Code of Alabama
Chapter 22 - Fertilizer.
Section 2-22-20 - Rules and Regulations.

For the administration and enforcement of this chapter, the board is authorized to adopt and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations relating to the sale and distribution of commercial fertilizers necessary to carry out the full intent and meaning of this chapter, including, but not limited to, fixing tolerances for plant food deficiency penalty assessments pursuant to Section 2-22-12, providing for the incorporation into commercial fertilizer of such other substances as pesticides and the proper labeling of such mixture, establish a fee together with such other rules and regulations reasonably necessary to implement, make specific, and interpret the provisions of this chapter. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter and specifically the provisions of subdivision (5) of Section 2-22-2 relating to guaranteed analysis, the commissioner with the approval of the board shall be authorized to require by rules and regulations that the guaranteed analysis of phosphorus and potassium for labeling purposes shall be expressed in the elemental form, but until such rules and regulations are duly promulgated and adopted, the guaranteed analysis shall not be required to be expressed in the elemental form.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 22 - Fertilizer.

Section 2-22-1 - Short Title.

Section 2-22-2 - Definitions.

Section 2-22-3 - Administration of Chapter.

Section 2-22-4 - Fertilizer Dealer Permit Required; Relation to Section 2-22-5.

Section 2-22-5 - Licenses for Sale of Commercial Fertilizer.

Section 2-22-6 - Cancellation or Refusal of Licenses.

Section 2-22-7 - Labeling of Commercial Fertilizers.

Section 2-22-8 - Licensing and Labeling Requirements for Sale of Soil Conditioners and Soil Amendments.

Section 2-22-9 - Inspection Fee; Monthly Statement; Collection Fee; Disposition of Fees; Overpayments; Examination, Review, Audit of Sales Records.

Section 2-22-10 - Furnishing of Semiannual Tonnage Reports by Licensees.

Section 2-22-11 - Inspection, Sampling, Testing and Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers by Commissioner; Furnishing of Results, etc., to Licensees Where Fertilizers Found Subject to Penalty or Legal Action.

Section 2-22-12 - Proceedings Upon Determination of Deficiency in Guaranteed Primary Plant Nutrients in Commercial Fertilizers - Generally.

Section 2-22-13 - Proceedings Upon Determination of Deficiency in Guaranteed Primary Plant Nutrients in Commercial Fertilizers - Legal Actions for Recovery of Penalty.

Section 2-22-14 - Ascertainment and Publication of Fair Market Values of Nitrogen, Available Phosphorus and Soluble Potassium in Commercial Fertilizers.

Section 2-22-15 - Establishment, etc., of Standards of Classification for Commercial Fertilizers Generally; Adoption of Standards for Sale of Specialty Fertilizers; Establishment of Standards and Minimum Guarantees for Plant Nutrients Other Than Nitr...

Section 2-22-16 - Sale, Offer for Sale or Distribution of Misbranded Commercial Fertilizers; When Commercial Fertilizers Deemed Misbranded; Adoption of Regulations Defining Plant Nutrients or Commercial Fertilizers.

Section 2-22-17 - Sale, Offer for Sale or Distribution of Adulterated Commercial Fertilizers; When Commercial Fertilizers Deemed Adulterated.

Section 2-22-18 - Penalty for Manufacture of Commercial Fertilizer Short in Weight.

Section 2-22-19 - Annual Publications.

Section 2-22-20 - Rules and Regulations.

Section 2-22-21 - Suspension From Sale, Seizure and Condemnation of Commercial Fertilizers Not in Compliance With Chapter or Rules or Regulations Promulgated Thereunder.

Section 2-22-22 - Violations of Chapter or Rules or Regulations Promulgated Thereunder Deemed Misdemeanors; Injunctive Proceedings to Restrain Violations of Chapter or Rules or Regulations Promulgated Thereunder.

Section 2-22-23 - Chapter Not to Restrict or Avoid Sales or Exchanges of Commercial Fertilizers Between Manufacturers, Processors, etc., or Shipment of Fertilizers to Manufacturers or Processors.