Code of Virginia
Chapter 5 - School Boards; Selection, Qualification and Salaries of Members
§ 22.1-57.3. Election of school board members; election of tie breaker

A. If a majority of the qualified voters voting in such referendum vote in favor of changing the method of selecting school board members to direct election by the voters, then the members of the school board shall be elected by popular vote. Elections of school board members in a county, city, or town shall be held to coincide with the elections for members of the governing body of the county, city, or town at the regular general election in November or the regular general election in May, as the case may be.
B. The initial elected board shall consist of the same number of members as the appointed school board it replaces, and the members shall be elected from the established county or municipal election districts, at large, or a combination thereof, on the same basis as the school board previously was appointed. If the appointed school board being replaced has not been appointed either on an at-large basis or on the basis of the established county or municipal election districts, or a combination thereof, the members shall be elected at large unless the governing body of the county, city, or town provides for the election of school board members on the basis of the established county or municipal election districts. If the appointed school board being replaced has been appointed at large, the governing body of the county, city, or town may establish school election districts for the election of school board members. The governing body may provide for a locality-wide district, one or more districts comprised of a part of the locality, or any combination thereof, and for the apportionment of one or more school board members to any district.
The terms of the members of the elected school board for any county, city, or town shall be the same as the terms of the members of the governing body for the county, city, or town. In any locality in which both the school board and the governing body are elected from election districts, as opposed to being elected wholly on an at-large basis, the elections of the school board member and governing body member from each specific district shall be held simultaneously except as otherwise provided in §§ 22.1-57.3:1, 22.1-57.3:1.1, and 22.1-57.3:1.2.
At the first election for members of the school board, so many members shall be elected as there are members to be elected at the regular election for the governing body. At each subsequent regular election for members of the governing body, the same number of members of the school board shall be elected as the number of members to be elected at the regular election to the governing body. However, if the number of members on the school board differs from the number of members of the governing body, the number of members elected to the school board at the first and subsequent general election shall be either more or less than the number of governing body members, as appropriate, to the end that the number of members on the initial elected school board is the same as the number of members on the appointed board being replaced.
Except as provided in §§ 22.1-57.3:1, 22.1-57.3:1.1, and 22.1-57.3:1.2, the terms of the members of the school board shall be staggered only if the terms of the members of the governing body are staggered. If there are more, or fewer, members on the school board than on the governing body, the number of members to be elected to the school board at the first and subsequent election for school board members shall be the number required to establish the staggered term structure so that (i) a majority of the members of the school board is elected at the same time as a majority of the members of the governing body; (ii) if one-half of the governing body is being elected and the school board has an even number of members, one-half of the members of the school board is elected; (iii) if one-half of the governing body is being elected and the school board has an odd number of members, the majority by one member of the school board is elected at the first election and the remainder of the school board is elected at the second election; or (iv) if a majority of the members of the governing body is being elected and the school board has an even number of members, one-half of the members of the school board is elected.
If the school board is elected at large and the terms of the members of the school board are staggered, the school board members to be replaced at the first election shall include all appointed school board members whose appointive terms are scheduled to expire on December 31 or on June 30, as the case may be, next following the first election of county, city or town school board members. If the number of school board members whose appointive terms are so scheduled to expire is zero or less than the number of school board members to be elected at the first election, the appointed school board members to be replaced at the first election shall also include those whose appointive terms are scheduled to expire next subsequent to the date on which the terms of office of the first elected school board members will commence. If the appointive terms of more than one school board member are scheduled to expire simultaneously, but less than all of such members are to be replaced at the first election, then the identity of such school board member or members to be replaced at the first election shall be determined by a drawing held by the county or city electoral board at least ten days prior to the last day for a person to qualify as a candidate for school board member.
In any case in which school board members are elected from election districts, as opposed to being elected from the county, city, or town at large, the election districts for the school board shall be coterminous with the election districts for the county, city, or town governing body, except as may be specifically provided for the election of school board members in a county, city, or town in which the governing body is elected at large.
C. The terms of office for the school board members shall commence on January 1 or July 1, as the case may be, following their election. On December 31 or June 30, as the case may be, following the first election of county, city or town school board members, the terms of office of the members of the school board in office through appointment shall expire and the school board selection commission, if there is one, shall be abolished. If the entire school board is not elected at the first election of school board members, only the terms of the appointed members being replaced shall so expire and the terms of the appointed members being replaced at a subsequent election shall continue or be extended to expire on December 31 or June 30, as appropriate, of the year of the election of the school board members replacing them.
D. Except as otherwise provided herein, a vacancy in the office of any elected school board member shall be filled pursuant to §§ 24.2-226 and 24.2-228. In any county that has adopted the urban county executive form of government and that has adopted an elected school board, any vacancy on the elected school board shall be filled in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 15.2-802, mutatis mutandis. Notwithstanding any provision of law or charter to the contrary, if no candidates file for election to a school board office and no person who is qualified to hold the office is elected by write-in votes, a vacancy shall be deemed to exist in the office as of January 1 or July 1, as the case may be, following the general election. For the purposes of this subsection and Article 6 (§ 24.2-225 et seq.) of Chapter 2 of Title 24.2, local school boards comprised of elected and appointed members shall be deemed elected school boards.
E. In order to have their names placed on the ballot, all candidates shall be nominated only by petition as provided by general law pursuant to § 24.2-506.
F. For the purposes of this section, the election and term of the mayor or chairman of the board of supervisors shall be deemed to be an election and term of a member of the governing body of the municipality or county, respectively, whether or not the mayor or chairman is deemed to be a member of the governing body for any other purpose.
G. No employee of a school board shall be eligible to serve on the board with whom he is employed.
H. Any elected school board may have a position of tie breaker for the purpose of casting the deciding vote in cases of tie votes of the school board as provided in § 22.1-75. The position of tie breaker, if any, shall be held by a qualified voter who is a resident of the county, city, or town and who shall be elected in the same manner and for the same length of term as members of the school board and at a general election at which members of the school board are elected. A vacancy in the position of tie breaker shall be filled pursuant to §§ 24.2-226 and 24.2-228.
1992, c. 594; 1993, c. 878; 1994, c. 723; 1996, c. 873; 2000, c. 1045; 2006, c. 29; 2007, c. 100; 2010, c. 95; 2011, c. 776; 2014, c. 772.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 22.1 - Education

