(a) It is the intent of the Legislature by the passage of this part to authorize the incorporation in Mobile County of public corporations to acquire, enlarge, improve, replace, own, lease, and dispose of properties to the end that such corporations may be able to develop land as sites for industrial parks in Mobile County which shall be deemed to include the provision of water, sewage, drainage, transportation, and other similar facilities which are incidental to the use of land as an industrial park, including easements and rights of way for public utilities providing power and communication services, but shall not be deemed to include the provision of structures or buildings other than structures or buildings related to the provision of water, sewage, drainage, transportation, or similar facilities. It is the further intent of the Legislature by the passage of this part to vest such public corporations with all powers that may be necessary to enable them to accomplish such purposes. It is not intended hereby that any such corporation shall itself be authorized to operate any manufacturing, industrial, commercial, or research enterprise; nor shall the corporation be authorized to provide services in the nature of those services provided by public utilities.
(b) This part shall be liberally construed in conformity with the intentions.
Structure Code of Alabama
Article 9 - Economic and Industrial Development and Tourism.
Section 45-49-90 - Definitions.
Section 45-49-90.01 - Purpose; Liberal Construction.
Section 45-49-90.02 - Authority to Incorporate; Participation of Municipality.
Section 45-49-90.03 - Certificate of Incorporation - Requirements.
Section 45-49-90.04 - Certificate of Incorporation - Filing, Approval, and Recording.
Section 45-49-90.05 - Certificate of Incorporation Amendments.
Section 45-49-90.06 - Board of Directors.
Section 45-49-90.07 - Powers of Corporation; Location of Industrial Park.
Section 45-49-90.08 - Bonds of the Corporation.
Section 45-49-90.09 - Notice of Bond Resolution.
Section 45-49-90.10 - Liability of County or Municipalities.
Section 45-49-90.11 - Earnings of the Corporation.
Section 45-49-90.12 - Dissolution of Corporation.
Section 45-49-90.13 - Recording of Instruments.
Section 45-49-90.14 - Exemption From Taxation.