In counties where no police department has been established and the sheriff is the chief law-enforcement officer, the sheriff may enter into agreements with any other governmental entity providing law-enforcement services in the Commonwealth, and may furnish and receive interjurisdictional law-enforcement assistance for all law-enforcement purposes, including those described in this chapter, and for purposes of Chapter 3.2 (§ 44-146.13 et seq.) of Title 44. Sheriffs and their deputies, providing or receiving such assistance, shall have all the authority, benefits, immunity from liability and exemptions from laws, ordinances and regulations as officers acting within their own jurisdictions.
1999, c. 352.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns
Chapter 17 - Police and Public Order
§ 15.2-1700. Preservation of peace and good order
§ 15.2-1701. Organization of police forces
§ 15.2-1702. Referendum required prior to establishment of county police force
§ 15.2-1703. Referendum to abolish county police force
§ 15.2-1704. Powers and duties of police force
§ 15.2-1705. Minimum qualifications; waiver
§ 15.2-1707. Decertification of law-enforcement officers
§ 15.2-1708. Notice of decertification
§ 15.2-1710. Fees and other compensation
§ 15.2-1710.1. Arrest or summons quota prohibited
§ 15.2-1712. Employment of off-duty officers
§ 15.2-1713. Localities authorized to offer and pay rewards in felony and misdemeanor cases
§ 15.2-1713.1. Local "Crime Stoppers" programs; confidentiality
§ 15.2-1714. Establishing police lines, perimeters, or barricades
§ 15.2-1715. Authority to declare Intensified Drug Enforcement Jurisdictions; expenditure of funds
§ 15.2-1716. Reimbursement of expenses incurred in responding to DUI and related incidents
§ 15.2-1716.2. Methamphetamine lab cleanup costs; localities may charge for reimbursement
§ 15.2-1717. Preventing interference with pupils at schools
§ 15.2-1717.1. Designation of police to enforce trespass violations
§ 15.2-1718. Receipt of missing child reports
§ 15.2-1718.1. Receipt of missing senior adult reports
§ 15.2-1718.2. Receipt of critically missing adult reports
§ 15.2-1719. Disposal of unclaimed property in possession of sheriff or police
§ 15.2-1721. Disposal of unclaimed firearms or other weapons in possession of sheriff or police
§ 15.2-1721.1. Acquisition of military property by localities
§ 15.2-1722. Certain records to be kept by sheriffs and chiefs of police
§ 15.2-1722.1. Prohibited practices; collection of data
§ 15.2-1723. Validation of certain police forces
§ 15.2-1723.1. Body-worn camera system
§ 15.2-1723.2. (Effective until July 1, 2026) Facial recognition technology; approval; penalty
§ 15.2-1723.2. (Effective July 1, 2026) Facial recognition technology; approval
§ 15.2-1724. Police and other officers may be sent beyond territorial limits
§ 15.2-1725.1. Concurrent jurisdiction; limitations
§ 15.2-1727. Reciprocal agreements with localities outside the Commonwealth
§ 15.2-1728. Mutual aid agreements between police departments and federal authorities
§ 15.2-1730. Calling upon law-enforcement officers of counties, cities or towns for assistance
§ 15.2-1730.1. Authority and immunity of sheriffs and deputies
§ 15.2-1731. Establishment, etc., authorized; powers, authority and immunities generally
§ 15.2-1732. Appropriations for equipment and maintenance
§ 15.2-1735. Acting beyond limits of jurisdiction of locality
§ 15.2-1736. Mutual aid agreements among governing bodies of localities
§ 15.2-1747. Creation of academies
§ 15.2-1748. Powers of the academies
§ 15.2-1750. Governmental units authorized to appropriate or lend funds
§ 15.2-1751. Exemption from taxation