Chapter 5 - School Boards; Selection, Qualification and Salaries of Members

§ 22.1-28. Supervision of schools in each division vested in school board

§ 22.1-29. Qualifications of members

§ 22.1-29.1. Public hearing before appointment of school board members

§ 22.1-30. Certain officers may not act on school board or serve as tie breaker

§ 22.1-31. Oath

§ 22.1-32. Salary of members

§ 22.1-33. Special districts continued

§ 22.1-34. Application of article

§ 22.1-35. School board selection commission

§ 22.1-36. Composition of school board; to be appointed by commission

§ 22.1-36.1. Composition of school board in certain cases

§ 22.1-37. Notice by commission of meeting for appointment

§ 22.1-38. Terms of members of school board

§ 22.1-38.1. Provisions for school board where division consolidated as result of certain governmental consolidations

§ 22.1-39. Vacancies in school board

§ 22.1-40. Appointment of tie breaker

§ 22.1-41. Application of article

§ 22.1-42. Referendum on changing method of selection of members of school board

§ 22.1-43. Abolition of school board selection commission

§ 22.1-44. Appointment of school board members and tie breaker by county governing body; terms; vacancies

§ 22.1-45. Referendum to revert to appointment by school board selection commission

§ 22.1-46. Limitation on time of holding subsequent referendum

§ 22.1-47. Composition of boards; appointment and terms; tie breakers

§ 22.1-47.1. Applicability

§ 22.1-47.2. Petitions for a referendum on direct election of school board members

§ 22.1-47.3. Transition from appointed to elected school board

§ 22.1-47.4. Benefits, expenses, and reimbursements for the school board members of certain county

§ 22.1-48. Application of article

§ 22.1-49. City school districts

§ 22.1-50. Appointment and term generally; vacancies

§ 22.1-51. Repealed

§ 22.1-52. Application of article; single school board required

§ 22.1-53. How composed; appointment and terms of members; vacancies; tie breaker

§ 22.1-54. Members need not be appointed by districts

§ 22.1-55. Compensation of members

§ 22.1-56. Transfer of title to school property; adjudication of ownership

§ 22.1-57. Effective date for formation of board

§ 22.1-57.1. Applicability

§ 22.1-57.1:1. Referendum in certain consolidated cities

§ 22.1-57.2. Referendum on direct election of school board members by the voters

§ 22.1-57.3. Election of school board members; election of tie breaker

§ 22.1-57.3:1. Staggered terms of elected school boards in certain counties

§ 22.1-57.3:1.1. Loudoun County school board; staggered terms

§ 22.1-57.3:1.2. Pittsylvania County school board; staggered terms

§ 22.1-57.3:2. Repealed

§ 22.1-57.3:2.1. Appointment and terms of school board members for City of Williamsburg

§ 22.1-57.3:3. Election of school board and chairman in certain counties

§ 22.1-57.4. Referendum to revert to appointment of the school board

§ 22.1-57.5. Limitation on time of holding subsequent referendum