Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Health and Sanitation Provisions
§ 28.2-806. State Health Commissioner to establish standards

The State Health Commissioner may establish and change standards, examinations, analyses and inspections which control the taking and marketing from a health standpoint, of crustacea, finfish or shellfish. He shall be the sole judge of whether or not such crustacea, finfish or shellfish are sanitary and fit for market.
Code 1950, § 28-160; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-176; 1992, c. 836.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 28.2 - Fisheries and Habitat of the Tidal Waters

Chapter 8 - Health and Sanitation Provisions

§ 28.2-800. Definitions

§ 28.2-801. Authority to promulgate regulations; enforcement

§ 28.2-802. Powers of officers charged with enforcement; entry to establishment; seizure; destruction

§ 28.2-803. Examination, analysis and inspection

§ 28.2-804. Polluted ground; crustacea, finfish or shellfish

§ 28.2-805. Notice to cease activity

§ 28.2-806. State Health Commissioner to establish standards

§ 28.2-807. Condemnation of polluted growing area; procedure

§ 28.2-808. Periods of condemnation

§ 28.2-809. Emergency closing of ground

§ 28.2-810. Removal, transportation, etc., from polluted ground; penalty

§ 28.2-811. Permits for transporting, relaying or depurating; revocation

§ 28.2-812. Sealing motor vehicles used in transporting

§ 28.2-813. Maintenance of records

§ 28.2-814. Submission of reports

§ 28.2-815. Application for special permit

§ 28.2-816. Supervision of removal, relaying or depuration; seasons established

§ 28.2-817. Displaying identification when transporting shellfish

§ 28.2-818. Identification of relay areas

§ 28.2-819. Movement and unloading of shellfish from condemned area

§ 28.2-820. Harvesting, transporting, handling or transplanting of seed-stock shellfish

§ 28.2-821. Violations; penalty

§ 28.2-822. Suspension or revocation of licenses

§ 28.2-823. Certification of shellfish from outside the Commonwealth

§ 28.2-824. Common carriers

§ 28.2-825. Importing fish, shellfish or crustacea for introduction into waters of the Commonwealth; penalty

§ 28.2-826. Crassostrea ariakensis