Code of Virginia
Chapter 15 - Local Government Personnel, Qualification for Office, Bonds, Dual Office Holding and Certain Local Government Officers
§ 15.2-1511. Allowances to injured officials and employees and their dependents

The governing body of any locality is authorized in its discretion to make allowances by appropriation of funds, payable in monthly or semimonthly installments, for the relief of any of its officials, employees, police officers, firefighters, sheriffs or deputy sheriffs, town sergeants and town deputy sergeants, or their dependents, who suffer injury or death as defined in Title 65.2, whether such injury was suffered or death occurs before or after June 29, 1948 (which date is the effective date of the section). The allowance shall not exceed the salary or wage being paid such official, employee, police officer, firefighter, sheriff or deputy sheriff, town sergeants and town deputy sergeants, at the time of such injury or death, and the payment of the allowance shall not extend beyond the period of disability resulting from such injury. In case death results from the injury, the allowance may be made for the dependents as defined in Title 65.2. In localities which have established retirement or pension systems for injured, retired or superannuated officials, employees, members of police or fire departments, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, town sergeants and deputy sergeants, or for the dependents of those killed in line of duty, the agencies provided for the administration of such systems shall determine the existence of such injury or cause of death before any appropriation to pay such allowance is made and shall determine the extent of and period of disability resulting from such injury and the cause in case of death. All sums paid to any such official, employee, police officer, firefighter, sheriff or deputy sheriff, town sergeants and deputy sergeants, as compensation under Title 65.2 and all sums paid to the dependents of such official, employee, police officer, firefighter, sheriff or deputy sheriff, town sergeant and deputy sergeant, if he is killed, and all sums paid under any retirement or pension system shall be deducted from the allowance made under this section in such installments as the agency determines. If the agency determines that any official, employee, police officer, firefighter, sheriff or deputy sheriff, town sergeant and deputy sergeant, who suffered injury in the line of duty is engaged or is able to engage in a gainful occupation, then the allowance shall be reduced by the agency to an amount which, together with the amount earnable by him, equals the allowance. Should the earning capacity of the official, employee, police officer, firefighter, sheriff or deputy sheriff, town sergeant and deputy sergeant, be later changed, such allowance may be further modified, up or down, provided the new allowance shall not exceed the amount of the allowance originally made nor an amount which, when added to the amount earnable by him, exceeds such allowance.
The death of, or any condition or impairment of health of, any member of a local police department, or of a sheriff or deputy sheriff, caused by hypertension or heart disease resulting in total or partial disability shall be presumed to have been suffered in the line of duty unless the contrary be shown by competent evidence; provided that prior to making any claim based upon such presumption for retirement, sickness or other benefits on account of such death or total or partial disability, such member, sheriff, or deputy sheriff, shall have been found free from hypertension or heart disease, as the case may be, by a physical examination which shall include such appropriate laboratory and other diagnostic studies as such governing body shall prescribe and which shall have been conducted by physicians whose qualifications shall have been prescribed by such governing body. In the case of a claim for disability, that any such member, sheriff, or deputy sheriff, shall, if requested by such governing body or its authorized representative, submit himself to physical examination by any physician designated by such governing body, such examination to include such tests or studies as may reasonably be prescribed by the physician so designated. Such member, sheriff or deputy sheriff, or claimant shall have the right to have present at such examination, at his own expense, any qualified physician he may designate. In the case of a claim for death benefits, any person entitled to make a claim for such benefits, claiming that such person's death was suffered in the line of duty, shall submit the body of the deceased to a postmortem examination to be performed by the medical examiner for the county, city or town appointed under § 32.1-282.
Code 1950, § 15-555; 1950, p. 315; 1954, c. 246; 1960, c. 487; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-134; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155; 1973, c. 499; 1976, c. 769; 1977, c. 326; 1997, c. 587.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns

Chapter 15 - Local Government Personnel, Qualification for Office, Bonds, Dual Office Holding and Certain Local Government Officers

§ 15.2-1500. Organization of local government

§ 15.2-1500.1. Employment discrimination prohibited; sexual orientation or gender identity

§ 15.2-1501. Designation of officers to perform certain duties

§ 15.2-1502. Employment of certain deputies and assistants; delegation of powers and duties

§ 15.2-1503. Tenure of officers and employees; suspension or removal

§ 15.2-1503.1. Background checks required for certain employees and licensees

§ 15.2-1504. Use of tobacco products by government employees

§ 15.2-1505. Employment based on residency prohibited for certain employees

§ 15.2-1505.1. Applicant preemployment information

§ 15.2-1505.2. Personnel policies related to the use of public property

§ 15.2-1505.3. Localities prohibited from inquiring about arrests, charges, or convictions on employment applications; exceptions

§ 15.2-1506. Establishment of grievance procedure, personnel system and uniform pay plan for employees

