Code of Alabama
Article 1 - Housing Finance Authority.
Section 24-1A-2 - Definitions.

The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and others evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall, in the absence of clear implication otherwise, have the following respective meanings:
(1) AUTHORITY. The public corporation and instrumentality of the state organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(2) AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS. Bonds or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, the United States of America or the state; interest bearing bank and savings and loan association deposits; obligations of any agency of the United States of America; any obligations in which a state chartered savings and loan association may invest its funds; any agreement to repurchase any of the foregoing; or any combination thereof.
(3) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The board of directors of the authority.
(4) BONDS. Bonds or other securities representing an obligation to pay money.
(5) ELIGIBLE HOUSING UNIT. Real and personal properties located in the state constituting a single family dwelling unit for occupancy by low and moderate income families or a multi-family dwelling unit for occupancy by any persons and families without restriction as to the income of such persons or families other than any applicable federal restrictions imposed upon multi-family dwelling units financed from the proceeds of bonds the interest on which is exempt from federal income taxes.
(6) LOW AND MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES. Persons and families of one or more persons, irrespective of race, creed, national origin or sex, determined by the authority to require such assistance as is made available by this chapter on account of insufficient personal or family income taking into consideration, without limitation, such factors as follows:
a. The amount of the total income of such persons and families available for housing needs;
b. The size of the family;
c. The cost and condition of housing facilities available;
d. The ability of such persons and families to compete successfully in the normal private housing market and to pay the amounts at which private enterprise is providing sanitary, decent and safe housing; and
e. If appropriate, standards established for various federal programs with respect to housing determining eligibility based on income of such persons and families.
(7) MORTGAGE LENDERS. National banking associations, banks chartered under the laws of the state, savings or building and loan associations chartered under the laws of the state or of the United States of America, Federal National Mortgage Association approved mortgage bankers and federal or state credit unions. The terms shall also include other financial institutions or governmental agencies which customarily originate or service mortgage loans and mortgages.
(8) MORTGAGE LOANS. Notes and other evidences of indebtedness secured by mortgages.
(9) MORTGAGE PROPERTY. All properties, real, personal and mixed, and all interests therein including grants or subsidies with respect thereto, mortgaged, pledged or otherwise provided in any manner as security for (i) mortgage loans or (ii) loans to mortgage lenders.
(10) MORTGAGES. Mortgages, deeds of trust and other instruments granting security interests in real and personal properties constituting eligible housing units.
(11) MULTI-FAMILY MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages on eligible housing units constituting residential dwelling units leased to or occupied by more than one family unit.
(12) SERVICING QUALIFIED MORTGAGE LOANS. Notes and other evidences of indebtedness secured by servicing qualified mortgages.
(13) SERVICING QUALIFIED MORTGAGED PROPERTY. All properties, real, personal, or mixed, and all interests therein, mortgaged, pledged, or otherwise provided in any manner as security for servicing qualified mortgage loans.
(14) SERVICING QUALIFIED MORTGAGES. Mortgages, deeds of trust, and other instruments granting security interests in real and personal property of any kind.
(15) SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgages on eligible housing units constituting residential dwelling units occupied as the principal residence of the owner-mortgagor by a single-family unit, including, without limitation, detached single family houses, attached single family houses or townhouses and condominium units within larger structures.
(16) STATE. The State of Alabama.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 24 - Housing.

Chapter 1A - Alabama Housing Finance Authority.

Article 1 - Housing Finance Authority.

Section 24-1A-1 - Legislative Findings and Declaration of Purpose of Article.

Section 24-1A-2 - Definitions.

Section 24-1A-3 - Incorporation of Authority Authorized; Application; Filing; Fees.

Section 24-1A-4 - Members, Officers and Directors; Appointment; Qualifications; Meetings of Board and Public Notice Thereof; Salaries; Record of Proceedings; Copies of Proceedings as Evidence; Permanent Maintenance of Official Record; Members, Office...

Section 24-1A-5 - Powers of Authority.

Section 24-1A-6 - Bonds.

Section 24-1A-7 - Proceeds From Sale of Bonds; Use; Issuance Procedures; Distribution Percentages; Allocation of Proceeds Available for Single Family Mortgage Loans.

Section 24-1A-8 - Refunding Bonds.

Section 24-1A-10 - Bonds Eligible for Investment by State and Local Governments and by Executors, Trustees, Etc.

Section 24-1A-11 - Applicability of Certain Provisions of Uniform Commercial Code.

Section 24-1A-12 - Exemption From Taxation.

Section 24-1A-13 - Liability of State.

Section 24-1A-14 - Exemption From Usury and Interest Laws.

Section 24-1A-15 - Freedom of Authority From State Supervision and Control; Authority Deemed Independent Instrumentality.

Section 24-1A-16 - Earnings of Authority; Nonprofit; Excess Paid to State.

Section 24-1A-17 - Dissolution of Authority; Vesting Title to Property in State.

Section 24-1A-18 - Utilization of Services Provided by Department of Finance.

Section 24-1A-19 - Conflict of Interest; Rules Governing.

Section 24-1A-20 - Chapter Not to Aid in Refinancing.

Section 24-1A-21 - Liberal Construction.