Code of Virginia
Chapter 14.1 - Early Childhood Care and Education
§ 22.1-289.09. Programs designed to promote educational opportunities

A. The General Assembly finds that effective prevention programs designed to assist children at risk of school failure and dropout are practical mechanisms for reducing violent and criminal activity and for ensuring that Virginia's children will reach adulthood with the skills necessary to succeed; to this end, the following program is hereby established. With such funds as are appropriated for this purpose, the General Assembly hereby establishes the Virginia Preschool Initiative as a grant program to be disbursed by the Department of Education to schools and community-based organizations to provide quality preschool programs for at-risk three-year-olds and four-year-olds who are unserved by Head Start programs and for at-risk five-year-olds who are not eligible to attend kindergarten.
B. Grants shall be used to provide at least half-day services for the length of the school year for at-risk three-year-old and four-year-old children who are unserved by Head Start programs and for at-risk five-year-olds who are not eligible to attend kindergarten. The services shall include quality preschool education; health services, including nutrition access programs; social services; parental involvement, including activities to promote family literacy; and transportation.
C. The guidelines for quality preschool education and criteria for preschool education services may be differentiated according to the agency providing the services in order to comply with various relevant federal or state requirements.
1. Any classroom that exceeds benchmarks set by the Board shall be staffed as follows: (i) at least one teacher shall be provided for any classroom with 10 students or fewer students; (ii) if the average daily membership in any classroom exceeds 10 students but does not exceed 20 students, at least one full-time teacher's aide shall be assigned to the classroom; and (iii) the maximum classroom size shall be 20 students.
2. Any classroom that does not exceed benchmarks set by the Board shall be staffed as follows: (i) at least one teacher shall be provided for any classroom with nine or fewer students; (ii) if the average daily membership in any classroom exceeds nine students but does not exceed 18 students, a full-time teacher's aide shall be assigned to such classroom; and (iii) the maximum classroom size shall be 18 students.
D. School divisions and other grantees may apply for and be granted waivers from these guidelines by the Department of Education. Grants shall be distributed, with such funds as are appropriated for this purpose, based on an allocation formula providing the state share of the grant per child, as specified in the appropriation act, for at least 60 percent of the unserved at-risk four-year-olds and five-year-olds who are not eligible to attend kindergarten in the Commonwealth, such 60 percent to be calculated by adding services for 30 percent more of the unserved at-risk children to the 30 percent of unserved at-risk children in each locality provided funding in the appropriation act.
E. Local school boards may elect to serve more than 60 percent of the at-risk four-year-olds and may use federal funds or local funds for this expansion or may seek funding through this grant program for such purposes. Grants may be awarded, if funds are available in excess of the funding for the 60 percent allocation, to expand services to at-risk four-year-olds beyond the 60 percent goal.
F. In order for a locality to qualify for these grants, the local governing body shall commit to providing the required matching funds, based on the composite index of local ability to pay. Localities may use, for the purposes of meeting the local match, local or other nonstate expenditures for existing qualifying programs and shall also continue to pursue and coordinate other funding sources, including child care subsidies. Funds received through this program shall be used to supplement, not supplant, any local funds currently provided for preschool programs within the locality.
2020, cc. 860, 861.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 22.1 - Education

Chapter 14.1 - Early Childhood Care and Education

§ 22.1-289.02. Definitions

§ 22.1-289.03. Early childhood care and education system; establishment

§ 22.1-289.04. Early childhood care and education advisory committee

§ 22.1-289.05. Uniform measurement and improvement system; regional entities; establishment

§ 22.1-289.06. Confidential records and information; penalty

§ 22.1-289.07. Information related to shaken baby syndrome

§ 22.1-289.08. Board to investigate child day programs at direction of Governor

§ 22.1-289.08:1. Child Care Subsidy Program Overpayment Fund

§ 22.1-289.09. Programs designed to promote educational opportunities

§ 22.1-289.010. Application fees; regulations and schedules; use of fees; certain facilities, centers and agencies exempt

§ 22.1-289.011. Licenses required; issuance, expiration, and renewal; maximum number of participants or children; posting of licenses

