Code of Virginia
Chapter 2 - Condemnation Procedures
§ 25.1-245. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 2020, c. 1244, cl. 2.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 25.1 - Eminent Domain

Chapter 2 - Condemnation Procedures

§ 25.1-200. Chapter controls condemnation proceedings

§ 25.1-201. Jurisdiction of condemnation proceedings

§ 25.1-202. Nature of proceedings

§ 25.1-203. Authority of certain condemnors to inspect property; reimbursement for damages; notice prior to entry

§ 25.1-204. Effort to purchase required; prerequisite to effort to purchase or filing certificate

§ 25.1-205. Commencement of proceedings

§ 25.1-205.1. Mandatory dispute resolution orientation session

§ 25.1-206. Petition for condemnation

§ 25.1-207. Inclusion in petition of request for right of entry

§ 25.1-208. Joinder of separate parcels

§ 25.1-209. Notice of filing of petition

§ 25.1-210. Service of notice by order of publication; mailing copy of notice by publication

§ 25.1-211. Form of notice by publication

§ 25.1-212. Personal service of notice on nonresident owner

§ 25.1-213. Filing an answer and grounds of defense; election of commissioners or jury

§ 25.1-214. Failure of owner to file answer and grounds of defense

§ 25.1-215. No notice required where owner is a person under a disability; appointment of guardian ad litem

§ 25.1-216. Amendments to pleadings

§ 25.1-217. Substitution of party where owner becomes incapable of defending

§ 25.1-218. Intervention in proceedings

§ 25.1-219. Pretrial settlement conference; determination of preliminary issues; fixing date of trial on issue of just compensation

§ 25.1-220. Who determines issue of just compensation

§ 25.1-221. Consolidation of petitions for trial

§ 25.1-222. Proceedings not to be delayed by claims with respect to ownership of property

§ 25.1-223. Right to enter upon property

§ 25.1-224. Conditions upon entry; bonding; withdrawal of share by owner

§ 25.1-225. Abandonment of proceedings after entry upon property

§ 25.1-226. Repealed

§ 25.1-227.1. Qualifications of commissioners

§ 25.1-227.2. Empanelment of commissioners

§ 25.1-228. Qualification of jurors

§ 25.1-229. Selection of jurors

§ 25.1-230. Measure of just compensation; oaths of members of body determining just compensation

§ 25.1-230.1. (See Editor's Note) Lost access and lost profits

§ 25.1-231. View of property

§ 25.1-232. Testimony on issues; report on just compensation

§ 25.1-233. Confirmation of report; exceptions to report

§ 25.1-234. Participation by certain tenants in proceedings to determine just compensation

§ 25.1-235. Compensation of commissioners or jurors

§ 25.1-236. Contracts made part of report

§ 25.1-237. Payment of compensation and damages into court; vesting of title

§ 25.1-238. Petitioner may begin work during pendency of proceedings; injunction prohibited

§ 25.1-239. Finality of order confirming, altering or modifying report; appeal

§ 25.1-240. Distribution of money paid into court

§ 25.1-241. Hearing on controversy among claimants to money paid into court

§ 25.1-242. Appointment of other body to determine just compensation when new trial ordered; costs of new trial

§ 25.1-243. Withdrawal pendente lite of money paid into court

§ 25.1-244. Interest on award; entry of judgment for award and interest

§ 25.1-245. Repealed

§ 25.1-245.1. Costs

§ 25.1-246. When sheriff to remove forcible resistance to entry

§ 25.1-247. Recordation of orders, judgments and proceedings; costs

§ 25.1-247.1. Distribution of funds to owner or owner's attorney

§ 25.1-248. Dismissal of proceedings prior to trial on issue of just compensation

§ 25.1-249. Dismissal of proceedings after commencement of trial on issue of just compensation

§ 25.1-250. Effect of failure of petitioner to pay award; expenses

§ 25.1-251. Dismissal of proceedings by stipulation of parties; effect of dismissal; dropping parties