Code of Virginia
Chapter 5 - Regulation of Medical Care Facilities and Services
§ 32.1-126.2. Fire suppression systems required in nursing facilities and nursing homes

After January 1, 1993, the Commissioner shall not issue a license to or renew the license of any nursing facility or nursing home, regardless of when such institution was constructed, unless the nursing facility or nursing home is equipped with a fire suppression system which complies with the regulations of the Board of Housing and Community Development.
Units consisting of certified long-term care beds described in this section and § 36-99.9 located on the ground floor of general hospitals shall be exempt from the requirements of this section.
1990, c. 804.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 32.1 - Health

Chapter 5 - Regulation of Medical Care Facilities and Services

§ 32.1-123. Definitions

§ 32.1-124. Exemptions

§ 32.1-125. Establishment or operation of hospitals and nursing homes prohibited without license or certification; licenses not transferable

§ 32.1-125.01. Failing to report; penalty

§ 32.1-125.1. Inspection of hospitals by state agencies generally

§ 32.1-125.2. Disclosure of other providers of services

§ 32.1-125.3. Bed capacity and licensure in hospitals designated as critical access hospitals; designation as rural hospital

§ 32.1-125.4. Retaliation or discrimination against complainants

§ 32.1-125.5. Confidentiality of complainant's identity

§ 32.1-126. Commissioner to inspect and to issue licenses to or assure compliance with certification requirements for hospitals, nursing homes, and certified nursing facilities; notice of denial of license; consultative advice and assistance; notice...

§ 32.1-126.01. Employment for compensation of persons convicted of barrier crimes prohibited; criminal records check required; suspension or revocation of license

§ 32.1-126.02. Hospital pharmacy employees; criminal records check required

§ 32.1-126.1. Asbestos inspection for hospitals

§ 32.1-126.2. Fire suppression systems required in nursing facilities and nursing homes

§ 32.1-126.3. Fire suppression systems required in hospitals

§ 32.1-126.4. Hospital standing orders or protocols for certain vaccinations

§ 32.1-126.5. Consolidation of inspections

§ 32.1-127. Regulations

§ 32.1-127.001. Certain design and construction standards to be incorporated in hospital and nursing home licensure regulations

§ 32.1-127.01. Regulations to authorize certain sanctions and guidelines

§ 32.1-127.1. Immunity from liability for routine referral for organ and tissue donation

§ 32.1-127.1:01. Record storage

§ 32.1-127.1:02. Repealed

§ 32.1-127.1:03. Health records privacy

§ 32.1-127.1:04. Use or disclosure of certain protected health information required

§ 32.1-127.1:05. Breach of medical information notification

§ 32.1-127.2. Repealed

§ 32.1-127.3. Immunity from liability for certain free health care services

§ 32.1-128. Applicability to hospitals and nursing homes for practice of religious tenets

§ 32.1-129. Application for license

§ 32.1-130. Service charges

§ 32.1-131. Expiration and renewal of licenses

§ 32.1-132. Alterations or additions to hospitals and nursing homes; when new license required; use of inpatient hospital beds for furnishing skilled care services

§ 32.1-133. Display of license

§ 32.1-133.1. Human trafficking hotline; posted notice required; civil penalty

§ 32.1-134. Family planning information in hospitals providing maternity care

§ 32.1-134.01. Certain information required for maternity patients

§ 32.1-134.02. Infants; blood sample provided to parents

§ 32.1-134.1. When denial, etc., to duly licensed physician of staff membership or professional privileges improper

§ 32.1-134.2. Clinical privileges for certain practitioners

§ 32.1-134.3. Response to applications for clinical privileges

§ 32.1-134.4. Right of podiatrists or nurse practitioners to injunction

§ 32.1-135. Revocation or suspension of license or certification; restriction or prohibition of new admissions to nursing home

§ 32.1-135.1. Certain advertisements prohibited

§ 32.1-135.2. Offer or payment of remuneration in exchange for referral prohibited

§ 32.1-136. Violation; penalties

§ 32.1-137. Certification of medical care facilities under Title XVIII of Social Security Act

§ 32.1-137.01. Posting of charity care policies

§ 32.1-137.02. Hospital discharge procedures

§ 32.1-137.03. Discharge planning; designation of individual to provide care

§ 32.1-137.04. Patient notice of observation or outpatient status

§ 32.1-137.05. (Effective until July 1, 2023) Information regarding standard charges; advance estimate of patient payment amount for elective procedure, test, or service

§ 32.1-137.05. (Effective July 1, 2023) Information regarding standard charges; advance estimate of patient payment amount for elective procedure, test, or service

