(a) A food service establishment shall not advertise or label a food item as catfish unless it is fish classified within the family of Ictaluridae.
(b) Any advertising of catfish or other members of the Order of Siluriformes, or catfish products or siluriformes products by food service establishments shall state the country of origin if the product was imported from a country other than the United States of America. The advertising required in this subsection stating the country of origin of the product shall be displayed daily when the catfish or siluriformes or catfish products or siluriformes products are from a country other than the United States of America.
(c) No catfish or siluriformes product shall be offered for sale at a food service establishment unless consumers are notified of the name and country of origin of the product. A food service establishment shall comply with this requirement by listing the country of origin on the menu in the same location and in the same size font as the product being offered, or by using a sign or tabletop display identifying the country of origin of the catfish offered for sale. If a sign is used, it shall be a minimum of 93 square inches with characters at least one inch in size. The sign or a series of signs shall be posted on a wall in a conspicuous location or locations in plain view of all patrons. If a tabletop display is used, it shall be at least 30 square inches and be placed on each table that is used for service.