§ 15.2-1507. Provision of grievance procedure; training programs

§ 15.2-1507.1. Appointment of standing panel in certain counties

§ 15.2-1508. Bonuses for employees of local governments

§ 15.2-1508.1. Traveling expenses on business of town, city or county

§ 15.2-1508.2. Same; where Commonwealth bears portion of expenses

§ 15.2-1508.3. Governing bodies of certain cities and counties may supplement salaries and reimburse traveling expenses of employees of state and local health departments

§ 15.2-1508.4. Certain counties and cities may supplement salaries and reimburse traveling expenses of employees of state mental health clinics

§ 15.2-1509. Preferences for veterans and people with disabilities in local government employment

§ 15.2-1510. Retirement systems

§ 15.2-1510.1. Public announcement of severance packages for certain officials

§ 15.2-1511. Allowances to injured officials and employees and their dependents

§ 15.2-1511.01. Allowances to injured deputy sheriffs

§ 15.2-1511.1. Written benefit information to certain employees

§ 15.2-1512. Oath and bond

§ 15.2-1512.1. Disposition of property received by subdivisions as result of conversion of mutual insurance company to stock corporation

§ 15.2-1512.2. Political activities of employees of localities, firefighters, emergency medical services personnel, and law-enforcement officers and certain other officers and employees

§ 15.2-1512.3. Telecommuting by local government employees

§ 15.2-1512.4. Rights of local employees to contact elected officials

§ 15.2-1512.5. Authority of local government employees to issue summonses for misdemeanor violations of certain local ordinances

§ 15.2-1513. Joint local government employees permitted

§ 15.2-1514. Exercise of powers and duties

§ 15.2-1515. Compensation, benefits and liability insurance of such persons

§ 15.2-1516. Exceptions

§ 15.2-1517. Insurance for employees and retired employees of localities and other local governmental entities; participation by certain volunteers

§ 15.2-1517.1. Formation of not-for-profit benefits consortium

§ 15.2-1518. Liability insurance for officers, employees and volunteers of local government and members of its boards and commissions and constitutional officers

§ 15.2-1519. Liability insurance for employees of local departments and boards of welfare and social services; legal representation

§ 15.2-1520. Employment of counsel to defend localities and political subdivisions, governing bodies, officers or employees in certain proceedings; costs and expenses of such proceedings

§ 15.2-1521. Providing legal fees and expenses for officer or employee of county, city or town in certain proceedings

§ 15.2-1522. When and how officers qualify

§ 15.2-1523. Record of qualification

§ 15.2-1524. Failure to qualify vacates office

§ 15.2-1525. Where officers shall reside

§ 15.2-1526. Removal vacates office

§ 15.2-1527. Bonds of officers

§ 15.2-1528. Penalties of bonds of sheriffs, clerks of the circuit court and commissioners of the revenue

§ 15.2-1529. Amount of bond of treasurer or director of finance of counties

§ 15.2-1530. Bonds required of treasurers or directors of finance of cities

§ 15.2-1531. When certain city and county treasurers not required to give additional bond

§ 15.2-1532. Payment of premiums on bonds for more than one year in advance

§ 15.2-1533. Bond plan to be forwarded to clerk and Comptroller

§ 15.2-1534. Certain officers not to hold more than one office

§ 15.2-1535. Members of governing body not to be elected or appointed by governing body to certain offices

§ 15.2-1536. Required and discretionary officers

§ 15.2-1537. Financial officer

§ 15.2-1537.1. Disposition of state funds locally collected

§ 15.2-1538. Clerk for the governing body

§ 15.2-1539. General duties of clerk

§ 15.2-1540. Chief administrative officer

§ 15.2-1541. Administrative head of government

§ 15.2-1541.1. Authority of county administrator to maintain centralized system of accounting

§ 15.2-1542. Creation of office of county, city or town attorney authorized; appointment, salary and duties

§ 15.2-1543. Employment of purchasing agent; duties

§ 15.2-1544. Counties, cities, towns, school divisions, and certain political subdivisions may establish local trusts or equivalent arrangements to fund postemployment benefits other than pensions

§ 15.2-1545. Postemployment benefits other than pensions defined

§ 15.2-1546. Assets of trusts or equivalent arrangements for postemployment benefits other than pensions

§ 15.2-1547. Creation of local finance boards to manage the assets of postemployment benefits trust or equivalent arrangement; composition of such boards; alternatives to such boards; liability; and removal from office

§ 15.2-1548. Finance boards or alternatives thereto to manage the assets of trusts or equivalent arrangements to fund postemployment benefits other than pensions and provide annual reports; exemption from Public Procurement Act

§ 15.2-1549. Investment of assets of trusts or equivalent arrangement for postemployment benefits other than pensions