§ 32.1-137.06. Lyme disease test result information

§ 32.1-137.07. Violations of certain provisions; penalty

§ 32.1-137.08. Medical care facilities; persons with disabilities; designated support persons

§ 32.1-137.09. Hospital emergency department CPT code data reporting

§ 32.1-137.010. Financial assistance; payment plans

§ 32.1-137.1. Definitions

§ 32.1-137.2. Certification of quality assurance; application; issuance; denial; renewal

§ 32.1-137.3. Regulations

§ 32.1-137.4. Examination, review or investigation

§ 32.1-137.5. Civil penalties; probation; suspension; restriction or prohibition of new enrollments to managed care health insurance plan licensee; revocation or nonrenewal of certificate of quality assurance; appeal process; correction

§ 32.1-137.6. Complaint system

§ 32.1-137.7. Definitions

§ 32.1-137.8. Application to and compliance by utilization review entities

§ 32.1-137.9. Requirements and standards for utilization review entities

§ 32.1-137.10. Utilization review plan required

§ 32.1-137.11. Accessibility of utilization review entity

§ 32.1-137.12. Emergencies; extensions; access to and confidentiality of patient-specific medical records and information

§ 32.1-137.13. Adverse determination

§ 32.1-137.14. Reconsideration of adverse determination

§ 32.1-137.15. Adverse determination; appeal

§ 32.1-137.16. Records

§ 32.1-137.17. Limitation on Commissioner's jurisdiction

§ 32.1-138. Enumeration; posting of policies; staff training; responsibilities devolving on guardians, etc.; exceptions; certification of compliance

§ 32.1-138.1. Implementation of transfer and discharge policies

§ 32.1-138.2. Certain contract provisions prohibited

§ 32.1-138.3. Third party guarantor prohibition

§ 32.1-138.4. Retaliation or discrimination against complainants

§ 32.1-138.5. Confidentiality of complainant's identity

§ 32.1-138.6. Definitions

§ 32.1-138.7. Certificates of registration required; issuance; transferability; regulations

§ 32.1-138.8. Consultation with health regulatory boards

§ 32.1-138.9. Standards for approval

§ 32.1-138.10. Expiration; renewal

§ 32.1-138.11. Denial; revocation

§ 32.1-138.12. Waiver of requirements of article

§ 32.1-138.13. Access to and confidentiality of patient-specific medical records and information

§ 32.1-138.14. No private right of action created

§ 32.1-138.15. Regulations

§ 32.1-139. Repealed

§ 32.1-145. Repealed

§ 32.1-148. Repealed

§ 32.1-157. Repealed

§ 32.1-162.1. Definitions

§ 32.1-162.2. Exemptions from article

§ 32.1-162.3. License required for hospice programs; notice of denial of license; renewal thereof

§ 32.1-162.4. Inspections

§ 32.1-162.5. Regulations

§ 32.1-162.5:1. Notice to dispenser of patient's death; disposition of dispensed drugs

§ 32.1-162.6. Revocation or suspension of license

§ 32.1-162.6:1. Possession or administration of cannabis oil

§ 32.1-162.7. Definitions

§ 32.1-162.8. Exemptions from article

§ 32.1-162.9. Licenses required; renewal thereof

§ 32.1-162.9:1. Employment for compensation of persons convicted of barrier crimes prohibited; criminal records check required; drug testing; suspension or revocation of license

§ 32.1-162.10. Inspections; fees

§ 32.1-162.11. Liability insurance required

§ 32.1-162.12. Regulations

§ 32.1-162.13. Revocation or suspension of license

§ 32.1-162.14. Repealed

§ 32.1-162.15. Violation; penalties

§ 32.1-162.15:1. Unlawful advertising as a home care organization

§ 32.1-162.15:2. (Effective July 1, 2023) Definitions

§ 32.1-162.15:3. (Effective July 1, 2023) Services for survivors of sexual assault; plan required

§ 32.1-162.15:4. (For effective date, see Acts 2020, c 725) Treatment services

§ 32.1-162.15:5. Transfer services

§ 32.1-162.15:6. (Effective July 1, 2023) Services for pediatric survivors of sexual assault; plan required

§ 32.1-162.15:7. (Effective July 1, 2023) Inspections; report required

§ 32.1-162.15:8. (Effective July 1, 2023) Storage, retention, and dissemination of photographic documentation

§ 32.1-162.15:9. (Effective July 1, 2023) Submission of evidence

§ 32.1-162.15:10. (Effective July 1, 2023) Complaints

§ 32.1-162.15:11. Task Force on Services for Survivors of Sexual Assault