Code of Alabama
Division 2 - Rates and Other Regulations.
Section 37-1-96 - Necessity for Hearing Prior to Order Affecting Rate or Service.

No order shall be made by the commission affecting any rate or service, except as otherwise specifically provided, unless or until a public hearing has been held in accordance with the provisions of this title.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 37 - Public Utilities and Public Transportation.

Chapter 1 - Public Service Commission.

Article 2 - Powers and Duties Generally.

Division 2 - Rates and Other Regulations.

Section 37-1-80 - Rates to Be Just and Reasonable; Right of Utility to Earn Fair Net Return; Alternative Methods of Regulation.

Section 37-1-80.1 - Review and Adjustment of Rates of Connecting Telephone Companies When South Central Bell Telephone Company Receives Increase in Net Return.

Section 37-1-80.2 - Dual Party Relay System and Fund; Board of Trustees; Funding of Other Services; Liability of Trustees.

Section 37-1-81 - Schedules of Rates or Service Regulations.

Section 37-1-82 - Production and Inspection of Books or Records, etc., of Utilities.

Section 37-1-83 - Investigation of Unfair Rates or Inadequate Service; Who May File Complaints; Continuance.

Section 37-1-84 - Filing and Contents of Complaint.

Section 37-1-85 - Time and Place of Hearing.

Section 37-1-86 - Notice and Process.

Section 37-1-87 - Intervention in Proceedings Before Commission.

Section 37-1-88 - Right of Party to Be Heard in Person or by Attorney.

Section 37-1-89 - Taking of Testimony; Further Investigation; Laws Governing Conduct of Hearing; Transcript.

Section 37-1-90 - Separate Hearings on Several Matters.

Section 37-1-91 - Witnesses Not Excused for Reasons of Incrimination or Forfeiture; Perjury Prosecution Not Barred.

Section 37-1-92 - Depositions of Witnesses.

Section 37-1-93 - Fees of Witnesses.

Section 37-1-94 - Time Allowed Commission for Making Decision.

Section 37-1-95 - Order Requiring Discontinuance or Rectification of Violation.

Section 37-1-96 - Necessity for Hearing Prior to Order Affecting Rate or Service.

Section 37-1-97 - Order Fixing Reasonable Rate.

Section 37-1-98 - Certified Copies of Orders.

Section 37-1-99 - Rates and Orders of Commission Deemed Prima Facie Reasonable and Valid.

Section 37-1-100 - Effective Date of Orders.

Section 37-1-101 - Modification of Orders.

Section 37-1-102 - Record of Proceedings.

Section 37-1-103 - Substantial Compliance by Commission With Requirements of Title Sufficient.

Section 37-1-104 - Power of Circuit Court to Compel Compliance With Commission Orders, Etc.

Section 37-1-105 - Rehearing.