Code of Virginia
Chapter 2 - Disease Prevention and Control
§ 32.1-73.1. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 2002, c. 60.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 32.1 - Health

Chapter 2 - Disease Prevention and Control

§ 32.1-35. List and reports of diseases and dangerous microbes and pathogens

§ 32.1-35.1. Information on health care-associated infections

§ 32.1-36. Reports by physicians and laboratory directors

§ 32.1-36.1. Confidentiality of test for human immunodeficiency virus; civil penalty; individual action for damages or penalty

§ 32.1-37. Reports by persons other than physicians

§ 32.1-37.01. Posting of information about cases of communicable disease of public health threat

§ 32.1-37.1. Report of diseases infecting dead human bodies

§ 32.1-37.2. Consent for testing for human immunodeficiency virus; condition on disclosure of test results; counseling required; exceptions

§ 32.1-38. Immunity from liability

§ 32.1-39. Surveillance and investigation

§ 32.1-40. Authority of Commissioner to examine medical records

§ 32.1-41. Anonymity of patients and practitioners to be preserved in use of medical records

§ 32.1-42. Emergency rules and regulations

§ 32.1-42.1. Administration and dispensing of necessary drugs, devices and vaccines during a declared disaster or emergency

§ 32.1-42.2. Declared emergency; priority for personal protective equipment and immunization; funeral service licensees and funeral service establishment employees

§ 32.1-43. Authority of State Health Commissioner to require quarantine, etc.

§ 32.1-44. Isolated or quarantined persons

§ 32.1-45. Expense of treatment

§ 32.1-45.1. Deemed consent to testing and release of test results related to infection with human immunodeficiency virus or hepatitis B or C viruses

§ 32.1-45.2. Public safety employees; testing for blood-borne pathogens; procedure available for certain citizens; definitions

§ 32.1-45.3. Repealed

§ 32.1-45.4. Comprehensive harm reduction programs

§ 32.1-46. Immunization of patients against certain diseases

§ 32.1-46.01. Virginia Immunization Information System

§ 32.1-46.02. Administration of influenza vaccine to minors

§ 32.1-46.1. Board to establish protocol for identification of children with elevated blood-lead levels

§ 32.1-46.2. Certain testing or determination of low risk for elevated blood-lead levels required

§ 32.1-47. Exclusion from school of children not immunized

§ 32.1-47.1. Vaccination of children; plan enhancements

§ 32.1-48. Powers of Commissioner in epidemic

§ 32.1-48.001. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 472, cl. 2) Real-time information sharing for emergency medical services agencies

§ 32.1-48.01. Definitions

§ 32.1-48.02. Investigations of verified reports or medical evidence; counseling; outpatient and emergency treatment orders; custody upon emergency order; application of article

§ 32.1-48.03. Petition for hearing; temporary detention

§ 32.1-48.04. Isolation hearing; conditions; order for isolation; right to appeal

§ 32.1-48.05. Application of article; determination of exceptional circumstances; regulations; duties of the State Health Commissioner not be delegated

§ 32.1-48.06. Definitions

§ 32.1-48.07. Conditions for invoking the provisions of this article

§ 32.1-48.08. Declaration of quarantine

§ 32.1-48.09. Order of quarantine

§ 32.1-48.010. Appeal of any order of quarantine

§ 32.1-48.011. Isolation may be ordered under certain exceptional circumstances; Commissioner authorized to require hospitalization or other health care

§ 32.1-48.012. Isolation order

§ 32.1-48.013. Appeal of any order of isolation

§ 32.1-48.013:1. Electronic filings as protection from communicable disease

§ 32.1-48.014. Enforcement of orders of quarantine or isolation; penalties

§ 32.1-48.015. Authorization to disclose health records

§ 32.1-48.016. Immunity from liability

§ 32.1-48.017. Use of public or private property or facilities

§ 32.1-48.1. Regulation of State Health Commissioner declaring existence of rabies; display and publication

§ 32.1-48.2. Regulation of Commissioner requiring vaccination or inoculation of dogs

§ 32.1-48.3. Regulations of Commissioner covering local ordinances and requirements

