Code of Virginia
Chapter 3 - Highway Systems
§ 33.2-309. Tolls for use of Interstate System components

A. Subject to the limitations provided in § 33.2-119 and in accordance with all applicable federal and state statutes and requirements, the Board may impose and collect tolls from all classes of vehicles in amounts established by the Board for the use of any component of the Interstate System within the Commonwealth.
B. The toll facilities authorized by this section shall be subject to the provisions of federal law for the purpose of tolling motor vehicles to finance interstate construction and reconstruction, promote efficiency in the use of highways, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality and for such other purposes as may be permitted by federal law.
C. In order to mitigate traffic congestion in the vicinity of the toll facilities, no toll facility shall be operated without high-speed automated toll collection technology designed to allow motorists to travel through the toll facilities without stopping to make payments. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit a toll facility from retaining means of nonautomated toll collection in some lanes of the facility. The Board shall also consider traffic congestion and mitigation thereof and the impact on local traffic movement as factors in determining the location of the toll facilities authorized pursuant to this section.
D. The revenues collected from each toll facility established pursuant to this section shall be deposited into segregated subaccounts in the Transportation Trust Fund and may be allocated by the Board as the Board deems appropriate to:
1. Pay or finance all or part of the costs of programs or projects, including the costs of planning, operation, maintenance, and improvements incurred in connection with the toll facility, provided that such allocations shall be limited to programs and projects that are reasonably related to or benefit the users of the toll facility. The priorities of metropolitan planning organizations, planning district commissions, local governments, and transportation corridors shall be considered by the Board in making project allocations from such revenues deposited into the Transportation Trust Fund.
2. Repay funds from the Toll Facilities Revolving Account or the Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund.
3. Pay the Board's reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the administration and management of the toll facility.
2007, c. 477, § 33.1-23.03 :10; 2008, cc. 602, 838; 2014, c. 805; 2015, c. 681; 2016, c. 780; 2017, c. 836.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 33.2 - Highways and Other Surface Transportation Systems

Chapter 3 - Highway Systems

§ 33.2-300. Power and authority of Commonwealth Transportation Board relating to the Interstate System, generally

§ 33.2-301. Contracts for maintenance of components of Interstate System

§ 33.2-302. Funds for establishment and maintenance of Interstate System, generally

§ 33.2-303. Portions of Interstate System within cities and towns

§ 33.2-304. Transfer of highways, bridges, and streets from the secondary and primary state highway systems to Interstate System

§ 33.2-305. Transfer of highways, bridges, and streets from Interstate System to primary or secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-306. Applicability of §§ 33.2-300 through 33.2-305 to toll projects

§ 33.2-307. Relocation or removal of utility facilities within projects on Interstate System

§ 33.2-308. Additional provisions on relocation or removal of utility facilities within projects on Interstate System

§ 33.2-309. Tolls for use of Interstate System components

§ 33.2-310. Primary state highway system

§ 33.2-311. Certain highways in parks included in primary state highway system

§ 33.2-312. Maintenance of highways, bridges, and toll facilities within state parks

§ 33.2-313. Maintenance of highways at state institutions

§ 33.2-314. Transfer of highways, bridges, and streets from secondary to primary state highway system; additions to primary state highway system

§ 33.2-315. Transfer of highways, bridges, and streets from primary to secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-316. Primary state highway system map

§ 33.2-317. Establishment, construction, and maintenance exclusively by Commonwealth; funds

§ 33.2-318. Bypasses through or around cities and towns

§ 33.2-319. Payments to cities and certain towns for maintenance of certain highways

§ 33.2-320. Incorporation into primary state highway system of connecting streets and highways in certain other cities and towns

§ 33.2-321. Agreements between Commonwealth Transportation Board and certain counties for operation of certain devices on state highways

§ 33.2-322. Counties may perform certain maintenance

§ 33.2-323. Approval of markings and traffic lights erected by towns

§ 33.2-324. Secondary state highway system; composition

§ 33.2-325. Certain school roads in secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-326. Control, supervision, and management of secondary state highway system components

§ 33.2-327. Design standards for secondary state highway system components

§ 33.2-328. Department of Transportation to install and maintain certain signs

§ 33.2-329. Transfer of control, etc., of landings, docks, and wharves to Department of Wildlife Resources

§ 33.2-330. Relocation or removal of utility facilities within secondary state highway system construction projects

§ 33.2-331. Annual meeting with county officers; six-year plan for secondary state highways; certain reimbursements required

§ 33.2-332. Requesting Department of Transportation to hard-surface secondary highways; paving of certain secondary highways within existing rights-of-way; designation as Rural Rustic Road

§ 33.2-333. Emergency paving of unpaved secondary highways; notice and local concurrence

§ 33.2-334. Requirements for taking new streets into secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-335. Taking certain streets into secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-336. Funds allocated to counties for Rural Addition Program; street standards

§ 33.2-337. Contributions to primary or secondary state highway construction by counties

§ 33.2-338. Construction and improvement of primary or secondary highways by counties

§ 33.2-339. Maintenance, etc., of streets and highways in certain towns from secondary funds

§ 33.2-340. Maintenance, etc., by Commissioner of Highways when no request for allocation

§ 33.2-341. Maps of secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-342. Resumption of responsibility for secondary state highways by counties

§ 33.2-343. Return after withdrawal from secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-344. Election to determine return to the secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-345. Effect of election to determine return to the secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-346. Machinery, etc., owned by returning county

§ 33.2-347. Minimum street and highway standards for certain towns

§ 33.2-348. Repealed

§ 33.2-349. Character of signs, markings, and signals

§ 33.2-350. Landscape studies for urban highway construction projects

§ 33.2-351. Definition of "allocation."

§ 33.2-352. Asset management practices; report

§ 33.2-353. Commonwealth Transportation Board to develop and update Statewide Transportation Plan

§ 33.2-354. Commonwealth Transportation Board to develop and update Statewide Pedestrian Policy

§ 33.2-355. Goals for addressing transportation needs of populations with limited mobility

§ 33.2-356. Funding for extraordinary repairs

§ 33.2-357. Revenue-sharing funds for systems in certain localities

§ 33.2-358. Allocation of funds to programs

§ 33.2-359. Unpaved secondary highway funds

§ 33.2-360. Allocation of funds for interstate match

§ 33.2-361. Repealed

§ 33.2-363. Construction of U.S. Route 29 bypass

§ 33.2-364. Repealed

§ 33.2-365. Allocation of proceeds of Commonwealth of Virginia Transportation Capital Projects Revenue Bonds

§ 33.2-366. Funds for counties that have withdrawn or elect to withdraw from the secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-367. Highway aid to mass transit

§ 33.2-368. Financial plans for transportation construction projects

§ 33.2-369. State of good repair

§ 33.2-370. High-priority projects program

§ 33.2-371. Highway construction district grant programs

§ 33.2-372. Interstate Operations and Enhancement Program

§ 33.2-373. Virginia Highway Safety Improvement Program

§ 33.2-374. Special Structure Program