Code of Alabama
Chapter 2 - Redevelopment Projects.
Section 24-2-4 - Approval of Redevelopment Plan by Governing Bodies of Cities, Counties, etc., in Which Project Situated; Assistance of Redevelopment Projects by Cities, Counties, Etc.

An authority or the governing body of any city or town shall not initiate any redevelopment project under this chapter until the governing body, or agency designated by it or empowered by law to so act of each city, town, or village, hereinafter called "municipalities," in which any of the area to be covered by said project is situated has approved a plan, herein called the "redevelopment plan," which provides an outline for the development or redevelopment of said area and is sufficiently complete:
(1) To indicate its relationship to definite local objectives as to appropriate land uses and improved traffic, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities, and other public improvements;
(2) To indicate proposed land uses and building requirements in the area; and
(3) To indicate the method for the temporary relocation of persons living in such areas and also the method for providing, unless already available, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings substantially equal in number to the number of substandard dwellings to be cleared from said area, at rents within the financial reach of the income groups displaced from such substandard dwellings.
Such municipalities are hereby authorized to approve redevelopment plans through their governing body or agency designated by it for that purpose. Any city, municipality, county, or other public body shall have the same rights and powers to cooperate with and assist housing authorities with respect to redevelopment projects that such public bodies have pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 1 of this title, or any other provision of law for the purpose of assisting the development or administration of slum clearance and housing projects in the same manner as though the provisions of such laws were applicable to redevelopment projects undertaken under this chapter.