Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Governor
§ 2.2-120. Powers with respect to state-owned motor vehicles

A. The Governor may prescribe, by general or special executive orders, regulations for the purchase, use, storage, maintenance and repair of all motor vehicles owned by the Commonwealth, and in the possession of any state department, institution or agency where his supervision is not forbidden by the Constitution.
B. The Governor may use any building or land owned by the Commonwealth, and not required to be used for other purposes, for storing and garaging state-owned motor vehicles. He may employ watchmen or guards, mechanics and other labor to repair and service such vehicles, and provide for the purchase of gasoline, oil and other supplies for such vehicles, and allocate among the various departments and agencies using such vehicles their proportionate part of the cost of repairs, servicing, gasoline, oil, and other supplies.
C. The Governor may create in the State Treasurer's office a special fund to be reflected on the books of the Comptroller, out of which all costs and expenses incurred pursuant to this section shall be paid. All allocations of costs and charges for repairing and servicing motor vehicles made against any institution, agency, or department shall, when approved by the department head, be paid into the special fund by interdepartmental transfers on the Comptroller's books. All funds so paid or transferred into the special fund are appropriated for the purposes of this section and shall be paid out on warrants of the Comptroller issued upon vouchers signed by the state officer or employee designated by the Governor.
D. The Governor may, by executive order or regulation, impose upon the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, or any other agency of the executive branch of the state government, any or all administrative duties pertaining to the administration of this section.
E. If any state officer, agent or employee fails to comply with any rule, regulation or order of the Governor made pursuant to this section, the Comptroller shall, upon order of the Governor, refuse to issue any warrant on account of expenses incurred, or to be incurred in the purchase, operation, maintenance, or repair of any motor vehicle now or to be in the possession or under the control of such officer, agent or employee, or the Governor may order some state officer or agent to take possession of the vehicle and transfer it to some other department, institution, agency, officer, agent or employee, or to make such other disposition as the Governor may direct.
Code 1950, § 2-42; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-47; 2001, c. 844.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 2.2 - Administration of Government

Chapter 1 - Governor

§ 2.2-100. Salaries of Governor and other officers; administrative assistants

§ 2.2-101. Clerical forces and office expenses of Governor

§ 2.2-102. Personal staff as commander in chief

§ 2.2-103. Authority to formulate executive branch policies; chief officer for personnel administration and planning and budget

§ 2.2-104. Delegation of powers

§ 2.2-105. Appointments to office; effect of refusal to confirm by the General Assembly

§ 2.2-106. Appointment of agency heads; disclosure of resumes; severance

§ 2.2-107. Appointment of members of commissions, boards, and other collegial bodies; disclosure of resumes

§ 2.2-108. Removal of members of certain boards, commissions, etc.

§ 2.2-109. Requiring appearances by officers, etc., and production of records, etc.; issuance of subpoenas and other writs; employment of accountants

§ 2.2-109.01. Signed statements required from appointees

§ 2.2-110. Officers of Commonwealth and its institutions to make reports to Governor

§ 2.2-111. Suits, actions, etc., by Governor

§ 2.2-112. To whom return on warrant of Governor to be made

§ 2.2-113. Temporary suspension of state mandates

§ 2.2-114. Coordination of official communications with federal and foreign governments

§ 2.2-115. Commonwealth's Development Opportunity Fund

§ 2.2-115.1. COVID-19 Relief Fund

§ 2.2-116. Service on board of national tobacco trust entity

§ 2.2-117. Governor to administer anti-crime partnership program

§ 2.2-118. Repealed

§ 2.2-119. Governor to administer highway safety program and secure benefits to Commonwealth under federal Highway Safety Act of 1966

§ 2.2-120. Powers with respect to state-owned motor vehicles

§ 2.2-121. Approval of purchase of passenger-type automobile; transfer and valuation of surplus vehicles

§ 2.2-122. Commercial use of seals of the Commonwealth

§ 2.2-123. Authority over rooms and space in public buildings

§ 2.2-124. Regulation of athletic leaves of absence

§ 2.2-125. Governor authorized to accept certain property from Confederate Memorial Literary Society

§ 2.2-126. Disposition of official correspondence

§ 2.2-127. Purpose

§ 2.2-128. Definitions

§ 2.2-129. Reorganization plans

§ 2.2-130. Contents of reorganization plans

§ 2.2-131. Limitation on powers

§ 2.2-132. Approval by the General Assembly; effective date; publication

§ 2.2-133. Effect on other laws, pending legal proceedings, and unexpended appropriations

§ 2.2-134. Authority to create gubernatorial commissions

§ 2.2-135. Limitations and requirements

§ 2.2-136. Repealed