Whenever used in this part, unless a different meaning clearly appears in the context, the following terms, whether used in the singular or plural, shall be given the following respective interpretations:
(1) CORPORATION. Any corporation organized pursuant to this part.
(2) COUNTY. Mobile County.
(3) GOVERNING BODY. The Mobile County Commission or the council or other governing body of a municipality located in Mobile County.
(4) INDUSTRIAL PARK. Land, with such improvements as are authorized by this part, which has been determined suitable for use by more than one industrial or commercial enterprise for industrial or commercial purposes and has been acquired or is proposed to be acquired for the purpose of transferring it to one or more persons for use for industrial or commercial purposes.
(5) MUNICIPALITY. An incorporated city or town located within Mobile County.
Structure Code of Alabama
Article 9 - Economic and Industrial Development and Tourism.
Section 45-49-90 - Definitions.
Section 45-49-90.01 - Purpose; Liberal Construction.
Section 45-49-90.02 - Authority to Incorporate; Participation of Municipality.
Section 45-49-90.03 - Certificate of Incorporation - Requirements.
Section 45-49-90.04 - Certificate of Incorporation - Filing, Approval, and Recording.
Section 45-49-90.05 - Certificate of Incorporation Amendments.
Section 45-49-90.06 - Board of Directors.
Section 45-49-90.07 - Powers of Corporation; Location of Industrial Park.
Section 45-49-90.08 - Bonds of the Corporation.
Section 45-49-90.09 - Notice of Bond Resolution.
Section 45-49-90.10 - Liability of County or Municipalities.
Section 45-49-90.11 - Earnings of the Corporation.
Section 45-49-90.12 - Dissolution of Corporation.
Section 45-49-90.13 - Recording of Instruments.
Section 45-49-90.14 - Exemption From Taxation.