§ 22.1-289.012. Local government to report business licenses issued to child day centers and family day homes

§ 22.1-289.013. Investigation on receipt of application

§ 22.1-289.014. Variances

§ 22.1-289.015. Voluntary registration of family day homes; inspections; investigation upon receipt of complaint; revocation or suspension of registration

§ 22.1-289.016. Unlicensed and unregistered family day homes; notice to parents

§ 22.1-289.017. Compliance with Uniform Statewide Building Code

§ 22.1-289.018. Inspections and interviews

§ 22.1-289.019. Inspections of child day programs and family day systems; prioritization

§ 22.1-289.020. Issuance or refusal of license; notification; provisional and conditional licenses

§ 22.1-289.021. Records and reports

§ 22.1-289.022. Enforcement and sanctions; child day programs and family day systems; revocation and denial

§ 22.1-289.023. Enforcement and sanctions; special orders; civil penalties

§ 22.1-289.024. (Effective January 1 2022) Appeal from refusal, denial of renewal, or revocation of license

§ 22.1-289.025. Right to appeal notice of intent; child day programs and family day systems operated by agencies of the Commonwealth

§ 22.1-289.026. Injunction against operation without license

§ 22.1-289.027. Offenses; penalty

§ 22.1-289.028. Misleading advertising prohibited

§ 22.1-289.029. Duty of attorneys for the Commonwealth

§ 22.1-289.030. Exemptions from licensure

§ 22.1-289.031. Child day center operated by religious institution exempt from licensure; annual statement and documentary evidence required; enforcement; injunctive relief

§ 22.1-289.032. Certification of preschool or nursery school programs operated by accredited private schools; provisional certification; annual statement and documentary evidence required; enforcement; injunctive relief

§ 22.1-289.033. Inspection of unlicensed child care operations; inspection warrant

§ 22.1-289.034. Barrier crime; construction

§ 22.1-289.035. Licensed child day centers, family day homes, and family day systems; employment for compensation or use as volunteers of persons convicted of or found to have committed certain offenses prohibited; national background check required;...

§ 22.1-289.036. Background check upon application for licensure, registration, or approval as child day center, family day home, or family day system; penalty

§ 22.1-289.037. Revocation or denial of renewal based on background checks; failure to obtain background check

§ 22.1-289.038. Child day programs and family day systems; criminal conviction and waiver

§ 22.1-289.039. Records check by unlicensed child day center; penalty

§ 22.1-289.040. Child day centers and family day homes receiving federal, state, or local child care funds; eligibility requirements

§ 22.1-289.041. Sex offender or child abuser prohibited from operating or residing in family day home; penalty

§ 22.1-289.042. Establishment of toll-free telephone line for complaints; investigation on receipt of complaints

§ 22.1-289.043. Confidentiality of complainant's identity

§ 22.1-289.044. Retaliation or discrimination against complainants

§ 22.1-289.045. Retaliation against reports of child abuse or neglect

§ 22.1-289.046. Regulations for child day programs and family day systems

§ 22.1-289.047. Interagency agreements; cooperation of Department with other departments

§ 22.1-289.048. Program leaders and child-care supervisors at licensed child day centers; approved credential

§ 22.1-289.049. Regulated child day programs to require proof of child identity and age; report to law-enforcement agencies

§ 22.1-289.050. Insurance notice requirements for family day homes; civil penalty

§ 22.1-289.051. Dual licenses for certain child day centers

§ 22.1-289.052. Asbestos inspection required for child day centers

§ 22.1-289.053. Delay in acting on application or in notification

§ 22.1-289.054. Visitation by parents or guardians in child day programs

§ 22.1-289.055. Public funds to be withheld for serious or persistent violations

§ 22.1-289.055:1. Programs offered at certain residential private school

§ 22.1-289.056. Storage of firearms in certain family day homes

§ 22.1-289.057. Child day programs and certain other programs; potable water; lead testing

§ 22.1-289.058. Child day programs and certain other programs; carbon monoxide detectors

§ 22.1-289.059. Possession and administration of an appropriate weight-based dosage of epinephrine by employees