Code of Alabama
Chapter 17 - Meat and Poultry Inspection.
Section 2-17-4 - Examination, Inspection and Labeling of Carcasses, etc., of Slaughtered Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc.; Reinspection of Carcasses, etc.; Destruction of Adulterated and Condemned Carcasses, etc.; Removal of Inspectors From Establ...

For the purposes set forth in Section 2-17-3, the commissioner shall cause to be made by inspectors appointed for that purpose, as provided in this chapter, a postmortem examination and inspection of the carcasses and parts thereof of all cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules, other equines and poultry capable of use as human food to be prepared at any slaughtering, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering or similar establishment in this state in which these articles are prepared solely for intrastate commerce, and the carcasses and parts thereof of all such animals found to be not adulterated shall be marked, stamped, tagged or labeled as "inspected and passed" and said inspectors shall mark, label, stamp or tag as "inspected and condemned" all carcasses and parts thereof of animals found to be adulterated, and all carcasses and parts thereof thus inspected and condemned shall be destroyed for food purposes by the said establishment in the presence of an inspector, and the commissioner may remove inspectors from any such establishment which fails to so destroy any such condemned carcass or part thereof. Said inspectors, after said first inspection shall, when they deem it necessary, reinspect said carcasses or parts thereof to determine whether since the first inspection the same have become adulterated; and, if any carcass or other part thereof shall upon examination and inspection subsequent to the first examination and inspection be found to be adulterated, it shall be destroyed for food purposes by the said establishment in the presence of an inspector, and the commissioner may remove inspectors from any establishment which fails to so destroy any such condemned carcass or part thereof.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 17 - Meat and Poultry Inspection.

Section 2-17-1 - Definitions.

Section 2-17-2 - Legislative Findings of Fact and Declaration of Policy; Purpose and Construction of Chapter Generally; Adoption and Promulgation of Regulations Promulgated Under Certain Federal Acts.

Section 2-17-3 - Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc., to Be Inspected Prior to Slaughter; Diseased Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc., to Be Separately Slaughtered; Examination and Inspection of Carcasses of Slaughtered Animals Generally.

Section 2-17-4 - Examination, Inspection and Labeling of Carcasses, etc., of Slaughtered Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc.; Reinspection of Carcasses, etc.; Destruction of Adulterated and Condemned Carcasses, etc.; Removal of Inspectors From Establ...

Section 2-17-5 - Applicability of Provisions as to Inspection and Examination of Carcasses, etc.; Limitation of Entry of Carcasses, etc., Into Establishments Inspected Under Chapter.

Section 2-17-6 - Inspection Not to Be Provided at Establishments for Slaughter or Preparation of Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, Carcasses, etc., Not Intended for Use as Human Food; Denaturation or Identification Thereof Prior to Offer for Sale or Transporta...

Section 2-17-7 - Registration of Persons, Firms, etc., Buying, Selling, Transporting, etc., Dead, Dying, Disabled, Diseased, etc., Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, Carcasses, Etc.

Section 2-17-8 - Persons, Firms, etc., Buying, Selling, Transporting, etc., Dead, Dying, Disabled, Diseased, etc., Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, etc., to Comply With Regulations of Commissioner for Prevention of Use of Same for Human Food Purposes.

Section 2-17-9 - Examination, Inspecting and Labeling, etc., of Meat Food Products and Poultry Food Products; Destruction of Condemned Meat Food Products and Poultry Food Products; Removal of Inspectors From Establishments Failing to Destroy Same.

Section 2-17-10 - Labeling of Cans, Pots, etc., Containing Meat, Meat Food Products, or Poultry Food Products; Misbranding of Products, or Poultry Food Products; Misbranding of Carcasses, etc.; Establishment of Definitions and Standards; Use of False...

Section 2-17-11 - Inspection of Sanitary Conditions in Slaughtering and Processing Establishments; Commissioner to Refuse to Allow Marking, Stamping, etc., of Meat Food Products, Poultry Food Products in Establishments Where Sanitary Conditions Adult...

Section 2-17-12 - Inspection of Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc., Slaughtered and Prepared in Slaughtering and Processing Establishments; Assignment of Inspectors and Designation of Days and Hours When Slaughtering and Processing to Be Done.

