Each public school in a pilot program shall form a school council which shall be composed of three parent representatives, two teachers, and the principal or administrator. These six members shall select a seventh member who shall not be a relative of any other member of the school council. The seventh member need not be a parent, but shall be an individual interested in the participating school. The parent representatives on the school council shall not be relatives of any employee of the school. Any vacancy on the school council shall be filled by the remaining members for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Structure Code of Alabama
Division 2 - Site-Based Management.
Section 45-49-102.20 - School-Based Decision Making Pilot Programs.
Section 45-49-102.21 - School Council - Creation; Composition.
Section 45-49-102.22 - School Council Teacher and Parent Representatives.
Section 45-49-102.23 - School Council - Training Course.
Section 45-49-102.24 - School Council - School Policies.
Section 45-49-102.25 - School Council - Meeting Frequency and Agenda.
Section 45-49-102.26 - School Council - Open Meetings.
Section 45-49-102.27 - Budgeting.
Section 45-49-102.28 - Fiscal Duties of Principal.
Section 45-49-102.29 - Personnel Decisions.
Section 45-49-102.30 - Authority to Control, Assign, or Transfer Students.
Section 45-49-102.31 - Policy Areas Implemented by Principal.
Section 45-49-102.32 - Additional Policy Requirements.
Section 45-49-102.33 - Powers and Liability.