Code of Virginia
Chapter 26 - Public Finance Act
§ 15.2-2600. Short title

This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Public Finance Act of 1991."
Code 1950, § 15-666.13; 1958, c. 640; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-170; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 224; 1991, c. 668, § 15.1-227.1; 1997, c. 587.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns

Chapter 26 - Public Finance Act

§ 15.2-2600. Short title

§ 15.2-2601. Chapter not to affect general, special and local acts and charters under which bonds are issued or validated

§ 15.2-2602. Definitions

§ 15.2-2603. Disposition of unclaimed funds due on matured bonds or coupons

§ 15.2-2604. Powers generally

§ 15.2-2605. Collection of rents and charges; liens on real estate; discharge and enforcement of liens

§ 15.2-2606. Public hearing before issuance of bonds

§ 15.2-2607. Provisions which may be embodied in bond ordinances or resolution; adoption; filing copy with court

§ 15.2-2608. Bonds for revenue-producing undertakings

§ 15.2-2609. Covenants relating to issuance of revenue bonds

§ 15.2-2610. Request for referendum filed with court; order for election; notice

§ 15.2-2611. Holding of election; order authorizing bonds; authority of governing body

§ 15.2-2612. Dating; rate of interest; maturity; denomination; place of payment

§ 15.2-2613. Form and manner of execution; signature of person ceasing to be officer

§ 15.2-2614. Bearer, registered or book entry form

§ 15.2-2615. Bonds deemed negotiable instruments

§ 15.2-2616. Interim receipts or temporary bonds exchangeable for definitive bonds

§ 15.2-2617. Sale of bonds

§ 15.2-2618. Disposition of proceeds; separate fund

§ 15.2-2619. Investment of proceeds pending application to authorized purpose

§ 15.2-2620. Bonds made legal investments

§ 15.2-2621. Bonds mutilated, lost or destroyed

§ 15.2-2622. Destruction of bonds and coupons after payment in full

§ 15.2-2623. Defeasance of indebtedness; rights of owners

§ 15.2-2624. Tax to pay principal and interest

§ 15.2-2625. Deposit of funds; security; investment of funds

§ 15.2-2626. Contracts concerning interest rates, currency, cash flow or other basis

§ 15.2-2627. Time for contesting validity of proposed bond issue; when bonds presumed valid

§ 15.2-2628. Notes in anticipation of bond issue

§ 15.2-2629. Loans to meet appropriations for current year

§ 15.2-2630. Loans in anticipation of federal and state funds

§ 15.2-2631. Terms of temporary loans

§ 15.2-2632. Certain debts that may be contracted by city on transition from town

§ 15.2-2633. Borrowing by certain cities to pay expenses

§ 15.2-2634. Limitation on amount of outstanding bonds

§ 15.2-2635. What indebtedness not included in determining limitation

§ 15.2-2636. Ordinance or resolution to provide for issue of bonds

§ 15.2-2637. Danville to incur indebtedness only in accordance with charter

§ 15.2-2638. Powers of counties generally; approval of voters required

§ 15.2-2639. County may elect to be treated as city for issuing bonds

§ 15.2-2640. Resolution for bond issue; contents; request for bonds for school purposes

§ 15.2-2641. Subsequent resolutions

§ 15.2-2642. School district bonds

§ 15.2-2643. Authority for issuance; resolutions or ordinances

§ 15.2-2644. Issuance or exchange for indebtedness to be retired; sale and disposition of proceeds; rights of owners

§ 15.2-2645. Amount of bonds

§ 15.2-2646. Participation in funds donated by the Commonwealth

§ 15.2-2647. Expenses of authorization and issuance; agent to assist in refunding transaction

§ 15.2-2648. Purchase in open market

§ 15.2-2649. District refunding bonds

§ 15.2-2650. Article controlling as to proceedings involving validity

§ 15.2-2651. Proceeding by political subdivision to establish validity; procedure; parties defendant

§ 15.2-2652. Service by publication of motion for judgment; parties defendant

§ 15.2-2653. Contesting issuance of bonds; notice and hearing; service on member of governing body, etc.

§ 15.2-2654. Reply by party defendant; intervention by interested parties; determination of questions; orders; precedence over other business

§ 15.2-2655. Consolidation of actions or proceedings

§ 15.2-2656. Appeals

§ 15.2-2657. Decree validating bonds binding and conclusive

§ 15.2-2658. Bonds invalidated only for substantial defects, etc.; matters of form disregarded

§ 15.2-2659. Investigation by Governor of alleged defaults; withholding state funds from defaulting locality; payment of funds withheld; receipts, reports, etc.; magisterial and school district defaults included

§ 15.2-2660. Bonds not affected by project undertaken

§ 15.2-2661. Provisions of chapter controlling; powers conferred are additional

§ 15.2-2662. Validation of bonds

§ 15.2-2663. Transition