Code of Alabama
Article 2 - Pilots Generally.
Section 33-4-44 - Revocation or Suspension of License for Cause - Issuance of Subpoenas in Behalf of Pilot.

Such pilot against whom such charges have been filed, upon depositing with the secretary of said commission an amount sufficient to cover the costs and expenses of serving such subpoenas, together with the mileage of such witnesses and an amount sufficient to cover at least three days' attendance of such witnesses, may require the secretary of said commission to issue subpoenas for witnesses in his behalf in the name of said commission, such subpoenas to be issued and served as in the case of subpoenas issued by the direction of the commission, and for failure of witnesses to attend upon being served with such subpoenas, the same penalty shall be imposed and collected as provided in Section 33-4-42.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 33 - Navigation and Watercourses.

Chapter 4 - Pilots and Pilotage.

Article 2 - Pilots Generally.

Section 33-4-30 - Number of Pilots; Application, Examination and Certification Required for License.

Section 33-4-31 - Qualifications; Age Limitations for Apprentices.

Section 33-4-32 - Selection of Apprentices.

Section 33-4-33 - Apprentice Not to Be Discharged Except for Cause; Appeal of Discharge.

Section 33-4-34 - Application for License, etc., to Be in Writing Accompanied by Certificate and Affidavit; Branching or Licensing According to Seniority.

Section 33-4-35 - Examination and Certification Generally.

Section 33-4-36 - Apprentice Pilots Not Required to Take Second Examination.

Section 33-4-37 - Issuing Licenses; Possession and Exhibition of Licenses; Oath of Pilot.

Section 33-4-38 - Levy, Payment, and Disposition of Pilot's License Tax.

Section 33-4-39 - Bond of Pilot - Required; Amount; Conditions; Renewal.

Section 33-4-40 - Bond of Pilot - Preserving Bonds, etc.; New Bonds; Actions on Bonds; Liability.

Section 33-4-41 - Revocation or Suspension of License for Cause - Generally.

Section 33-4-42 - Revocation or Suspension of License for Cause - Failure of Witness to Answer Subpoena.

Section 33-4-43 - Revocation or Suspension of License for Cause - Witnesses' Fees and Mileage.

Section 33-4-44 - Revocation or Suspension of License for Cause - Issuance of Subpoenas in Behalf of Pilot.

Section 33-4-45 - Revocation or Suspension of License for Cause - Hearings; Decision of Commission.

Section 33-4-46 - Grounds for Depriving Pilot of Branch.

Section 33-4-47 - Penalty for Acting Without License.

Section 33-4-48 - Pay of Pilots - Generally.

Section 33-4-49 - Pay of Pilots - Time of Payment.

Section 33-4-50 - Pay of Pilots - Fees of Pilots Detained on Vessels.

Section 33-4-51 - Pay of Pilots - No Discrimination or Rebating of Pilot's Fees.

Section 33-4-52 - Pay of Pilots - Exemptions From Payment of Pilot's Fees.

Section 33-4-53 - Compulsory Retirement of Bar Pilots.

Section 33-4-54 - Vessels Required to Take Pilots.

Section 33-4-55 - Pilot Boats Must Offer Services to Vessels Nearest Bar.

Section 33-4-56 - Delivery of Orders and Letters by Pilot.

Section 33-4-57 - Report of Unlawful Discharge of Ballast, Sweepings, Rubbish, etc., in Bay, Etc.