Code of Virginia
Chapter 26 - Public Finance Act
§ 15.2-2653. Contesting issuance of bonds; notice and hearing; service on member of governing body, etc.

Any person, corporation, or association desiring to contest the issuance of any bonds pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or any other law, general or special, shall proceed by filing a motion for judgment within thirty days after the filing of the resolution or ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds with the circuit court having jurisdiction over the issuer, or in contesting the validity of a petition for or the results of a referendum, within thirty days after the date that the result of the election for the issuance of the bonds is certified, in the court having jurisdiction as provided in § 15.2-2651. For bonds which are not authorized pursuant to a referendum, or for which the authorizing resolution or ordinance is not required to be filed with the circuit court, the contestant shall proceed by filing a motion for judgment within thirty days after the adoption of the authorizing resolution or ordinance. Upon the filing of a motion for judgment, the court shall fix a time and place for hearing the proceeding and shall enter an order requiring the publication of the motion for judgment or a summary of it approved by the court, together with the order setting forth the time and place of the hearing, once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published or having general circulation in the jurisdiction where the issuer is located. The date fixed for the hearing shall not be sooner than ten days after the date the second publication of the motion for judgment or summary and the order appears in the newspaper. In addition to such publication, the plaintiff shall secure personal service on at least one member of the governing body of the issuer.
Code 1950, § 15-666.57; 1958, c. 640; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-216; 1979, c. 184; 1991, c. 668, § 15.1-227.55; 1994, c. 714; 1997, c. 587.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns

Chapter 26 - Public Finance Act

§ 15.2-2600. Short title

§ 15.2-2601. Chapter not to affect general, special and local acts and charters under which bonds are issued or validated

§ 15.2-2602. Definitions

§ 15.2-2603. Disposition of unclaimed funds due on matured bonds or coupons

§ 15.2-2604. Powers generally

§ 15.2-2605. Collection of rents and charges; liens on real estate; discharge and enforcement of liens

§ 15.2-2606. Public hearing before issuance of bonds

§ 15.2-2607. Provisions which may be embodied in bond ordinances or resolution; adoption; filing copy with court

§ 15.2-2608. Bonds for revenue-producing undertakings

§ 15.2-2609. Covenants relating to issuance of revenue bonds

§ 15.2-2610. Request for referendum filed with court; order for election; notice

§ 15.2-2611. Holding of election; order authorizing bonds; authority of governing body

§ 15.2-2612. Dating; rate of interest; maturity; denomination; place of payment

§ 15.2-2613. Form and manner of execution; signature of person ceasing to be officer

§ 15.2-2614. Bearer, registered or book entry form

§ 15.2-2615. Bonds deemed negotiable instruments

§ 15.2-2616. Interim receipts or temporary bonds exchangeable for definitive bonds

§ 15.2-2617. Sale of bonds

§ 15.2-2618. Disposition of proceeds; separate fund

§ 15.2-2619. Investment of proceeds pending application to authorized purpose

§ 15.2-2620. Bonds made legal investments

§ 15.2-2621. Bonds mutilated, lost or destroyed

§ 15.2-2622. Destruction of bonds and coupons after payment in full

§ 15.2-2623. Defeasance of indebtedness; rights of owners

§ 15.2-2624. Tax to pay principal and interest

§ 15.2-2625. Deposit of funds; security; investment of funds

§ 15.2-2626. Contracts concerning interest rates, currency, cash flow or other basis

§ 15.2-2627. Time for contesting validity of proposed bond issue; when bonds presumed valid

§ 15.2-2628. Notes in anticipation of bond issue

§ 15.2-2629. Loans to meet appropriations for current year

§ 15.2-2630. Loans in anticipation of federal and state funds

§ 15.2-2631. Terms of temporary loans

§ 15.2-2632. Certain debts that may be contracted by city on transition from town

§ 15.2-2633. Borrowing by certain cities to pay expenses

§ 15.2-2634. Limitation on amount of outstanding bonds

§ 15.2-2635. What indebtedness not included in determining limitation

§ 15.2-2636. Ordinance or resolution to provide for issue of bonds

§ 15.2-2637. Danville to incur indebtedness only in accordance with charter

§ 15.2-2638. Powers of counties generally; approval of voters required

§ 15.2-2639. County may elect to be treated as city for issuing bonds

§ 15.2-2640. Resolution for bond issue; contents; request for bonds for school purposes

§ 15.2-2641. Subsequent resolutions

§ 15.2-2642. School district bonds

§ 15.2-2643. Authority for issuance; resolutions or ordinances

§ 15.2-2644. Issuance or exchange for indebtedness to be retired; sale and disposition of proceeds; rights of owners

§ 15.2-2645. Amount of bonds

§ 15.2-2646. Participation in funds donated by the Commonwealth

§ 15.2-2647. Expenses of authorization and issuance; agent to assist in refunding transaction

§ 15.2-2648. Purchase in open market

§ 15.2-2649. District refunding bonds

§ 15.2-2650. Article controlling as to proceedings involving validity

§ 15.2-2651. Proceeding by political subdivision to establish validity; procedure; parties defendant

§ 15.2-2652. Service by publication of motion for judgment; parties defendant

§ 15.2-2653. Contesting issuance of bonds; notice and hearing; service on member of governing body, etc.

§ 15.2-2654. Reply by party defendant; intervention by interested parties; determination of questions; orders; precedence over other business

§ 15.2-2655. Consolidation of actions or proceedings

§ 15.2-2656. Appeals

§ 15.2-2657. Decree validating bonds binding and conclusive

§ 15.2-2658. Bonds invalidated only for substantial defects, etc.; matters of form disregarded

§ 15.2-2659. Investigation by Governor of alleged defaults; withholding state funds from defaulting locality; payment of funds withheld; receipts, reports, etc.; magisterial and school district defaults included

§ 15.2-2660. Bonds not affected by project undertaken

§ 15.2-2661. Provisions of chapter controlling; powers conferred are additional

§ 15.2-2662. Validation of bonds

§ 15.2-2663. Transition