Section 2-17-13 - Slaughter, Sale, Offer for Sale, Transportation, etc., of Animals, Carcasses, Food Products, etc., in Violation of Provisions of Chapter or Regulations Promulgated by Commissioner.

Section 2-17-14 - Unauthorized Casting, Printing, etc., of Device or Label Containing Official Mark or Simulation; Forgery, Unauthorized Use, etc., of Official Devices, Marks, etc.; Making of False Statements in Certificates, Misrepresentations as to...

Section 2-17-15 - Sale, Offer for Sale, Transportation, etc., of Carcasses, etc., of Horses, Mules, etc., Not Marked, Labeled, etc., to Show Derivation as Required by Regulations of Commissioner; Horses, Mules, etc., to Be Prepared in Facilities Sepa...

Section 2-17-16 - Commissioner to Appoint Inspectors; Duties of Inspectors; Inspections and Examinations to Be Made in Accordance With Rules and Regulations Prescribed by Commissioner.

Section 2-17-18 - Detention of Carcasses, Meat Food Products, Poultry Food Products, etc., Believed to Be Adulterated or Misbranded, etc.; Removal of Official Marks Therefrom Prior to Release.

Section 2-17-19 - Condemnation Proceedings Generally; Disposition of Condemned Animals or Articles; Payment of Costs, Fees and Expenses, Etc.

Section 2-17-20 - Refusal or Withdrawal of Inspection as to Establishments Deemed Unfit to Engage in Business Because of Convictions Based Upon Acquisition, Distribution, etc., of Unwholesome, Mislabeled or Deceptively Packaged Food, etc.; Appeals Fr...

Section 2-17-21 - Promulgation, Approval, Adoption, Amendment, etc., of Regulations for Implementation of Chapter Generally; Issuance, etc., of Temporary Orders of Commissioner.

Section 2-17-22 - Promulgation of Regulations as to Storage and Handling of Carcasses, Meats, Etc.

Section 2-17-23 - Classes of Persons, Firms, etc., Required to Maintain Records; Examination, etc., of Records, Facilities and Inventories.

Section 2-17-24 - Conduct of Investigations and Requirement of Reports as to Organization, Business, Practices, etc., of Persons, Firms, etc., Engaged in Intrastate Commerce by Commissioner; Access to Copying, etc., of Documentary Evidence; Powers of...

Section 2-17-25 - Designation and Powers of Commissioner as State Agency for Cooperating With Secretary of Agriculture; Jurisdiction of Commissioner Exclusive as to Activities Covered by Chapter; Cooperation With Other Governmental Branches and Agenc...

Section 2-17-26 - Meat and Poultry Inspection Advisory Council.

Section 2-17-27 - Exemption of Certain Activities From Provisions of Chapter by Commissioner; Applicability of Certain Provisions of Chapter.

Section 2-17-28 - Exemption of Meat, etc., Inspected and Passed by United States Department of Agriculture.

Section 2-17-29 - Applicability of Chapter to Persons, Firms, etc., Regulated Under Federal Meat Inspection Act and Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act.

Section 2-17-30 - Jurisdiction and Prosecution of Injunctive Proceedings Under Chapter or Regulations Promulgated Thereunder.

Section 2-17-31 - Admissibility of Evidence of Violations of Chapter or Regulations Promulgated Thereunder in Civil Actions for Damages Against Persons, Firms, etc., Subject Thereto.

Section 2-17-32 - Interference With Person Engaged in Performance of Official Duties Under Chapter, Etc.

Section 2-17-33 - Failure to Attend and Testify, Answer Lawful Inquiry or Produce Documentary Evidence in Obedience to Subpoena, etc., of Commissioner.

Section 2-17-34 - Making, etc., of False Statements or Entries in Reports, Accounts, etc.; Mutilation, Alteration, etc., of Documentary Evidence, Etc.

Section 2-17-35 - Forfeiture by Persons, Firms, etc., Upon Failure to File Annual or Special Reports as Required by Commissioner.

Section 2-17-36 - Disclosure by State Officer or Employee of Information Obtained by Commissioner Without Proper Authority.

Section 2-17-37 - Penalties for Violations of Chapter; Commissioner Not Required to Report Minor Violations of Chapter for Prosecution, Etc.

Section 2-17-38 - Construction of Chapter.