Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Health and Sanitation Provisions
§ 28.2-817. Displaying identification when transporting shellfish

Any conveyance engaged in transporting shellfish which have been caught within condemned areas for relaying or depuration to another area, or depuration facility where they may be cleansed and made fit for market, shall display a yellow flag of not less than thirty inches in length and eighteen inches in width before any shellfish are placed thereon. The flag shall be displayed during the entire relaying and transporting operation.
Code 1950, § 28-162.1; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-179; 1966, c. 684; 1968, c. 745; 1979, c. 274; 1981, c. 52; 1986, c. 184; 1988, c. 600; 1992, c. 836.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 28.2 - Fisheries and Habitat of the Tidal Waters

Chapter 8 - Health and Sanitation Provisions

§ 28.2-800. Definitions

§ 28.2-801. Authority to promulgate regulations; enforcement

§ 28.2-802. Powers of officers charged with enforcement; entry to establishment; seizure; destruction

§ 28.2-803. Examination, analysis and inspection

§ 28.2-804. Polluted ground; crustacea, finfish or shellfish

§ 28.2-805. Notice to cease activity

§ 28.2-806. State Health Commissioner to establish standards

§ 28.2-807. Condemnation of polluted growing area; procedure

§ 28.2-808. Periods of condemnation

§ 28.2-809. Emergency closing of ground

§ 28.2-810. Removal, transportation, etc., from polluted ground; penalty

§ 28.2-811. Permits for transporting, relaying or depurating; revocation

§ 28.2-812. Sealing motor vehicles used in transporting

§ 28.2-813. Maintenance of records

§ 28.2-814. Submission of reports

§ 28.2-815. Application for special permit

§ 28.2-816. Supervision of removal, relaying or depuration; seasons established

§ 28.2-817. Displaying identification when transporting shellfish

§ 28.2-818. Identification of relay areas

§ 28.2-819. Movement and unloading of shellfish from condemned area

§ 28.2-820. Harvesting, transporting, handling or transplanting of seed-stock shellfish

§ 28.2-821. Violations; penalty

§ 28.2-822. Suspension or revocation of licenses

§ 28.2-823. Certification of shellfish from outside the Commonwealth

§ 28.2-824. Common carriers

§ 28.2-825. Importing fish, shellfish or crustacea for introduction into waters of the Commonwealth; penalty

§ 28.2-826. Crassostrea ariakensis