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Section 24-1A-1 - Legislative Findings and Declaration of Purpose of Article. - (a) It is hereby found and declared that from time...
Section 24-1A-2 - Definitions. - The following words and phrases used in this chapter, and...
Section 24-1A-3 - Incorporation of Authority Authorized; Application; Filing; Fees. - (a) The nine persons initially designated as members of the...
Section 24-1A-4 - Members, Officers and Directors; Appointment; Qualifications; Meetings of Board and Public Notice Thereof; Salaries; Record of Proceedings; Copies of Proceedings as Evidence; Permanent Maintenance of Official Record; Members, Office... - (a) The applicants named in the application, being the seven...
Section 24-1A-5 - Powers of Authority. - The authority shall have the following powers: (1) To have...
Section 24-1A-6 - Bonds. - (a) General. The authority may from time to time issue...
Section 24-1A-7 - Proceeds From Sale of Bonds; Use; Issuance Procedures; Distribution Percentages; Allocation of Proceeds Available for Single Family Mortgage Loans. - (a) All moneys derived from the sale of any bonds...
Section 24-1A-8 - Refunding Bonds. - (a) Any bonds issued by the authority may from time...
Section 24-1A-10 - Bonds Eligible for Investment by State and Local Governments and by Executors, Trustees, Etc. - The State Treasurer may invest any idle or surplus moneys...
Section 24-1A-11 - Applicability of Certain Provisions of Uniform Commercial Code. - The provisions of subsection (d)(14) of Section 7-9A-109, to the...
Section 24-1A-12 - Exemption From Taxation. - The property and income of the authority, all bonds issued...
Section 24-1A-13 - Liability of State. - The state shall not in any event be liable for...
Section 24-1A-14 - Exemption From Usury and Interest Laws. - All securities issued by the authority shall be exempt from...
Section 24-1A-15 - Freedom of Authority From State Supervision and Control; Authority Deemed Independent Instrumentality. - This chapter is intended to aid the state through the...
Section 24-1A-16 - Earnings of Authority; Nonprofit; Excess Paid to State. - The authority shall be a nonprofit corporation and no part...
Section 24-1A-17 - Dissolution of Authority; Vesting Title to Property in State. - At any time when an authority has no bonds or...
Section 24-1A-18 - Utilization of Services Provided by Department of Finance. - The authority shall utilize all administrative services which may be...
Section 24-1A-19 - Conflict of Interest; Rules Governing. - The entire board of directors, the officers and employees of...
Section 24-1A-20 - Chapter Not to Aid in Refinancing. - This chapter shall not be used to assist any present...
Section 24-1A-21 - Liberal Construction. - This chapter being remedial in nature, the provisions of this...