A school selected to the pilot program may choose to be exempt from the administrative structure set forth by this subpart and may develop a model for implementing school-based decision making including, but not limited to, a description of the membership, organization, duties, and responsibilities of a school council. The school shall submit the model to the school board for approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The application for approval of the model shall show evidence that it has been developed by representatives of the parents, students, teachers, and the principal or administrator of the school and that two-thirds of the faculty have agreed to the model.
Structure Code of Alabama
Division 2 - Site-Based Management.
Section 45-49-102.20 - School-Based Decision Making Pilot Programs.
Section 45-49-102.21 - School Council - Creation; Composition.
Section 45-49-102.22 - School Council Teacher and Parent Representatives.
Section 45-49-102.23 - School Council - Training Course.
Section 45-49-102.24 - School Council - School Policies.
Section 45-49-102.25 - School Council - Meeting Frequency and Agenda.
Section 45-49-102.26 - School Council - Open Meetings.
Section 45-49-102.27 - Budgeting.
Section 45-49-102.28 - Fiscal Duties of Principal.
Section 45-49-102.29 - Personnel Decisions.
Section 45-49-102.30 - Authority to Control, Assign, or Transfer Students.
Section 45-49-102.31 - Policy Areas Implemented by Principal.
Section 45-49-102.32 - Additional Policy Requirements.
Section 45-49-102.33 - Powers and Liability.