Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Definitions and General Provisions
§ 33.2-104. English units of measure

A. Neither the Commissioner of Highways nor the Department shall expend any funds whatsoever for the purpose of (i) converting the units of measure displayed on any highway sign from English units of measure to metric units of measure, (ii) replacing any highway sign displaying English units of measure with one bearing metric units of measure, or (iii) replacing any highway sign displaying English units of measure with one bearing both English and metric units of measure.
B. The Board, Commissioner of Highways, and Department shall use English units of measure in the design, advertisement, construction, and preparation of plans and specifications of every highway, bridge, tunnel, or overpass construction or maintenance project. However, nothing in this section shall prevent the Board, Commissioner of Highways, or Department from continuing the use of metric units of measure in the design, advertisement, or construction of any project or the preparation of plans or specifications for a project if, prior to July 1, 1999, metric units of measure were used in the design, advertisement, plans, or specifications for the project.
1994, cc. 52, 86, § 33.1-190.2; 1999, c. 315, § 33.1-190.3; 2014, c. 805.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 33.2 - Highways and Other Surface Transportation Systems

Chapter 1 - Definitions and General Provisions

§ 33.2-100. Definitions

§ 33.2-101. Governor to waive certain state statutory mandates and regulations to expedite certain highway construction projects

§ 33.2-102. Authority of cities and towns and certain counties in connection with federal aid

§ 33.2-103. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail

§ 33.2-104. English units of measure

§ 33.2-105. Evidence as to existence of a public highway

§ 33.2-106. Secretary of Transportation to submit annual report on actions taken to increase transit use, etc.

§ 33.2-107. Secretary of Transportation to conduct periodic examination of process

§ 33.2-108. Public hearings prior to undertaking projects requested by institutions of higher education

§ 33.2-109. Policy of the Commonwealth regarding use of highways by motorcycles; discrimination by political subdivisions prohibited

§ 33.2-110. Gates across private roads; leaving gates open; gates across private roads leading to forestlands; penalties

§ 33.2-111. Funding and undertaking of pedestrian or bicycle projects apart from highway projects not prohibited

§ 33.2-112. Sidewalks and walkways for pedestrian traffic

§ 33.2-113. Contributions by cities or towns towards highway building, bridges, etc.

§ 33.2-114. Virginia Aviation Board and Virginia Port Authority powers

§ 33.2-115. Department to establish smart transportation pilot zone

§ 33.2-116. Statewide transportation technology programs to incorporate new technologies and innovations in transportation

§ 33.2-117. Statutes declaring streams and rivers to be highways continued

§ 33.2-118. Mobile food vending in commuter lots in Planning District 8

§ 33.2-119. Limitation on tolling

§ 33.2-120. Efforts to increase CAFE standards