ 38.2-1827. Appointment may include one or more classes of insurance
§ 38.2-1828. Selling accident and sickness insurance
§ 38.2-1830. Temporary licenses and appointments; when issued
§ 38.2-1832. Refusal to issue and revocation of license; hearing; new application
§ 38.2-1833. Appointments of agents
§ 38.2-1834. Duration of appointment; annual renewal of agent's appointment
§ 38.2-1835. Failure to appoint
§ 38.2-1836. Licensing nonresidents; reciprocal agreements with other states and Canadian provinces
§ 38.2-1836.1. Authority of Commission to delegate certain functions
§ 38.2-1838. License required of consultants; fingerprinting
§ 38.2-1839. Contract required; placement of insurance for public bodies
§ 38.2-1841. Termination, suspension, or revocation of license
§ 38.2-1842. Requirement to report to Commission
§ 38.2-1844. Refusal to issue and revocation of license; hearing; new application
§ 38.2-1845. Licensing nonresidents; reciprocal agreements with other states and Canadian provinces
§ 38.2-1845.2. License required of resident public adjusters
§ 38.2-1845.3. Exemptions from article
§ 38.2-1845.6. Individual moving into the Commonwealth from another state or Canadian province
§ 38.2-1845.7. Refusal to issue; hearing; new application
§ 38.2-1845.8. Renewal application and fee; reinstatement; waiver
§ 38.2-1845.11. Termination, suspension, or revocation of license
§ 38.2-1845.12. Standards of conduct for public adjusters
§ 38.2-1845.13. Contract between public adjuster and insured
§ 38.2-1845.15. Record retention
§ 38.2-1845.16. Escrow or trust accounts
§ 38.2-1845.17. Requirement to report to Commission
§ 38.2-1845.18. Information security program
§ 38.2-1845.19. What laws applicable; rulemaking authority
§ 38.2-1845.20. Immunities; confidentiality
§ 38.2-1845.21. Authority of Commission to delegate certain functions
§ 38.2-1845.23. False information and advertising generally
§ 38.2-1857.2. Applications for surplus lines broker license; fee required; fingerprinting
§ 38.2-1857.4:1. Renewal application and fee; reinstatement; waiver
§ 38.2-1857.5. Requirement to report to Commission
§ 38.2-1857.6. Accepting and placing surplus lines business
§ 38.2-1857.8. Refusal to issue and revocation of license; hearing; new application
§ 38.2-1865.3. Refusal to issue and revocation of license; hearing; new application
§ 38.2-1865.5. Requirement to report to Commission
§ 38.2-1866. Continuing education requirements
§ 38.2-1867. Insurance continuing education board; approval of credits
§ 38.2-1868.1. Proof of compliance with continuing education requirements; waivers
§ 38.2-1869. Failure to satisfy requirements; termination of license
§ 38.2-1871. Licensees not subject to the continuing education requirements of this article
§ 38.2-1872. Administrative duties of Board; transfer to outside administrator
§ 38.2-1873. Continuing insurance education fees
§ 38.2-1874. Continuing education program; plan of operation; approval by Commission
§ 38.2-1876. Licensure of vendors
§ 38.2-1877. Requirements for sale of portable electronics insurance
§ 38.2-1878. Authority of vendors of portable electronics
§ 38.2-1879. Suspension or revocation of license
§ 38.2-1880. What laws applicable; rulemaking authority
§ 38.2-1882. Licensure of lessors
§ 38.2-1883. Requirements for sale of self storage insurance
§ 38.2-1884. Authority of lessors of self storage units
§ 38.2-1885. Suspension or revocation of license
§ 38.2-1886. What laws applicable; rulemaking authority
§ 38.2-1887. Application of article; definitions
§ 38.2-1888. Licensing and registration
§ 38.2-1888.1. Suspension, revocation, or termination of license
§ 38.2-1888.2. Travel protection plans
§ 38.2-1888.3. Sales practices
§ 38.2-1888.4. Travel administrators
§ 38.2-1888.5. Classification of travel insurance
§ 38.2-1889. Suspension, revocation, or termination of license