Code of Virginia
Chapter 2 - Condemnation Procedures
§ 25.1-204. Effort to purchase required; prerequisite to effort to purchase or filing certificate

A. A condemnor shall not institute proceedings to condemn property until a bona fide but ineffectual effort to purchase from the owner the property sought to be condemned has been made. However, such effort shall not be required if the consent cannot be obtained because one or more of the owners (i) is a person under a disability or is otherwise unable to convey legal title to such property, (ii) is unknown, or (iii) cannot with reasonable diligence be found within this Commonwealth.
B. Such bona fide effort shall include delivery of, or attempt to deliver, a written offer to acquire accompanied by a written statement to the owner that explains the factual basis for the condemnor's offer. The written statement shall include a description of the public use for which it is necessary to acquire the owner's property and shall contain a certification that the acquisition has been reviewed by the condemnor for purposes of complying with § 1-219.1. The written offer shall be made upon the state agency's letterhead and shall be signed by an authorized employee of such state agency.
C. If the condemnor obtains an appraisal of the property pursuant to the provisions of § 25.1-417, such written statement shall include a complete copy of the appraisal of the property upon which such offer is based. If the condemnor obtains more than one appraisal, such written statement shall include a copy of all appraisals obtained prior to making an offer to acquire or initiating negotiations for the real property.
D. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a condemnor, prior to making an offer to acquire a fee simple interest in property by purchase or filing a certificate of take or certificate of deposit pursuant to Chapter 3 (§ 25.1-300 et seq.) or § 33.2-1019, shall (i) conduct or cause to be conducted an examination of title to the property in order to ascertain the identity of each owner of such property and to determine the nature and extent of such owner's interests in the property, which examination of title shall be for at least 60 years; (ii) provide to such owner or owners a copy of the report showing the examination of title; and (iii) provide to such owner or owners a copy of all recorded instruments within the 60-year title history of such property, including all deeds of trust, releases, liens, deeds, or other instruments identified in the report.
E. A state agency's acquisition of real property in connection with any programs or projects pursuant to this title or Title 33.2 shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Before making an offer to acquire or initiating any related negotiations for real property, the state agency shall establish an amount which it believes to be just compensation therefor and shall make a prompt offer to acquire the property for the full amount so established. In no event shall such amount be less than the state agency's approved appraisal of the fair market value of such property, if such an appraisal is required, or the current assessed value of such property for real estate tax purposes, unless the property has physically changed in a material and substantial way since the current assessment date such that the real estate tax assessment no longer represents a fair valuation of the property, when the entire parcel for which the assessment is made is to be acquired, whichever is greater. Any decrease or increase in the fair market value of real property prior to the date of valuation caused by the public improvement for which such property is acquired, or by the likelihood that the property would be acquired for such improvement, other than that due to physical deterioration within the reasonable control of the owner, shall be disregarded in determining the compensation for the property. The state agency concerned shall provide the owner of real property to be acquired with a written statement of, and summary of the basis for, the amount it established as just compensation, and, if an appraisal is required or obtained, such written statement and summary shall include a complete copy of all appraisals of the real property to be acquired that the state agency obtained prior to making an offer to acquire or initiating negotiations for the real property. The state agency shall provide its written statement of the amount it established as just compensation on its letterhead, which shall be signed by an authorized employee of such state agency. Where appropriate, the just compensation for the real property acquired and for damages to remaining real property shall be separately stated.
2. No owner shall be required to surrender possession of real property before the state agency pays the agreed purchase price, or deposits with the state court in accordance with applicable law, for the benefit of the owner, (i) an amount not less than the state agency's approved appraisal of the fair market value of such property, if such an appraisal is required, or the current assessed value of such property for real estate tax purposes, unless the property has physically changed in a material and substantial way since the current assessment date such that the real estate tax assessment no longer represents a fair valuation of the property, when the entire parcel for which the assessment is made is to be acquired, whichever is greater, or (ii) the amount of the award of compensation in the condemnation proceeding for such property.
F. Nothing in this section shall make evidence of tax assessments admissible as proof of value in an eminent domain proceeding.
Code 1919, § 4363; Code 1950, § 25-7; 1962, c. 426, § 25-46.5; 1998, c. 556; 2000, c. 1029; 2003, cc. 627, 940; 2005, c. 878; 2011, cc. 117, 190; 2013, c. 764; 2020, c. 793; 2022, c. 735.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 25.1 - Eminent Domain

