Code of Virginia
Chapter 10 - Literary Fund
§ 22.1-145. Investment of Fund

The Board of Education shall invest the Literary Fund in securities that are legal investments under the laws of the Commonwealth for public funds. The Board may call in any such investment and reinvest the same whenever it deems proper for the preservation, security or improvement of the Literary Fund. Whenever the Board shall invest in bonds of this Commonwealth, no premium shall be required or paid on such investment. All securities for money belonging to the Literary Fund shall be deposited with the State Treasurer for safekeeping, who shall return with his annual report a list thereof with a statement of their value.
Code 1950, § 22-102; 1956, c. 184; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 128; 1980, c. 559; 1985, c. 139.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 22.1 - Education

Chapter 10 - Literary Fund

§ 22.1-142. How Fund constituted; management

§ 22.1-143. Money belonging to Fund received in treasury; accountant

§ 22.1-144. Recovery of moneys due Fund

§ 22.1-145. Investment of Fund

§ 22.1-146. Power of Board to make loans from fund for erection, etc., of school buildings and fueling facilities for school buses

§ 22.1-146.1. School modernization loan interest rate subsidy payments

§ 22.1-147. (Effective until date pursuant to Va. Const., Art. IV, § 13) Distribution of funds

§ 22.1-147. (Effective pursuant to Va. Const., Art. IV, § 13) Application for and distribution of funds

§ 22.1-148. (Effective until date pursuant to Va. Const., Art. IV, § 13) Restrictions upon making loans; retirement of previous loans; waiting lists

§ 22.1-148. (Effective pursuant to Va. Const., Art. IV, § 13) Restrictions upon making loans; retirement of previous loans; waiting lists

§ 22.1-149. Additional funds for loans

§ 22.1-150. (Effective until date pursuant to Va. Const., Art. IV, § 13) Rate of interest

§ 22.1-150. (Effective pursuant to Va. Const., Art. IV, § 13) Rate of interest

§ 22.1-151. Evidence of loan

§ 22.1-152. Payment of principal and interest

§ 22.1-153. School boards authorized to borrow from Fund; form of application

§ 22.1-154. Repealed

§ 22.1-158. Provisions for payment

§ 22.1-159. Loans for construction of school facilities to serve portions of counties; levy of taxes for purpose of repaying such loans

§ 22.1-160. School boards authorized to anticipate payment of loans

§ 22.1-161. Loan declared indebtedness of the county, city or town; lien on locality's funds created