Code of Alabama
Chapter 2 - Redevelopment Projects.
Section 24-2-3 - Powers of Housing Authorities or Municipalities - Powers Under Other Housing Laws; Contracts; Issuance of Bonds and Other Obligations; Eminent Domain.

In undertaking such redevelopment projects a housing authority, or the governing body of any incorporated city or town, shall have all the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities that such authority has under Chapter 1 of this title, and any other provision of law relating to slum clearance and housing projects for persons of low income, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the power to make and execute contracts, to issue bonds and other obligations and give security therefor, to acquire real property by eminent domain or purchase, and to do any and all things necessary to carry out projects in the same manner as though all the provisions of law applicable to slum clearance and housing projects were applicable to redevelopment projects undertaken under this chapter; provided, that nothing contained in Section 24-1-6 shall be construed as limiting the power of an authority or the governing body of any incorporated city or town, in the event of a default by a purchaser or lessee of land in a redevelopment plan, to acquire property and operate it free from the restrictions contained in said section.