Code of Alabama
Chapter 3 - Motor Vehicle Carriers.
Section 37-3-13 - Contract Carrier Permits - Generally.

(a) No person shall engage in the business of a contract carrier by motor vehicle in intrastate commerce on any highway of this state unless there is in force with respect to such carrier a permit issued by the commission, authorizing such person to engage in such business. The application for such permit shall be decided in accordance with the procedure provided for in subsection (b) of this section, and such permit shall be issued or denied accordingly.
(b) Application for such permits shall be made to the commission in writing, be verified under oath and shall be in such form and contain such information as the commission may, by regulation, require. Such application for permit shall be accompanied by such proof of service of notice of said application and the filing thereof with the commission as the commission shall by regulation require. Notice of such application by every contract carrier of passengers shall be served upon every contract carrier of passengers, and such notice of application by contract carriers of property shall be served on every such carrier of property then operating in the territory proposed to be served by the applicant and upon every other applicant then having an application pending before the commission for a permit to operate in the territory proposed to be served by the applicant and upon the State Department of Transportation. Subject to Section 37-3-14, a permit shall be issued to any qualified applicant therefor, authorizing in whole or in part the operations covered by the application, if, after public hearing of the application, it appears from the application and the evidence in support thereof or from any hearing held thereon that the applicant is fit, willing and able to properly perform the service of a contract carrier by motor vehicle and to conform to the provisions of this chapter and the lawful requirements, rules and regulations of the commission thereunder, and that the proposed operation, to the extent authorized by the permit, will be consistent with the public interest, otherwise such application shall be denied. The commission shall specify on the permit the business of the contract carrier covered thereby and the scope thereof and shall attach to it, at the time of issuance and from time to time thereafter, such reasonable rules, terms, conditions and limitations consistent with the character of the holder as a contract carrier as are necessary to carry out, with respect to the operations of such carrier, the requirements established by the commission under this chapter; provided, that subject to such reasonable regulations as the commission may prescribe, the carrier may substitute or add contracts, within the scope of his permit, or add to his or its equipment and facilities, within the scope of the permit, as the development of the business and the demands of the public may require.
(c) Contract carriers of property shall not transport on any one motor vehicle over any highway in this state, outside of the corporate limits of any city, town or municipality, property of more than two consignors at the same time, and, for the purposes of this section, the word "consignors" means the bona fide owner of the property transported at the time of shipment, who has made the contract for shipment with the carrier.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 37 - Public Utilities and Public Transportation.

Chapter 3 - Motor Vehicle Carriers.

Section 37-3-1 - Short Title.

Section 37-3-2 - Definitions.

Section 37-3-3 - Applicability of Chapter to Interstate Commerce.

Section 37-3-4 - Exemptions.

Section 37-3-5 - Operations to Be in Accordance With Chapter; Carriers Subject to Regulation of Commission.

Section 37-3-6 - Proprietary or Property Rights in Use of Highways Not Conferred by Chapter.

Section 37-3-7 - Powers and Duties of Commission Generally.

Section 37-3-8 - Commission Members Not to Have Pecuniary Interest, etc., in Carriers or Brokers.

Section 37-3-9 - Disposition of Matters Requiring Hearing.

Section 37-3-10 - Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - When Required; Application; Determination by Commission.

Section 37-3-11 - Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Issuance Generally.

Section 37-3-12 - Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Scope of Authority Granted; Deviations; Charter Parties; Transportation of Newspapers, Baggage or Mail; Abandonment or Discontinuance.

Section 37-3-12.1 - Grant of Intrastate Charter Rights to Certain Common Carriers Authorized.

Section 37-3-13 - Contract Carrier Permits - Generally.

Section 37-3-14 - Contract Carrier Permits - Dual Operations.

Section 37-3-15 - Licensing and Regulation of Brokers.

Section 37-3-16 - Effective Date of Certificates, Permits or Licenses; Suspension, Change or Revocation.

Section 37-3-17 - Transfer of Certificates or Permits.

Section 37-3-18 - Bond or Other Security.

Section 37-3-20 - Tariffs of Common Carriers.

Section 37-3-19 - Duty of Common Carrier to Provide Service, Equipment, and Facilities; Rates and Charges Generally; Rules, Regulations, and Practices; Other Remedies Not Extinguished.

Section 37-3-21 - Schedules or Contracts of Contract Carriers; Charges Generally; Rules, Regulations or Practices.

Section 37-3-22 - Accounts, Records and Reports.

Section 37-3-23 - Bills of Lading.

Section 37-3-23.1 - Unenforceability of Certain Motor Vehicle Transportation Contract Provisions.

Section 37-3-24 - Effective Date of Commission Orders.

Section 37-3-25 - Penalties for Violations.

Section 37-3-26 - Collection of Rates and Charges.

Section 37-3-27 - Employment of Personnel to Aid Commission in Administration and Enforcement of Chapter.

Section 37-3-28 - Examiners.

Section 37-3-29 - Appeals.

Section 37-3-30 - Additional Compensation of Commission Members.

Section 37-3-31 - Appropriation.

Section 37-3-32 - Fees.

Section 37-3-32.1 - Administration of Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005.

Section 37-3-33 - Municipal Privilege License Fees or Taxes.

Section 37-3-34 - Rules and Regulations of Commission.