Code of Alabama
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 41-4-18 - Inventory of Facilities and Lands Owned, Leased, Rented, etc., by Certain State Entities.

(a)(1) The State Department of Finance shall develop and maintain an automated inventory of all facilities and lands owned, leased, rented, or otherwise occupied or maintained by any agency of the state or by the judicial branch. The facilities inventory shall include the location, occupying agency, and ownership.
(2) For the purposes of this section, the term facility means buildings, structures, and building systems, and does not include facilities of the State Department of Transportation or the Alabama State Port Authority.
(3) The State Department of Transportation shall develop and maintain an inventory of their own facilities, which inventories should be available to the public online.
(4) The Alabama Commission on Higher Education and the State Department of Postsecondary Education, respectively, shall develop and maintain a facilities inventory, in the manner prescribed by the State Department of Finance, of all state university and community college facilities and shall make the data available in a format acceptable to the State Department of Finance.
(5) The lands inventory shall include the location and ownership.
(6) The State Department of Finance shall utilize any available information from existing inventories of facilities and lands to develop and maintain the inventory as required by this section, including any information about state lands managed by the State Lands Division of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(7) This section shall not require the Retirement Systems of Alabama to disclose any lease of a facility between the Retirement Systems of Alabama as a lessor and any person or entity as a lessee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any agency of the state or judicial branch shall disclose any lease of a facility between that entity as a lessee and the Retirement Systems of Alabama as a lessor.
(b) The State Department of Finance shall update the automated inventory, and cause to be updated the other inventories required by subsection (a), at least one time every 3 years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the inventories shall be updated to reflect acquisitions of new facilities and lands and significant changes in existing facilities and lands as they occur. The State Department of Finance shall provide each agency and the judicial branch with the most recent inventory applicable to that agency or branch. Each agency and branch, in the manner prescribed by the State Department of Finance, shall report significant changes in the inventory as they occur.
(c) The automated inventory required by this section shall be maintained on the website of the State Department of Finance for access by the public.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 41 - State Government.

Chapter 4 - Department of Finance.

Article 1 - General Provisions.

Section 41-4-1 - Definitions.

Section 41-4-2 - General Purpose of Department; Seal.

Section 41-4-3 - Duties of Department Generally.

Section 41-4-3.1 - Monthly Reports on Condition of General Fund and Education Trust Fund.

Section 41-4-4 - Certain Appropriations to Be Expended by Department.

Section 41-4-5 - Appointment of Employees; Officers and Employees Subject to Merit System.

Section 41-4-6 - Oath of Office and Full-Time Service of Officers and Chiefs of Divisions.

Section 41-4-7 - Bonds of Comptroller, Purchasing Agent, Chiefs of Divisions of Department, Etc.

Section 41-4-9 - Grants Received From the Federal Government.

Section 41-4-8 - Powers and Duties of Department as to Educational and Eleemosynary Institutions.

Section 41-4-10 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Purchase and Holding in Trust of State Bonds.

Section 41-4-11 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Sale of Bonds; Reinvestment of Funds; Cancellation of Paid Bonds.

Section 41-4-12 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Purchase of State Bonds in Lieu of Use of Sinking Fund; Cancellation and Destruction of Bonds Purchased.

Section 41-4-13 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Deposit of Funds in Savings Banks.

Section 41-4-14 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Books to Be Kept Showing Full Entries as to Sinking Fund.

Section 41-4-15 - Use of Funds in Sinking Fund - Sinking Fund Not to Be Diverted From Its Object.

Section 41-4-16 - Consent of Department Prerequisite to Issuance of Securities by State Commissions, Authorities, etc.; Exceptions.

Section 41-4-17 - Rent Charged for Use of State Buildings in Capitol Complex; Fund for Operation, Maintenance, Etc.

Section 41-4-18 - Inventory of Facilities and Lands Owned, Leased, Rented, etc., by Certain State Entities.