Code of Alabama
Chapter 17 - Meat and Poultry Inspection.
Section 2-17-26 - Meat and Poultry Inspection Advisory Council.

Repealed by Act 2015-70 effective April 21, 2015.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 17 - Meat and Poultry Inspection.

Section 2-17-1 - Definitions.

Section 2-17-2 - Legislative Findings of Fact and Declaration of Policy; Purpose and Construction of Chapter Generally; Adoption and Promulgation of Regulations Promulgated Under Certain Federal Acts.

Section 2-17-3 - Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc., to Be Inspected Prior to Slaughter; Diseased Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc., to Be Separately Slaughtered; Examination and Inspection of Carcasses of Slaughtered Animals Generally.

Section 2-17-4 - Examination, Inspection and Labeling of Carcasses, etc., of Slaughtered Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc.; Reinspection of Carcasses, etc.; Destruction of Adulterated and Condemned Carcasses, etc.; Removal of Inspectors From Establ...

Section 2-17-5 - Applicability of Provisions as to Inspection and Examination of Carcasses, etc.; Limitation of Entry of Carcasses, etc., Into Establishments Inspected Under Chapter.

Section 2-17-6 - Inspection Not to Be Provided at Establishments for Slaughter or Preparation of Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, Carcasses, etc., Not Intended for Use as Human Food; Denaturation or Identification Thereof Prior to Offer for Sale or Transporta...

Section 2-17-7 - Registration of Persons, Firms, etc., Buying, Selling, Transporting, etc., Dead, Dying, Disabled, Diseased, etc., Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, Carcasses, Etc.

Section 2-17-8 - Persons, Firms, etc., Buying, Selling, Transporting, etc., Dead, Dying, Disabled, Diseased, etc., Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, etc., to Comply With Regulations of Commissioner for Prevention of Use of Same for Human Food Purposes.

Section 2-17-9 - Examination, Inspecting and Labeling, etc., of Meat Food Products and Poultry Food Products; Destruction of Condemned Meat Food Products and Poultry Food Products; Removal of Inspectors From Establishments Failing to Destroy Same.

Section 2-17-10 - Labeling of Cans, Pots, etc., Containing Meat, Meat Food Products, or Poultry Food Products; Misbranding of Products, or Poultry Food Products; Misbranding of Carcasses, etc.; Establishment of Definitions and Standards; Use of False...

Section 2-17-11 - Inspection of Sanitary Conditions in Slaughtering and Processing Establishments; Commissioner to Refuse to Allow Marking, Stamping, etc., of Meat Food Products, Poultry Food Products in Establishments Where Sanitary Conditions Adult...

Section 2-17-12 - Inspection of Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, etc., Slaughtered and Prepared in Slaughtering and Processing Establishments; Assignment of Inspectors and Designation of Days and Hours When Slaughtering and Processing to Be Done.

Section 2-17-13 - Slaughter, Sale, Offer for Sale, Transportation, etc., of Animals, Carcasses, Food Products, etc., in Violation of Provisions of Chapter or Regulations Promulgated by Commissioner.

Section 2-17-14 - Unauthorized Casting, Printing, etc., of Device or Label Containing Official Mark or Simulation; Forgery, Unauthorized Use, etc., of Official Devices, Marks, etc.; Making of False Statements in Certificates, Misrepresentations as to...

Section 2-17-15 - Sale, Offer for Sale, Transportation, etc., of Carcasses, etc., of Horses, Mules, etc., Not Marked, Labeled, etc., to Show Derivation as Required by Regulations of Commissioner; Horses, Mules, etc., to Be Prepared in Facilities Sepa...

Section 2-17-16 - Commissioner to Appoint Inspectors; Duties of Inspectors; Inspections and Examinations to Be Made in Accordance With Rules and Regulations Prescribed by Commissioner.

Section 2-17-18 - Detention of Carcasses, Meat Food Products, Poultry Food Products, etc., Believed to Be Adulterated or Misbranded, etc.; Removal of Official Marks Therefrom Prior to Release.

Section 2-17-19 - Condemnation Proceedings Generally; Disposition of Condemned Animals or Articles; Payment of Costs, Fees and Expenses, Etc.

Section 2-17-20 - Refusal or Withdrawal of Inspection as to Establishments Deemed Unfit to Engage in Business Because of Convictions Based Upon Acquisition, Distribution, etc., of Unwholesome, Mislabeled or Deceptively Packaged Food, etc.; Appeals Fr...

Section 2-17-21 - Promulgation, Approval, Adoption, Amendment, etc., of Regulations for Implementation of Chapter Generally; Issuance, etc., of Temporary Orders of Commissioner.

Section 2-17-22 - Promulgation of Regulations as to Storage and Handling of Carcasses, Meats, Etc.

Section 2-17-23 - Classes of Persons, Firms, etc., Required to Maintain Records; Examination, etc., of Records, Facilities and Inventories.

Section 2-17-24 - Conduct of Investigations and Requirement of Reports as to Organization, Business, Practices, etc., of Persons, Firms, etc., Engaged in Intrastate Commerce by Commissioner; Access to Copying, etc., of Documentary Evidence; Powers of...

Section 2-17-25 - Designation and Powers of Commissioner as State Agency for Cooperating With Secretary of Agriculture; Jurisdiction of Commissioner Exclusive as to Activities Covered by Chapter; Cooperation With Other Governmental Branches and Agenc...

Section 2-17-26 - Meat and Poultry Inspection Advisory Council.

Section 2-17-27 - Exemption of Certain Activities From Provisions of Chapter by Commissioner; Applicability of Certain Provisions of Chapter.

Section 2-17-28 - Exemption of Meat, etc., Inspected and Passed by United States Department of Agriculture.

Section 2-17-29 - Applicability of Chapter to Persons, Firms, etc., Regulated Under Federal Meat Inspection Act and Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act.

Section 2-17-30 - Jurisdiction and Prosecution of Injunctive Proceedings Under Chapter or Regulations Promulgated Thereunder.

Section 2-17-31 - Admissibility of Evidence of Violations of Chapter or Regulations Promulgated Thereunder in Civil Actions for Damages Against Persons, Firms, etc., Subject Thereto.

Section 2-17-32 - Interference With Person Engaged in Performance of Official Duties Under Chapter, Etc.

Section 2-17-33 - Failure to Attend and Testify, Answer Lawful Inquiry or Produce Documentary Evidence in Obedience to Subpoena, etc., of Commissioner.

Section 2-17-34 - Making, etc., of False Statements or Entries in Reports, Accounts, etc.; Mutilation, Alteration, etc., of Documentary Evidence, Etc.

Section 2-17-35 - Forfeiture by Persons, Firms, etc., Upon Failure to File Annual or Special Reports as Required by Commissioner.

Section 2-17-36 - Disclosure by State Officer or Employee of Information Obtained by Commissioner Without Proper Authority.

Section 2-17-37 - Penalties for Violations of Chapter; Commissioner Not Required to Report Minor Violations of Chapter for Prosecution, Etc.

Section 2-17-38 - Construction of Chapter.