Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Definitions and General Provisions
§ 33.2-100. Definitions

As used in this title, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Asset management" means a systematic process of operating and maintaining the systems of state highways by combining engineering practices and analysis with sound business practices and economic theory to achieve cost-effective outcomes.
"Board" means the Commonwealth Transportation Board.
"City" has the meaning assigned to it in § 1-208.
"Commissioner" or "Commissioner of Highways" means the individual who serves as the chief executive officer of the Department of Transportation.
"Department" means the Department of Transportation.
"Federal-aid systems" are the Interstate System and the National Highway System as set forth in 23 U.S.C. § 103.
"Highway" means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel in the Commonwealth.
"Highway purpose," "highway project," or "highway construction" means highway, passenger and freight rail, or public transportation purposes.
"Interstate highway" means any highway in or component of the Interstate System.
"Interstate System" means the same as that term is defined in 23 U.S.C. § 103(c). The "Interstate System" also includes highways or highway segments in the Commonwealth that constitute a part of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways as authorized and designated in accordance with § 7 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 and § 108(a) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 and are declared by resolution of the Commonwealth Transportation Board to be portions of the Interstate System.
"Locality" has the meaning assigned to it in § 1-221.
"Maintenance" means (i) ordinary maintenance; (ii) maintenance replacement; (iii) operations that include traffic signal synchronization, incident management, and other intelligent transportation system functions; and (iv) any other categories of maintenance that may be designated by the Commissioner of Highways.
"Municipality" has the meaning assigned to it in § 1-224.
"National Highway System" means the same as that term is defined in 23 U.S.C. § 103(b).
"Primary highway" means any highway in or component of the primary state highway system.
"Primary state highway system" consists of all highways and bridges under the jurisdiction and control of the Commonwealth Transportation Board and the Commissioner of Highways and not in the secondary state highway system.
"Public transportation" or "mass transit" means passenger transportation by rubber-tired, rail, or other surface conveyance that provides shared ride services open to the general public on a regular and continuing basis. "Public transportation" or "mass transit" does not include school buses, charter or sight-seeing services, vehicular ferry service that serves as a link in the highway network, or human service agency or other client-restricted transportation.
"Roadway" means that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel. A highway may include two or more roadways if divided by a physical barrier or barriers or unpaved areas.
"Secondary highway" means any highway in or component of the secondary state highway system.
"Secondary state highway system" consists of all public highways, causeways, bridges, landings, and wharves in the counties of the Commonwealth not included in the primary state highway system and that have been accepted by the Department of Transportation for supervision and maintenance.
"Secretary" means the Secretary of Transportation.
"Systems of state highways" has the meaning assigned to it in § 1-251.
"Urban highway system" consists of those public highways, or portions thereof, not included in the systems of state highways, to which the Commonwealth Transportation Board directs payments pursuant to § 33.2-319.
2014, c. 805; 2015, c. 256.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 33.2 - Highways and Other Surface Transportation Systems

Chapter 1 - Definitions and General Provisions

§ 33.2-100. Definitions

§ 33.2-101. Governor to waive certain state statutory mandates and regulations to expedite certain highway construction projects

§ 33.2-102. Authority of cities and towns and certain counties in connection with federal aid

§ 33.2-103. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail

§ 33.2-104. English units of measure

§ 33.2-105. Evidence as to existence of a public highway

§ 33.2-106. Secretary of Transportation to submit annual report on actions taken to increase transit use, etc.

§ 33.2-107. Secretary of Transportation to conduct periodic examination of process

§ 33.2-108. Public hearings prior to undertaking projects requested by institutions of higher education

§ 33.2-109. Policy of the Commonwealth regarding use of highways by motorcycles; discrimination by political subdivisions prohibited

§ 33.2-110. Gates across private roads; leaving gates open; gates across private roads leading to forestlands; penalties

§ 33.2-111. Funding and undertaking of pedestrian or bicycle projects apart from highway projects not prohibited

§ 33.2-112. Sidewalks and walkways for pedestrian traffic

§ 33.2-113. Contributions by cities or towns towards highway building, bridges, etc.

§ 33.2-114. Virginia Aviation Board and Virginia Port Authority powers

§ 33.2-115. Department to establish smart transportation pilot zone

§ 33.2-116. Statewide transportation technology programs to incorporate new technologies and innovations in transportation

§ 33.2-117. Statutes declaring streams and rivers to be highways continued

§ 33.2-118. Mobile food vending in commuter lots in Planning District 8

§ 33.2-119. Limitation on tolling

§ 33.2-120. Efforts to increase CAFE standards