Code of Virginia
Chapter 17 - Police and Public Order
§ 15.2-1708. Notice of decertification

A. Service of notice. The Board shall, within ten days of decertification, serve notice upon an affected officer, in person or by certified mail, and upon the law-enforcement or jail agency employing said officer, by certified mail, specifying the action taken and remedies available. The Board shall stay final action until the period for requesting a hearing expires.
B. Decertification hearing. Any law-enforcement or jail officer who has been decertified may, within thirty days of receipt of notice served by the Board, request, by certified mail, a hearing which shall be granted by the Board. Upon receipt of such request, the Board shall set a date, time, and place for the hearing within sixty days and serve notice by certified mail upon the affected officer. The Board, or a committee thereof, shall conduct such hearing. The affected officer may be represented by counsel. In the absence of a request for hearing, decertification shall, without further proceedings, become final thirty days after the initial notice.
C. Standard of review. The decertification of a law-enforcement or jail officer under § 15.2-1707 shall be sustained by the Board unless such law-enforcement or jail officer shows, by a preponderance of the evidence, good cause for his certification to be reinstated.
D. Final decision after request for hearing. The Board shall render a final decision within thirty days.
E. Notice of final action. The Board shall notify the officer and the law-enforcement or jail agency involved, by certified mail, of the final action regarding decertification.
F. Reinstatement after decertification. Any officer who is decertified may, after a period of not less than five years, petition the Board to be considered for reinstatement of certification.
1994, cc. 850, 905, § 15.1-131.8:3; 1995, c. 112; 1997, c. 587.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns

Chapter 17 - Police and Public Order

§ 15.2-1700. Preservation of peace and good order

§ 15.2-1701. Organization of police forces

§ 15.2-1702. Referendum required prior to establishment of county police force

§ 15.2-1703. Referendum to abolish county police force

§ 15.2-1704. Powers and duties of police force

§ 15.2-1705. Minimum qualifications; waiver

§ 15.2-1706. Certification through training required for all law-enforcement officers; waiver of requirements

§ 15.2-1707. Decertification of law-enforcement officers

§ 15.2-1708. Notice of decertification

§ 15.2-1709. Employer immunity from liability; disclosure of information regarding former deputy sheriffs and law-enforcement officers

§ 15.2-1710. Fees and other compensation

§ 15.2-1710.1. Arrest or summons quota prohibited

§ 15.2-1711. Providing legal fees and expenses for law-enforcement officers; repayment to locality of two-thirds of amount by Compensation Board

§ 15.2-1712. Employment of off-duty officers

§ 15.2-1713. Localities authorized to offer and pay rewards in felony and misdemeanor cases

§ 15.2-1713.1. Local "Crime Stoppers" programs; confidentiality

§ 15.2-1714. Establishing police lines, perimeters, or barricades

§ 15.2-1715. Authority to declare Intensified Drug Enforcement Jurisdictions; expenditure of funds

§ 15.2-1716. Reimbursement of expenses incurred in responding to DUI and related incidents

§ 15.2-1716.1. Reimbursement of expenses incurred in responding to terrorism hoax incident, bomb threat, or malicious activation of fire alarm

§ 15.2-1716.2. Methamphetamine lab cleanup costs; localities may charge for reimbursement

§ 15.2-1717. Preventing interference with pupils at schools

§ 15.2-1717.1. Designation of police to enforce trespass violations

§ 15.2-1718. Receipt of missing child reports

§ 15.2-1718.1. Receipt of missing senior adult reports

§ 15.2-1718.2. Receipt of critically missing adult reports

§ 15.2-1719. Disposal of unclaimed property in possession of sheriff or police

§ 15.2-1720. Localities authorized to license bicycles, electric power-assisted bicycles, mopeds, and electric personal assistive mobility devices; disposition of unclaimed bicycles, electric power-assisted bicycles, mopeds, and electric personal ass...

§ 15.2-1721. Disposal of unclaimed firearms or other weapons in possession of sheriff or police

§ 15.2-1721.1. Acquisition of military property by localities

§ 15.2-1722. Certain records to be kept by sheriffs and chiefs of police

§ 15.2-1722.1. Prohibited practices; collection of data

§ 15.2-1723. Validation of certain police forces

§ 15.2-1723.1. Body-worn camera system

§ 15.2-1723.2. (Effective until July 1, 2026) Facial recognition technology; approval; penalty

§ 15.2-1723.2. (Effective July 1, 2026) Facial recognition technology; approval

§ 15.2-1724. Police and other officers may be sent beyond territorial limits

§ 15.2-1725. Extending police power of localities over lands lying beyond boundaries thereof; jurisdiction of courts

§ 15.2-1725.1. Concurrent jurisdiction; limitations

§ 15.2-1726. Agreements for consolidation of police departments or for cooperation in furnishing police services

§ 15.2-1727. Reciprocal agreements with localities outside the Commonwealth

§ 15.2-1728. Mutual aid agreements between police departments and federal authorities

§ 15.2-1729. Agreements for enforcement of state and county laws by federal officers on federal property

§ 15.2-1730. Calling upon law-enforcement officers of counties, cities or towns for assistance

§ 15.2-1730.1. Authority and immunity of sheriffs and deputies

§ 15.2-1731. Establishment, etc., authorized; powers, authority and immunities generally

§ 15.2-1732. Appropriations for equipment and maintenance

§ 15.2-1733. Appointment of auxiliary police officers; revocation of appointment; uniform; organization; rules and regulations

§ 15.2-1734. Calling auxiliary police officers into service; police officers performing service to wear uniform; exception

§ 15.2-1735. Acting beyond limits of jurisdiction of locality

§ 15.2-1736. Mutual aid agreements among governing bodies of localities

§ 15.2-1737. Repealed

§ 15.2-1747. Creation of academies

§ 15.2-1748. Powers of the academies

§ 15.2-1749. Revenue bonds

§ 15.2-1750. Governmental units authorized to appropriate or lend funds

§ 15.2-1751. Exemption from taxation

§ 15.2-1752. Governmental immunity

§ 15.2-1753. Liability of board members