Chapter 2 - Condemnation Procedures

§ 25.1-200. Chapter controls condemnation proceedings

§ 25.1-201. Jurisdiction of condemnation proceedings

§ 25.1-202. Nature of proceedings

§ 25.1-203. Authority of certain condemnors to inspect property; reimbursement for damages; notice prior to entry

§ 25.1-204. Effort to purchase required; prerequisite to effort to purchase or filing certificate

§ 25.1-205. Commencement of proceedings

§ 25.1-205.1. Mandatory dispute resolution orientation session

§ 25.1-206. Petition for condemnation

§ 25.1-207. Inclusion in petition of request for right of entry

§ 25.1-208. Joinder of separate parcels

§ 25.1-209. Notice of filing of petition

§ 25.1-210. Service of notice by order of publication; mailing copy of notice by publication

§ 25.1-211. Form of notice by publication

§ 25.1-212. Personal service of notice on nonresident owner

§ 25.1-213. Filing an answer and grounds of defense; election of commissioners or jury

§ 25.1-214. Failure of owner to file answer and grounds of defense

§ 25.1-215. No notice required where owner is a person under a disability; appointment of guardian ad litem

§ 25.1-216. Amendments to pleadings

§ 25.1-217. Substitution of party where owner becomes incapable of defending

§ 25.1-218. Intervention in proceedings

§ 25.1-219. Pretrial settlement conference; determination of preliminary issues; fixing date of trial on issue of just compensation

§ 25.1-220. Who determines issue of just compensation

§ 25.1-221. Consolidation of petitions for trial

§ 25.1-222. Proceedings not to be delayed by claims with respect to ownership of property

§ 25.1-223. Right to enter upon property

§ 25.1-224. Conditions upon entry; bonding; withdrawal of share by owner

§ 25.1-225. Abandonment of proceedings after entry upon property

§ 25.1-226. Repealed

§ 25.1-227.1. Qualifications of commissioners

§ 25.1-227.2. Empanelment of commissioners

§ 25.1-228. Qualification of jurors

§ 25.1-229. Selection of jurors

§ 25.1-230. Measure of just compensation; oaths of members of body determining just compensation

§ 25.1-230.1. (See Editor's Note) Lost access and lost profits

§ 25.1-231. View of property

§ 25.1-232. Testimony on issues; report on just compensation

§ 25.1-233. Confirmation of report; exceptions to report

§ 25.1-234. Participation by certain tenants in proceedings to determine just compensation

§ 25.1-235. Compensation of commissioners or jurors

§ 25.1-236. Contracts made part of report

§ 25.1-237. Payment of compensation and damages into court; vesting of title

§ 25.1-238. Petitioner may begin work during pendency of proceedings; injunction prohibited

§ 25.1-239. Finality of order confirming, altering or modifying report; appeal

§ 25.1-240. Distribution of money paid into court

§ 25.1-241. Hearing on controversy among claimants to money paid into court

§ 25.1-242. Appointment of other body to determine just compensation when new trial ordered; costs of new trial

§ 25.1-243. Withdrawal pendente lite of money paid into court

§ 25.1-244. Interest on award; entry of judgment for award and interest

§ 25.1-245. Repealed

§ 25.1-245.1. Costs

§ 25.1-246. When sheriff to remove forcible resistance to entry

§ 25.1-247. Recordation of orders, judgments and proceedings; costs

§ 25.1-247.1. Distribution of funds to owner or owner's attorney

§ 25.1-248. Dismissal of proceedings prior to trial on issue of just compensation

§ 25.1-249. Dismissal of proceedings after commencement of trial on issue of just compensation

§ 25.1-250. Effect of failure of petitioner to pay award; expenses

§ 25.1-251. Dismissal of proceedings by stipulation of parties; effect of dismissal; dropping parties