Code of Alabama
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 41-4-4 - Certain Appropriations to Be Expended by Department.

All appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for the purchase, acquisition or use of furniture, fixtures, supplies, materials, equipment or other personal property, appropriations for printing and binding and the distribution of printed matter, appropriations for the maintenance, repair, improvement, lighting, heating and cleaning of the State Capitol and other property owned or leased by the state in the City of Montgomery, and appropriations for postage and telephone expenses for any department, board, bureau, commission, agency or office of the state located and operating in the City of Montgomery shall be used for the purpose and, if so made, for the department, board, bureau, commission, agency, office or institution for which made. Such appropriations shall be expended by and on the order of the Department of Finance for such purposes.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 41 - State Government.

Chapter 4 - Department of Finance.

Article 1 - General Provisions.

Section 41-4-1 - Definitions.

Section 41-4-2 - General Purpose of Department; Seal.

Section 41-4-3 - Duties of Department Generally.

Section 41-4-3.1 - Monthly Reports on Condition of General Fund and Education Trust Fund.

Section 41-4-4 - Certain Appropriations to Be Expended by Department.

Section 41-4-5 - Appointment of Employees; Officers and Employees Subject to Merit System.

Section 41-4-6 - Oath of Office and Full-Time Service of Officers and Chiefs of Divisions.

Section 41-4-7 - Bonds of Comptroller, Purchasing Agent, Chiefs of Divisions of Department, Etc.

Section 41-4-9 - Grants Received From the Federal Government.

Section 41-4-8 - Powers and Duties of Department as to Educational and Eleemosynary Institutions.

Section 41-4-10 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Purchase and Holding in Trust of State Bonds.

Section 41-4-11 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Sale of Bonds; Reinvestment of Funds; Cancellation of Paid Bonds.

Section 41-4-12 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Purchase of State Bonds in Lieu of Use of Sinking Fund; Cancellation and Destruction of Bonds Purchased.

Section 41-4-13 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Deposit of Funds in Savings Banks.

Section 41-4-14 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Books to Be Kept Showing Full Entries as to Sinking Fund.

Section 41-4-15 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Sinking Fund Not to Be Diverted From Its Object.

Section 41-4-16 - Consent of Department Prerequisite to Issuance of Securities by State Commissions, Authorities, etc.; Exceptions.

Section 41-4-17 - Rent Charged for Use of State Buildings in Capitol Complex; Fund for Operation, Maintenance, Etc.

Section 41-4-18 - Inventory of Facilities and Lands Owned, Leased, Rented, etc., by Certain State Entities.