§ 32.1-48.4. Commissioner to cooperate with local governing bodies and agencies

§ 32.1-49. Tuberculosis required to be reported

§ 32.1-49.1. Definitions

§ 32.1-50. Examination of persons suspected of having active tuberculosis disease; reporting; report forms; report schedule; laboratory reports and required samples

§ 32.1-50.1. Treatment plan; submission of plan and mediation of disagreements; determination of cure

§ 32.1-50.2. Administration of tuberculin purified protein derivative by nurses; policies and guidelines

§ 32.1-51. Repealed

§ 32.1-53. Facilities and contracts for treatment of tuberculosis patients

§ 32.1-54. Commissioner authorized to charge patients for care

§ 32.1-55. Definition

§ 32.1-55.1. Anonymous testing sites for human immunodeficiency virus

§ 32.1-56. Information to be provided patients

§ 32.1-57. Examination, testing and treatment; failure to comply with order of examination

§ 32.1-58. Persons convicted of certain crimes to be examined, tested and treated

§ 32.1-59. Examination and treatment in certain institutions

§ 32.1-60. Prenatal tests required

§ 32.1-61. Definition

§ 32.1-62. Procedure upon infant's birth

§ 32.1-63. Duty of physician, midwife or nurse noting ophthalmia neonatorum

§ 32.1-64. Duty of Board to provide for treatment

§ 32.1-64.1. Virginia Hearing Loss Identification and Monitoring System

§ 32.1-64.2. Confidentiality of records; publication; Commissioner required to contact parents, physicians, and relevant local early intervention program

§ 32.1-65. Certain newborn screening required

§ 32.1-65.1. Critical congenital heart defect screening test required

§ 32.1-66. Commissioner to notify physicians; reports to Commissioner

§ 32.1-67. Duty of Board for follow-up and referral protocols; regulations

§ 32.1-67.1. Confidentiality of records; prohibition of discrimination

§ 32.1-68. Commissioner to establish screening and treatment program; review by Board; program to include education and post-screening counseling; laboratory tests

§ 32.1-69. Records confidential; disclosure of results of screening

§ 32.1-69.1. Virginia Congenital Anomalies Reporting and Education System

§ 32.1-69.1:1. Dissemination of information regarding birth defects

§ 32.1-69.2. Confidentiality of records; publication; authority of Commissioner to contact parents and physicians

§ 32.1-69.3. Virginia Cord Blood Bank Initiative established

§ 32.1-69.4. Publication of information regarding cord blood education

§ 32.1-70. Information from hospitals, clinics, certain laboratories and physicians supplied to Commissioner; statewide cancer registry

§ 32.1-70.1. Repealed

§ 32.1-70.2. Collection of cancer case information by the Commissioner

§ 32.1-71. Confidential nature of information supplied; publication; reciprocal data-sharing agreements

§ 32.1-71.01. Penalties for unauthorized use of statewide cancer registry

§ 32.1-71.02. Notification of cancer patients of statewide cancer registry reporting

§ 32.1-71.1. Repealed

§ 32.1-72. Repealed

§ 32.1-73. Failure to comply with provisions; grounds for revocation of license or permit

§ 32.1-73.1. Repealed

§ 32.1-73.5. Comprehensive statewide asthma management plan

§ 32.1-73.6. Implementation of state asthma management programs

§ 32.1-73.7. Department to be lead agency for youth suicide prevention

§ 32.1-73.8. Youth health risk behavior survey

§ 32.1-73.9. Advisory Council on Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome; membership

§ 32.1-73.10. Advisory Council; report

§ 32.1-73.11. (Continued pursuant to Acts 2022, Sp. S. I, c. 2, item 299 D) Sunset

§ 32.1-73.12. Department to be lead agency for services for substance-exposed infants

§ 32.1-73.13. Alzheimer's disease and related dementias; early detection and diagnosis; risk reduction and care planning

§ 32.1-73.14. Rare Disease Council; purpose

§ 32.1-73.15. Powers and duties of the Council

§ 32.1-73.16. Membership; terms; quorum; meetings; staffing

§ 32.1-73.17. Rare Disease Council Fund

§ 32.1-73.18. Renal Disease Council; purpose

§ 32.1-73.19. Powers and duties of the Council

§ 32.1-73.20. Membership; terms; quorum; meetings; staffing